Advising is an essential tool for academic success and timely graduation. Each student should regularly meet with an advisor. Three different types of advising are available in the department. Click on the "Schedule and Appointment" button to get started.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry
The BS emphases require a common core of courses, but allows for a different concentration of advanced work according to the interests and career objectives of the student. Additional information and a complete listing of required courses can be found on the major sheet.
Explore Different Chemistry Degree Emphases
Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry
The BS in Biochemistry encompasses the study of the properties and functions of biological macromolecules, the mechanisms of action of enzymes, gene and protein regulation and expression, bioenergetics, and the metabolic pathways and processes that use and generate chemical and light energy. At its core, biochemistry recognizes and explains the unifying chemical principles that lie at the heart of the diverse expressions of life.
Bachelor of Science Degree Courses
Chemistry Minor
A chemistry minor can be accomplished by completing 10 credits of the required Principles of Chemistry Series with labs and 10 credits of chemistry elective courses with a C- or better. A chemistry minor is a background to a number of majors. The minor prepares you for graduate school, enhances many job opportunities, and gives you analytical skills that can benefit you in any career.
Note: Prerequisites are required for enrollment in chemistry courses.
Chemistry Teaching Minor
A Chemistry Teaching Minor is only available to students pursuing a Teaching Major at USU. The teaching minor can be accomplished by completing 14-15 credits of required courses and one 3-4 credit elective chemistry course with a C- or better. Students are also required to complete two semesters of the SCED Clinical Experience for Science and two semesters of Teaching Science Methods courses. With a chemistry teaching minor you are ready to start teaching a science course right away in secondary education.
Students outside the state of Utah should consult their particular state guidelines to compare course requirements for Chemistry teaching licensure in their state, with those in the Chemistry Teaching Minor. Completion of the chemistry teaching minor does not constitute official licensure, which, depending on the state, may have additional requirements and must be applied for from each state’s Board of Education.
Chemistry Teaching Minor Courses
Degree with Honors
Students who have been admitted to the Honors Program and completed all required paperwork may complete an Honors degree. The Honors notation will appear on student's transcript and diploma.
A full description of USU Honors Program can be found here. There are several ways for Chemistry and Biochemistry majors who have been admitted to the Honors Program to earn Honors Practical Application Points from activities within the department. These include:
- Course contracts in upper division courses (3000-level or above)
- Contracts for research, scholarship, or other projects
- Internship contracts
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Chemistry
The BA degree requires the common core of courses and is complemented with proficiency in one or more language programs. This degree is an excellent choice for students with an interest in studying law or business and who have an interest in science.