Carol Dehler
Professor & Undergraduate Mentor

Contact Information
Office Location: Geology 201Phone: 435.797.0764
Additional Information:
Educational Background
PhD, Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, 2001; MS, Geology, Northern Arizona University 1995; BA, Geology 1991, Humboldt State University; prior geology courses, Santa Barbara City College.
Teaching Interests
Physical and historical geology; stratigraphy and sedimentology; sedimentary geochronology; sedimentary geochemistry; and field geology.
Research Interests
Precambrian geology; Neoproterozoic Earth Systems; Snowball Earth; ChUMP basins; detrital zircon and Re-Os geochronology, micropaleontology, Cambrian systems in the western US
Research Fellow, 2018
Geological Society of America
Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2018
College of Science USU
Gardner Junior Faculty Travel Fellowship, 2005
Utah State University
Wanek Award, 2000
University of New Mexico
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Merit Award, 1999
Graduate Research Support: Fellowship, 1999
Office of Graduate Studies, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 1999
University of New Mexico
Regents Scholarship, 1998
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Teacher of the Year Scholarship, 1992
Northern Arizona University
Publications | Books
- Dehler, C.M, Pederson, J., (2005). Interior Western U.S.: Geological Society of America Field Guide.
- Dehler, C.M, Pederson, J.L, Sprinkel, D.A, Kowallis, B.J, (2005). Uinta Mountain Geology: Utah Geological Association Publication.
- Dehler, C.M, Anderson, K., Nagy, R., (2011). New descriptions of the cap dolostone and associated strata, Neoproterozoic Pocatello Formation, southeastern Idaho, U.S.A: Geologic Field Trips to the Basin and Range, Rocky Mountains, Snake River Plain, and Terranes of the U.S. Cordillera. Geological Society of America Field Guide
- Dehler, C.M, Sprinkel, D.A, Porter, S., (2005). Neoproterozoic Uinta Mountain Group of northeastern Utah: Pre-Sturtian Geographic, Tectonic, and Biologic Evolution.. Interior Western U.S.: Geological Society of America Field Guide
- Dehler, C.M, Sprinkel, D.A, (2005). Revised stratigraphy and correlation of the Uinta Mountain Group, north eastern Utah. Uinta Mountain Geology: Utah Geological Association Publication
- Dehler, C.M, DeGrey, L.D, (2005). Stratigraphy and facies analysis of the eastern Uinta Mountain Group, Utah-Colorado border region: Uinta Mountain Geology. Utah Geological Association Publication
- Dehler, C.M, Grader, G., (1999). Devonian Stratigraphy in east-central Idaho: New perspectives from the Lemhi Range and Bayhorse area: Rocky Mountain Section Guidebook. Geological Society of America
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Dehler, C.M, (2023). Precise U-Pb age models refine Neoproterozoic western Laurentian rift initiation, correlation, and Earth system changes . Precambrian Research, 396, 1-16. doi:
- Planavsky, N.J, Asael, D., Dehler, C.M, Porter, S.M, (2023). A sedimentary record of the evolution of the global marine phosphorus cycle. Geobiology, 21:2, 168-174.
- Karlstrom, K.E, Mohr, M.T, Schmitz, M.D, Sundberg, F.A, Dehler, C.M, Hagadorn, J.W, (2022). Redefining the Tonto Group of Grand Canyon and recalibrating the Cambrian time scale. Geology, 48:5, 425-430.
- Rooney, A., Austermann, J., Smith, E., Yang, L., Selby, D., Dehler, C.M, Schmitz, M., Karlstrom, K., MacDonald, F., (2018). Coupled Re-Os and U-Pb geochronology of the Tonian Chuar Group, Grand Canyon. Geological Society of America Bulletin
- von Pogge Strandmann, P.A, Stüeken, E.E, Elliott, T., Poulton, S.W, Dehler, C.M, Canfield, D.E, Catling, D.C, (2015). Selenium isotope evidence for progressive oxidation of the Neoproterozoic biosphere.. Nature communications, 6, 10157.
