Yi Rao
Analytical/Physical Chemistry
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Office Location: WIDT 024Phone: (435) 797-0640
Email: yi.rao@usu.edu
Additional Information:
Teaching Interests
Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, and Physical Chemistry
Research Interests
Interfacial Chemistry relevant to environment and energy, heterogeneous catalysis, coherent transport of single crystals and thin films
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Rahman, T., Jiang, T., Zhang, C., Rao, Y., Hou, L., (2023). Diatoms in wastewater treatment: Potentials, applications, and values of biomass. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
- Fang, H., Wu, Y., Kuhn, D., Zander, Z., DeLacy, B., Rao, Y., Dai, H., (2018). Electron injection from a carboxylic anchoring dye to TiO2 nanoparticles in aprotic solvents. Chemical Physics, 515:17, 93-97. doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.chemphys.2018.02.022
- Qian, Y., Deng, G., Rao, Y., , (2018). In Situ Chemical Analysis of the Gas–Aerosol Particle Interface. Analytical Chemistry, 90:18, 10967-10973. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b02537
- Monahan, N.R, Sun, D., Tamura, H., Williams, K.W, Xu, B., Zhong, Y., Kumar, B., Nuckolls, C., Harutyunyan, A.R, Chen, G., Dai, H., Beljonne, D., Rao, Y., Zhu, X., (2017). Dynamics of the triplet-pair state reveals the likely coexistence of coherent and incoherent singlet fission in crystalline hexacene. Nature chemistry, 9:4, 341.
- Fang, H., Xu, B., Li, X., Kuhn, D.L, Zachary, Z., Tian, G., Chen, V., Chu, R., DeLacy, B.G, Rao, Y., Dai, H., (2017). Effects of Molecular Structure and Solvent Polarity on Adsorption of Carboxylic Anchoring Dyes onto TiO2 Particles in Aprotic Solvents. Langmuir, 33:28, 7036–7042.
- Zhang, Z., Xu, B., Xu, B., Jin, L., Dai, H., Rao, Y., Ren, S., (2017). External Stimuli Responsive 2D Charge Transfer Polymers. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 4:2
- Tsui, W.G, Rao, Y., Dai, H., McNeill, V.F, (2017). Modeling Photosensitized Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in Laboratory and Ambient Aerosols. Environmental Science & Technology
- Wu, Y., Li, W., Xu, B., Li, X., Wang, H., McNeill, V.F, Rao, Y., Dai, H., (2016). Observation of Organic Molecules at the Aerosol Surface. The journal of physical chemistry letters, 7:12, 2294–2297.
- Li, W., Li, X., Jockusch, S., Wang, H., Xu, B., Wu, Y., Tsui, W.G, Dai, H., McNeill, V.F, Rao, Y., (2016). Photoactivated Production of Secondary Organic Species from Isoprene in Aqueous Systems. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 120:45, 9042–9048.
- Xu, B., Luo, Z., Gao, W., Wilson, A.J, He, C., Chen, X., Yuan, G., Dai, H., Rao, Y., Willets, K., others, , (2016). Solution-Processed Molecular Opto-Ferroic Crystals. Chemistry of Materials, 28:7, 2441–2448.
- Jnawali, G., Rao, Y., Beck, J.H, Petrone, N., Kymissis, I., Hone, J., Heinz, T.F, (2015). Observation of ground-and excited-state charge transfer at the C60/graphene interface. ACS nano, 9:7, 7175–7185.
- Hestand, N., Yamagata, H., Xu, B., Sun, D., Zhong, Y., Harutyunyan, A.R, Chen, G., Dai, H., Rao, Y., Spano, F., (2015). Polarized Absorption in Crystalline Pentacene: Theory vs Experiment. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119:38, 22137–22147.
- Imler, G.H, Li, X., Xu, B., Dobereiner, G.E, Dai, H., Rao, Y., Wayland, B.B, (2015). Solid state transformation of the crystalline monohydrate (CH 3 NH 3) PbI 3 (H 2 O) to the (CH 3 NH 3) PbI 3 perovskite. Chemical Communications, 51:56, 11290–11292.
- Xu, B., Wu, Y., Sun, D., Dai, H., Rao, Y., (2015). Stabilized phase detection of heterodyne sum frequency generation for interfacial studies. Optics letters, 40:19, 4472–4475.
- Rao, Y., Kwok, S.J, Lombardi, J., Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2014). Label-free probe of HIV-1 TAT peptide binding to mimetic membranes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111:35, 12684–12688.
- Sun, D., Rao, Y., Reider, G.A, Chen, G., You, Y., Brézin, Louis, , Harutyunyan, A.R, Heinz, T.F, (2014). Observation of rapid exciton–exciton annihilation in monolayer molybdenum disulfide. Nano letters, 14:10, 5625–5629.
- Doughty, B., Rao, Y., Kazer, S.W, Kwok, S.J, Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2013). Binding of the anti-cancer drug daunomycin to DNA probed by second harmonic generation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117:49, 15285–15289.
- Li, X., Li, Y., Rao, Y., Solomon, M.R, Paik, D.C, Turro, N.J, (2013). Mechanistic and catalytic studies of $β$-nitroalcohol crosslinking with polyamine. Journal of applied polymer science, 128:6, 3696–3701.
- Jnawali, G., Rao, Y., Yan, H., Heinz, T.F, (2013). Observation of a transient decrease in terahertz conductivity of single-layer graphene induced by ultrafast optical excitation. Nano letters, 13:2, 524–530.
