
Below is a list of providers that are currently working with the CCAMPIS program or have worked with us recently.

If you choose to enroll with a child care provider outside of our network, they must be state-licensed and either nationally accredited (NAEYC or NEPCA for child care centers, and NAFCC for family child care providers); currently working toward national accreditation; or willing to work toward national accreditation. A family member, neighbor, friend, nanny, or babysitter usually will not meet these requirements.

If your provider is not in our network, please provide their information in your application so we can review them for consideration.

If you are in the process of selecting a provider, Care About Childcare has a search site where you can look up which providers have openings:  Any providers listed on the search will be state licensed and eligible to join our program if they are accredited or willing to work toward accreditation.

Providers listed as 'Accredited' have received national accreditation from the NAFCC, NAEYC, or NECPA.

Name (Contact) Accredited Phone Approximate Address City, State Zip
Brenda's Childcare (Brenda Petith) Yes (435) 787-1871 1700 N 1600 E North Logan, UT 84341
Busibee Family Child Care (Ellen Millburn) Yes (435) 753-4549 800 W 300 S Logan, UT 84321
Child Care Connection (Ellen Barrett) Yes (435) 245-4296 200 S 600 E Hyrum, UT 84319
Country Munchkins Child Care (Tonya Edwards)   (435) 820-4977 1600 S Hwy 6 Price, UT 84501
Roots and Wings (Julie Backlund)   (435) 753-2146 2300 N 1200 E North Logan, UT 84341
Dolores Doré Eccles Center for Early Care & Education Yes (435) 797-3657 900 E 700 N Logan, UT 84322
Doodlebug Academy (Amy Kay James) Yes (435) 535-1675 100 W 800 S Smithfield, UT 84335
Colleen Harper Daycare (Colleen Harper)   (435) 770-0820 400 W 300 S Logan, UT 84321
Home Sweet Daycare (Stephanie Smith)   (435) 265-6872

500 E 500 S

Smithfield, UT 84335
Home Sweet Daycare #2 (Stephanie Smith)   (435) 265-6872

200 S 100 W

Smithfield, UT 84335
Jr. Aggies Academy (USU Blanding)   (435) 678-8166

500 W 200 S

Blanding, UT 84511
Konie's Kids (Konie Humphreys) Yes (435) 213-7503

2100 N 1600 E

North Logan, UT 84341
Leaps 'N Bounds Childcare (Susan Folkman)   (435) 760-3546

100 W 100 S

Providence, UT  84332
Let's Play! Childcare (Misti Hamaker)   (385) 345-5214

200 S 300 E

Hyrum, UT 84319
Little Fleur Childcare (Naomie Murund)   (435) 494-9734

600 E 1200 N

Logan, UT 84341
Little Learners Charities (JoAnna Hagen Manzanares)   (435) 637-5437

100 N Cedar Hills Lane

Price, UT  84501
Little Wonders West   (435) 213-9553

400 W 1400 N

Logan, UT 84321
Little Wonders Learning Center - South   (435) 752-2266

3200 S Main

Nibley, UT 84321
Little Wonders North   (435) 753-6080

200 E 1200 N

Logan, UT 84341
Loree's Land of Love and Learning (Loree Mayers) Yes (435) 245-4481

700 E 300 S

Hyrum, UT 84319
Meaningful Mindz (Janell Fiack)   (435) 650-4773

300 E Main

Price, UT 84501
Nanny's Nurturey (Jennifer Hoyt)   (435) 494-5884

500 E 900 N

Logan, UT 84321
Rosie's Playhouse (Rosie Ayala) Yes (435) 730-0231

200 N 900 E

Brigham City, UT 84302
San Juan Foundation Child Care Center (Lisa Carr)   (435) 651-3012

Townsite Road

Montezuma Creek, UT 84534
Tolley Toddlers (Jill Emerson)   (435) 637-1410

300 N 400 E

Price, UT 84501