I received the
2015 SIGMOD Contributions Award for service
General co-Chair for SIGMOD 2014 with
Feifei Li (University of Utah)
The Program co-Chair for DASFAA 2014 with Sourav S. Bhowmick
(NTU) and Christian S. Jensen
(Aalborg University)
The Program co-Chair for TIME 2016 with Michael Reichhardt and Luke Hunsberger
Serve on the ACM SIGMOD Executive
Committee (2004-2021)
The Information Director
for ACM Transactions on Database Systems
Information Director for ACM SIGMOD
The ACM SIGMOD Anthology editor (2004-2007)
The ACM SIGMOD Digital Symposium Collection (DiSC) editor (2007-2012),
I was also an Assistant DiSC editor (1998-2001)
I served on the following program committees.
- Conferences
EDBT Senior PC 2023
COMAD Senior PC 2021
SIGMOD 2023, 2021, 2017, 2016, 1999
SIGMOD Demo Track 2018, 2011
ICDE 2022, 1998
ICDE Demo Track 2016
VLDB Demo Track 2015, 2005
VLDB 2022, 2020, 2019, 2017, 1997
EDBT 2018
DASFAA 2018, 2017, 2006, 2001, 1999
CIKM Demo 2018
DEXA 2009, 2008
CSE 2012, 2010
TIME 2021, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2008, 2005
SSTD 2005, 2003
SAC (Web Systems Track) 2003, 2004, 2005
Australian Computer Science Conference (ACSC) 2017 through 2009
Inter. Conf. on Information Systems, Technology and Management (ICISTM) 2006
CollaborateCom 2005
Second International Human.Society@Internet Conference (HSI) 2003
Australian Database Conference (ADC) 1999
Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop 2012
Workshop on the Management of Uncertain Data (MUD) 2009, 2010, 2011
Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017
Workshop on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DAWAK) 2009 through 2018
Workshop on tools for XML (XANTEC) 2007, 2008
Workshop on Management of Database Warehouses (DMDW) 2002
Workshop on Re-use of Web Information WWW7 1998
Workshop on Change Management and Evolution (ECDM) 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012
Workshop on text and citation analysis for scholarly digital libraries
(NLPIR4DL) 2009
Workshop on OLAPing Complex Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Data (WOCD) 2010, 2012
Reviewer for
ACM Transactions on Database Systems
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
ACM Computing Surveys
Transactions on Large-Scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems
VLDB Journal
Information Systems
International Journal for Computational Intelligence
Information and Software Technology Journal
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
Conferences and Workshops
HiCSS 2004, 2005, 2011
Australian World-wide Web Conference (AusWeb) 2001
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 1993, 1995, and 1997
ACM SIGMOD International Conference on the Management of Data (SIGMOD) 1994
2nd International Temporal Database Workshop 1995
International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 1996
Australian Computer Science Conference (ACSC) 1998, 1999
Australian Conference on Computer Science Education (ACSE) 1996, 1997, and 1998
Utah State University
University Post Graduate Task Force - 2021-current
Associate Department Head - 2017-2020
College Curriculum Committee - 2019-2020
College Research Council - 2018-2019
Faculty Senate Evaluation Committee - 2015-2018
Faculty Senate Executive Committee - 2012-2013
Faculty Senate - 2011-2013
Department of Computer Science Graduate Committee - 2012-current
Department of Computer Science Hiring Committee Chair - 2015-2016, 2017-2018
Department of Computer Science Hiring Committee - 2008-2010
Washington State University
School of EECS Hiring Committee - 2001-2005
School of EECS Curriculum Committee - 2003-2005