- Li, Y., Rao, Y., Mak, K.F, You, Y., Wang, S., Dean, C.R, Heinz, T.F, (2013). Probing symmetry properties of few-layer MoS2 and h-BN by optical second-harmonic generation. Nano letters, 13:7, 3329–3333.
- Doughty, B., Rao, Y., Kazer, S.W, Kwok, S.J, Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2013). Probing the relative orientation of molecules bound to DNA through controlled interference using second-harmonic generation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110:15, 5756–5758.
- Rao, Y., Xu, M., Jockusch, S., Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2012). Dynamics of excited state electron transfer at a liquid interface using time-resolved sum frequency generation. Chemical Physics Letters, 544, 1–6.
- Rao, Y., Hong, S., Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2011). Molecular orientational distribution at interfaces using second harmonic generation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115:23, 11678–11683.
- Rao, Y., Li, X., Lei, X., Jockusch, S., George, M.W, Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2011). Observations of interfacial population and organization of surfactants with sum frequency generation and surface tension. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115:24, 12064–12067.
- Rao, Y., Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2010). Solvation dynamics at the air/water interface with time-resolved sum-frequency generation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114:41, 17703–17708.
- Xu, Y., Rao, Y., Zheng, D., Guo, Y., Liu, M., Wang, H., (2009). Inhomogeneous and spontaneous formation of chirality in the Langmuir monolayer of achiral molecules at the air/water interface probed by in situ surface second harmonic generation linear dichroism. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113:10, 4088–4098.
- Rao, Y., Subir, M., McArthur, E.A, Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2009). Organic ions at the air/water interface. Chemical Physics Letters, 477:4, 241–244.
- Rao, Y., Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2009). Water structure at air/acetonitrile aqueous solution interfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113:32, 14384–14389.
- Shang, X., Nguyen, K., Rao, Y., Eisenthal, K.B, (2008). In-plane molecular rotational dynamics at a negatively charged surfactant/aqueous interface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112:51, 20375–20381.
- Rao, Y., Song, D., Turro, N.J, Eisenthal, K.B, (2008). Orientational motions of vibrational chromophores in molecules at the air/water interface with time-resolved sum frequency generation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112:43, 13572–13576.
- Bian, H., Rao, Y., Xu, Y., Liu, A., Guo, Y., Wang, H., (2007). A New Type of Two-photon Forward Radiation in Pure Liquids. arXiv preprint arXiv:0706.2408 *
- Rao, Y., Comstock, M., Eisenthal, K.B, (2006). Absolute orientation of molecules at interfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110:4, 1727–1732.
- Wang*, Hong-Fei, , Gan, W., Lu, R., Rao, Y., Wu, B., (2005). Quantitative spectral and orientational analysis in surface sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG-VS). International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, 24:2, 191–256.
- Rao, Y., Guo, X., Tao, Y., Wang, H., (2004). Observation of the direct S 2→ S 0 two-photon fluorescence between 370 and 480 nm and the hyperpolarizability of crystal violet (CV) from spectrally resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering measurement. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 108:39, 7977–7982.
- Rao, Y., Tao, Y., Wang, H., (2003). Quantitative analysis of orientational order in the molecular monolayer by surface second harmonic generation. The Journal of chemical physics, 119:10, 5226–5236.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Rao, Y., (2006). Femtosecond VII, Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency of Molecules at Aqueous Interfaces. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd. *
- Rao, Y., (2013). Ultrafast Processes at Liquid Interfaces Investigated with Time-Resolved Sum Frequency Generation. Ultrafast Infrared Vibrational Spectroscopy *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Chem 3090/Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Spring 2024
Chem 7640/Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy, Spring 2024
CHEM 3000 - Quantitative Analysis, Fall 2023
, Spring 2023
3090 - 3090/Physical Chemistry Lab, Spring 2023
CHEM 3090 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory (CI), Spring 2023
CHEM 3000 - Quantitative Analysis, Fall 2022
, Spring 2022
Chem 3090 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Spring 2022
CHEM 3090 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory (CI), Spring 2022
Chem 7640 - Special topic, Spring 2022
, Fall 2021
CHEM 3000 - Quantitative Analysis, Fall 2021
Chem 3000 - Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Fall 2021
, Spring 2021
Chem7640 - Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy, Spring 2021
3090 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Spring 2021
CHEM 3000 - Quantitative Analysis, Fall 2020
CHEM 3000 - Quantitative Analysis, Fall 2019
CHEM 3090 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory II, Spring 2019
CHEM 7800 - Seminar, Spring 2019
CHEM 7800 - Seminar, Spring 2019
CHEM 7640 - Special Topics in Analytical Chemistry (Topic), Spring 2019
CHEM 3000 - Quantitative Analysis, Fall 2018
CHEM 7800 - Seminar, Fall 2018
CHEM 7800 - Seminar, Fall 2018
CHEM 7600 - Analytical Spectroscopy, Fall 2017
Graduate Students Mentored
Haley Fisher, Chemistry & Biochemistry, August 2023
Jesse Brown, Chemistry & Biochemistry, July 2021
Yuqin Qian, Chemistry & Biochemistry, August 2017 - December 2022
Qianshun Wei, Chemistry & Biochemistry, July 2019 - June 2020
Qing Xie, Chemistry & Biochemistry, July 2019 - June 2020
Liming Tan, Chemistry & Biochemistry - June 2020