Instrumentation Repair Shop

Since 1875, Shimadzu is pursuing leading-edge science and technologies in analytical and measuring instruments including chromatographs and mass spectrometers, medical devices, aeronautics, and, industrial equipment.

Model QP5000 Shimadzu GC-MS
Model QP5000 Shimadzu GC-MS

An Analytical Sciences Laboratory, equipped in part by a generous donation from the Shimadzu Corporation, contains a model QP5000 Shimadzu GC-MS with electron impact ionization, a model 2020 Shimadzu LC-MS with binary gradient and electrospray ionization; a fast-scan UV-VIS spectrophotometer; gradient HPLC system with an autosampler and UV-VIS and fluorescence detection;  automated peptide synthesizer; Biacore surface plasmon resonance (SPR) instrument; Epsilon electrochemistry workstation; and a KinTek stopped-flow spectrophotometer.

Millipore water purification system; BioRad MyCycler thermal cyclers for PCR
Millipore water purification system; BioRad MyCycler thermal cyclers for PCR

A separate laboratory with shared equipment for biochemical research includes a Millipore water purification system; BioRad MyCycler thermal cyclers for PCR; Sorvall T-21 high-speed centrifuge; Beckman Coulter analytical ultracentrifuge; ChemiDoc MP Gel Imaging System; NanoDrop ND-1000 spectrophotometer; Fujifilm LAS-3000 imager; temperature controlled shakers; and a Nano ITC 2c System for isothermal titration calorimetry.

Instrument Repair Shop

The Instrument Repair Shop is a service provided by the College of Science. Equipment from other Colleges will be serviced but priority is given to COS equipment.

Service is requested by contacting the Instrument Repair Shop or filling out a Research Support Invoice. Time and material will be recorded on a Research Support Invoice and billed against an index number. Equipment owners/users are responsible for the decontamination of equipment before service.

The Instrument Shop is located in room 290 of Maeser Lab (ML). 

More Information
Electronics and Instrumentation Specialist 
Buckley E. Banham

(435) 797-1614
(435) 797-3390