- Mahon, R., Dehler, C.M, KArlstrom, K., Link, P., (2014). Detrital zircon age constraints, provenance and revised stratigraphy of the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Pahrump Supergroup, Death Valley region, California: Implications for Rodinia rifting and the evolution of the southwestern Laurentian margin. Precambrian Research
- Dehler, C.M, (2014). Advances in Neoproterozoic biostratigraphy spark new correlations and insight into evolution of life. Geology
- Yonkee, A., Dehler, C.M, Link, P., Balgord, E., Keeley, J., Hayes, D., Fanning, M.C, Wells, M., Johnston, S., (2014). Tectono-stratigraphic framework of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian strata, west-central U.S.: Protracted rifting, glaciation, and evolution of the North American Cordilleran margin. Earth Science Reviews/Elsevier
- Mahon, R., Dehler, C.M, K., P., Gehrels, G., (2014). Geochronologic and stratigraphic constraints on the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic Pahrump Group, Death Valley, CA: A record of the assembly, stability and breakup of Rodinia. Geological Society of America Bulletin
- Johnston, D.T, Poulton, S., Dehler, C.M, Porter, S.M, Husson, J., Canfield, D., Knoll, A.K, (2010). An emerging picture of Neoproterozoic ocean chemistry: Insights from the Chuar Group, Grand Canyon, U.S.A.. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290, 64-73.
- Dehler, C.M, Fanning, C.M, Link, P.K, Kingsbury, E., Rybczynski, D., (2010). Maximum depositional age and provenance of the Uinta Mountain Group and Big Cottonwood Formation, northern Utah: Paleogeography of rifting western Laurentia. Geological Society of America Bulletin
- Nagy, R., Porter, S., Dehler, C.M, Shen, Y., (2009). Biotic turnover driven by eutrophication before low-latitude glaciation. Nature Geoscience, Letters, 2, 415-418.
- Pitblado, B.L, Dehler, C.M, Neff, H., Nelson, S.T, (2008). Pilot Study Experiments Sourcing Quartzite, Gunnison Basin, Colorado. Geoarchaeology, 23:6, 742-778.
- Pitblado, B.L, Neff, H., Nelson, S.T, Dehler, C.M, (2007). AD-ICP-MS vs. LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Quartzite Sources, Gunnison Basin, Colorado.. Current Research in the Pleistocene, 24, 133-136.
- Dehler, C.M, Porter, S.M, De Grey, L.D, Sprinkel, D.A, Brehm, A., (2007). The Neoproterozoic Uinta Mountain Group revisited: A synthesis of recent work on the Red Pine Shale and related undivided clastic strata, Northeastern Utah: in Link, P.K., and Lewis, R.S., eds., Proterozoic Geology of western North America and Siberia: Proterozoic Geology of western North America and Siberia. Society of Sedimentary Geology Special Publication, 86, 151-166.
- Pitblado, B.L, Dehler, C.M, Nelson, S.T, (2006). Sourcing Quartzites from the Late Holocene Chance Gulch Site, Gunnison Basin, Colorado: A Pilot Study.. Current Research in the Pleistocene, 23, 135-138.
- Dehler, C.M, Elrick, M.E, Bloch, J.D, Karlstrom, K.E, Crossey, L.J, DesMarais, D., (2005). High-resolution δ13C stratigraphy of the Chuar Group (~770-742 Ma), Grand Canyon: Implications for mid-Neoproterozoic climate change. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 117:1/2, 32-45.
- Dehler, C.M, Elrick, C.M, Karlstrom, K.E, Smith, G.A, Crossey, L.J, Timmons, J.M, (2001). Neoproterozoic Chuar Group (~800-742 Ma), Grand Canyon: A record of cyclic marine deposition during global cooling and supercontinent rifting. Sedimentary Geology,, 141-142, 465-499.
- Dehler, C.M, Timmons, J.M, Karlstrom, K.E, Geissman, J.W, Heizler, M.T, (2001). Proterozoic multistage (~1.1 and ~8.0 Ga) extension in the Grand Canyon Supergroup and establishment of northwest and north-south tectonic grains in the southwestern United States. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 113:2, 163-180.
