Ask an Honors Alum
The Honors Aggie family is real and here for you
A group of our alumni have volunteered to answer questions from current Honors students, by email or in brief 15-minute Zoom conversations
Find an alum whose interests match your own, and submit a question or request for a Zoom chat by completing the brief form below.
Honors Alum
Karmella Borchers (2012) ADVS
Since graduating from USU in 2012, I have completed an M.S. (2014) and Ph.D. (2018) focused on dairy cattle management. I am currently a post-doctoral researcher at Zoetis, where I work on the discovery team that searches for and tests potential products focused on maximizing livestock wellness and performance. I am interested in talking to students in animal sciences or research involving animals (especially livestock), as well as students intending to pursue graduate school opportunities.
Courtney Buchanan (2013) Animal Science
I am currently attending graduate school in Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management at the University of Wyoming. I am interested in talking to any student studying animal science, agriculture, natural resources or a related field. I am also happy to answer questions about pursuing graduate school, particularly from students who may not have a set plan for after graduation yet.
Kevin Cope (2013) Plant Science
I hold a Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Wisconsin, where I worked in the lab of Dr. Jean-Michel Ané. I am happy to engage with any current Honors student planning to apply for graduate school in a biological field. As a past recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, I am also happy to provide information on how to apply successfully for this prestigious award.
This Honors Alum also listed under the College of Science.
Kyleigh Tyler (2019) ADVS--Bioveterinary Emphasis
I am currently a D.V.M. Candidate (Class of 2023) at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. I am happy to chat with any Honors student in the pre-veterinary program (particularly those who have not yet applied to veterinary school), as well as anyone interested in undergraduate research.
David Anderson (1996) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
I am currently at a very interesting, small (but publicly traded) company in the California Bay Area, after previously holding positions at JP Morgan Chase and GE Global Research. I'd be interested in engaging with students who are thinking about pursuing an advanced degree (MS/Ph.D) leading to a career in science, academics, or research and development.
Taylor Bybee (2015) Electrical Engineering
I currently serve as technical lead over perception engineering for autonomous vehicles at Autonomous Solutions, Inc. My primary responsibilities deal with obstacle detection and avoidance systems, world modeling, feature extraction, machine learning systems, and path planning systems for off-road vehicles. I am happy to engage virtually with students in electrical/computer engineering, computer science, physics, or mathematics.
Michael Paskett (2017) Engineering
I am currently working at the Center for Neural Interfaces, developing advanced prosthetic limbs that integrate with the nervous system. I am happy to help any current Honors student articulate and explore ways to achieve their goals.
Silvia Smith (2018)Mechanical Engineering
I have a experience with topics like engineering, math, computer science, finding and working internships, interdisciplinary studies and research, and being a woman in STEM. I'm happy to talk to any current Honors student about most things.
Michelle Allgood (2012) Political Science
I am currently a Ph.D. student in Public Policy and Administration at Arizona State University. My research focuses on public service, management, and community engagement. I am happy to talk to current Honors students who are interested in working in the public sector and are considering an MPA or Ph.D. degree.
Kolbie Astle (2014) English--Literary Studies emphasis
Since graduating from USU with Honors in 2014, I've worked in the White House Office of Presidential Correspondence as a writer and editor for the Obama Administration and at a nonprofit (NAFSA: Association of International Educators) as a speechwriter and communications expert. In late 2018, I pivoted and took my side hustle (This Writing Desk) as an artist and content creator full time, and now I focus primarily on making online courses and other resources for budding creatives. I'd love to interact with Honors students interested in working in D.C., especially in the nonprofit or government sectors, or with aspiring creative entrepreneurs.
Briana Bowen (2014) Political Science
I currently serve as Program Manager and Instructor for the USU Center for Anticipatory Intelligence. My past work experience includes running the Oxford University Strategic Studies Group, supporting research on three federally-funded grants dealing with weapons of mass destruction, and interning for a US senator on Capitol Hill. I would be happy to meet virtually with any student interested in international affairs, foreign policy, and security or military issues.
Katherine Shakespeare Broderick (2007) Interdisciplinary Studies
I studied English Literature, Latin, and Greek at Utah State University. I'm also a Teach For America alumna (Baltimore 2007 corps); I've privately tutored kids in math and reading intervention; and I've worked in higher ed administration both at Utah State and Johns Hopkins. I am happy to interact with any Honors students in the humanities.
