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Friday, January 17

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This is Research: 50 Years of Undergraduate Innovation


In celebration of 50 years of the undergraduate research program at Utah State University, the Office of Research presents a landmark exhibition showcasing the innovative work of undergraduate researchers across all disciplines. From microscopy images to engineering prototypes, artistic interpretations to scientific specimens, this curated collection demonstrates how undergraduate research at USU has impacted student lives and our understanding of the world since 1975.

9:00 am - 5:00 pm | Tippetts & Eccles Art Galleries |

ENVS Grad Student Q&A w/ Dept. Head


ENVS Grad Student Q&A w/ Dept. Head Meeting

10:00 am - 11:00 am | Natural Resources Building |

Five-Slide Friday


Five-Slide Friday is an informal get together over lunch on (some) Fridays where faculty and students from the Department of Data Analytics and Information Systems can present about their education, field of study, work experience, academic research, ASC project, new favorite data tool, etc. and answer questions. The objective is to help ease the friction that naturally occurs in interdisciplinary settings while helping both faculty and students learn and retool. Bring your lunch and, if you're presenting, remember that you can't prepare more than five slides!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Merrill Cazier Library Innovation Hub |

Alumni Speaker Series Presents Using Design Thinking to Build the Life you Want with Joseph Banks

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Unlock your potential and design the life you want by learning how to apply design thinking from a career coach & job market specialist! Free lunch provided.

12:30 pm - 1:20 pm | USU Libraries |

Department of Computer Science Grand Opening Celebration

Special Event

All are invited to the Grand Opening Celebration of the USU Department of Computer Sciences' new departmental location and facilities in the Science Engineering Research (SER) Building on the Logan campus. The celebration will take place on the 1st floor of the SER building in the department's new student lounge. Enjoy street tacos, a slideshow showcasing CS research, join in "Challenge the Professor," "Ask Chad," and a prize raffle. Tour the new collaborative study and research areas. Ribbon cutting ceremony at 2:30 pm. RSVP to https://tinyurl.com/RSVP-CS-at-SER. And, if you wish, stick around for the VIDEO GAME FEST 2:45-5 pm.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm | SER Building |

Counter Strike Tournament


We've got another tournament at the Esports Center, today is Counter Strike. Experienced or not, come to the Esports Arena and play with us! Free with an Esports Membership or just $8 without, the arena is located next to Maverick Stadium in the old Distribution Building.

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm |

USU Opera: The Rape of Lucretia


The chamber opera "The Rape of Lucretia" by English composer Benjamin Britten narrates the tragic mytho-historical story of the faithful Lucretia and the events leading to her assault by Prince Tarquinius, the errant son of a pre-Republic Roman tyrant.

A masterpiece of the operatic literature, this piece was instrumental in ushering in a new golden age of English opera in the mid-20th century. Performed by USU voice and orchestra students in the Russell/Wanlass Performance Hall, Jan. 17, 7:30 p.m. and Jan. 19, 4 p.m. Guest directed by Vanessa Ballam, conducted by Maestro Daniel Wachs.

7:30 pm | Russell/Wanlass Performance Hall |




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