Professional Journal
- Farrell , T., Cothren, H., Sundberg, F., Schmitz, M., Dehler, C.M, Karlstrom, K., Revision of the late Cambrian timescale and the duration of the SPICE event using a novel Bayesian age modeling approach. Geological Society of America Bulletin
- Dehler, C.M, (2024). The Cambrian of the Grand Canyon: Refinement of a Classic Stratigraphic Model.. Geological Society of America Today, 34:11, 4-11.
- Sundberg, F., Cothren, H., Dehler, C.M, (2024). Cambrian trilobites from the Nounan Dolomite and lower St. Charles Formation (upper Marjuman to lower Sunwaptan; Miaolingian to Furongian Series), Smithfield Canyon, northern Utah. Journal of Paleontology, 1-30. doi: doi: 10.1017/jpa.2023.48
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Other Reports
- Pitblado, B.L, Dehler, C.M, Robertson, C., Fowler, B., Brown, C., Canady, L., (2011). Summer 2009 Geoarchaeological Research Report: Quartzite Sampling and Sourcing in the Gunnison Basin, Colorado. USU Rocky Mountain Paleoindian Research Program
- Lucchitta, I., Smith, S.J, Dehler, C.M, Finkel, R.C, Hanks, T.C, Davis, S.W, Davis, M.E, (1997). Late-Pleistocene to Early Holocene deposits, processes, vegetation, and climate from Oak Cave, southern Utah. USGS Open-File Report
- Dehler, C.M, Lucchitta, I., Davis, M.E, Basdekas, P.G, Burke, K.J, (1996). Quaternary geologic map of the Tanner Creek-Unkar Creek area, eastern Grand Canyon, AZ.. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
- Dehler, C.M, Lucchitta, I., Basdekas, P.G, Bohannon, R.G, Rieck, H.J, (1995). Geologic map of the Cane Springs quadrangle, Mohave County, AZ.. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
- Lucchitta, I., Dehler, C.M, Basdekas, P.G, (1995). Geologic map of the Cane Springs southeast quadrangle, Mohave County, AZ.. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
- Dehler, C.M, Lucchitta, I., Davis, M.E, Basdekas, P.G, Burke, K.J, (1995). Quaternary geologic map of the Palisades Creek-Comanche Creek area, eastern Grand Canyon, AZ. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
Magazine/Trade Publications
- Dehler, C.M, (1999). Along the Shores of Chuar Beach. Boatman's Quarterly Review
- Dehler, C.M, Timmons, J.M, Karlstrom, K.E, (1999). Grand Canyon Supergroup: Six unconformities makes one “Great Unconformity”—a record of supercontinent assembly and disassembly. Boatman’s Quarterly Review
- Kingsbury, E., Link, P., Dehler, C., Osterhaut, S., (2013). Geologic Map of the Kings Peak 7.5 mMinute Quadrangle Duchesne and Summit COunties, UT. Utah Geological Survey
- DeGrey, L., Tressler, C., Dehler, C.M, Pederson, J.L, Link, P., Hadder, K., Geologic map of the Swallow Canyon Quadrangle, Daggett County, Utah and Moffat County, Colorado. Utah Geological Survey map
- Pederson, J.L, Dehler, C.M, (2005). Geology of the Farmington North 7.5-minute quadrangle, NM. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-file Digital Map
- Dehler, C.M, Pederson, J.L, Wagner, S., (2005). Geology of the Seven Rivers 7.5' quadrangle, Eddy County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources.
- Pederson, J.L, Dehler, C.M, (2003). Geology of the Carlsbad East 7.5-minute quadrangle, NM. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
- Pederson, J.L, Dehler, C.M, (2003). Geology of the Otis 7.5-minute quadrangle, NM. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
- Dehler, C.M, Pederson, J.L, (2002). Geology of the Carlsbad West 7.5-minute quadrangle, NM. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.