This site contains free software for putting courses on-line.
To use the software you will need Perl 5.002 (or above)
and the ability to install CGI-bin scripts on your server.
Contact your server administrator to determine if you lack any of the
above. If you have all of the above, the software should be
relatively easy to install and use for someone with a limited knowledge
of Unix. It has been successfully installed and
used at numerous sites.
Please send e-mail to Curtis.Dyreson at usu.edu
if you have successfully installed the software or are having problems.
The software was written on a DEC-Alpha in a Unix environment using Perl 5.002.
SAMaker v1.2 (Self-Assessment Maker)
- A self-assessment is an interactive sequence of questions to
which the WWW gives answers immediately.
- Latest release: v1.2, June. 17, 1998.
- added STATS-PRESENTATION format to control formatting of statistics
- v1.1, Mar. 10, 1998.
- bug fix to chmod routines in LessonMaker
- v1.0, Dec. 12, 1997. New features include:
- no longer uses DBM files,
- multi-lingual, all formatting is entirely under author's control,
- and as many questions as desired on each page in the self-assessment.
- First release: v0.8, Aug. 10, 1995.
Make your own quizzes.
Make your own surveys.
Maintain your marks using the Web (Available only locally).
All software is beta-release and as is
SAMaker SAMakercode.tar.gz |
QuizMaker Quizcode.tar.gz |
ASurveyMaker Surveycode.tar.gz
Curtis E. Dyreson
© 1995-2000. All rights reserved.