Jeff Carr (2009) English--Creative Writing Emphasis
I have been fortunate to find many different ways to use my English degree and the creative writing skills I developed at USU. I just returned from spending four years in Washington, D.C., working in foreign affairs and getting to do cool things like brief in the White House Situation Room and spend long periods abroad. I could have stayed there forever, but I chose instead to return home to Idaho to use my communication skills to contribute to causes that I really care about in my own community. I would love to interact with English or JCOM majors (including journalism or PR), anyone interested in foreign affairs or intelligence work, or any humanities major trying to figure out how to translate their degrees into meaningful work.
Erica Hawvermale (2017) Cultural Anthropology
My background is in cultural and applied anthropology. I would be happy to chat with students in the Anthropology Program and anyone with a passion for social scientific research.
Landon Hemsley (2011) Broadcast Journalism
I have experience in web development, data analysis, media and mass communications, and I can write in English, C#, Spanish, PHP, Portuguese, Perl, SQL, and Java. I build applications that help solve real-world problems. I also have an MBA, so I speak the languages of both the business executive and computer programmer, and I am able to navigate complex, corporate/governmental organizations. I am happy to interact with any Honors student interested in coding and developing online tools for public use.
This Honors Alum also listed under the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business.
Frankie Urrutia Smith (2019) History
As a recent Honors graduate, I am currently in graduate school and would be happy to chat with any current Honors student about pursuing grad school opportunities.
Grant Holyoak (2016) Sociology
I became a U.S. State Department Foreign Service Officer in April 2019, after working for the U.S. Federal Government in several capacities, including at the Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Inspector General and at the U.S. Government Accountability Office. I am interested in interacting with students who are considering careers in the Federal government. I was also a Truman Finalist while at USU and can provide guidance and advice about applying for prestigious national scholarships.
This Honors Alum is also listed under the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business.
Ruth Margetts (2000) Political Science
I have practiced estate planning law as a sole practitioner in Massachusetts since 2005. I also offer private violin instruction. I am interested in chatting with any Honors student, particularly women with a wide range of interests who are looking to accomplish big goals and still have a family and find a balanced life.
Morgan Graham (2018) English--Teaching Emphasis
As a recent English graduate from USU, I would be happy to speak with any current Honors student in the humanities about conducting and publishing undergraduate research, applying to graduate school, taking a gap year, or doing a term of service with AmeriCorps (or other volunteer work).
Kevin Cope (2013) Biology
I hold a Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Wisconsin, where I worked in the lab of Dr. Jean-Michel Ané. I am happy to engage with any current Honors student planning to apply for graduate school in a biological field. As a past recipient of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, I am also happy to provide information on how to apply successfully for this prestigious award.
This Honors Alum also listed under the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.
Rebecca Hill (2008) Chemistry
I currently work as a process engineer for Intel in their Research & Development factory in Oregon. I am happy to chat with any current Honors student in related fields.
John Cameron Kidd (2013) Statistics
I am a Ph.D. candidate in biostatistics at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. I graduated from Honors in 2013, and I received my M.S. in 2014, also from USU. I worked for two years for Myriad Genetics and then returned to school. I would be happy to talk with students in statistics or mathematics.
Jorgen Madsen (2015) Biology
I am currently a medical resident in Med/Peds at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio. During medical school at the University of Utah, I started the first free PrEP clinic in Utah working with the Utah AIDS Foundation and advocating for LGBT Health. I am happy to chat with any pre-medical student seeking help with preparing their application or advice on how to become competitive for the admission process; as well as students interested in pursing a career in LGBT health or advocacy in LGBT rights.
Jeremy Pack (2006) Computational Mathematics/Computer Science
I followed up my time at USU with a Master's degree in Computational Mathematics at Stanford. At Google, I've worked on large-scale problems in statistics, machine learning, distributed systems and computer vision. I'm always happy to speak with students about career planning in computer science and mathematics, and about how to get the most out of their time in school.
Jodie Barker Ream (2009) Physics
I am a space plasma physicist working at MIT on NASA's Psyche Discovery Mission. Specifically, I am part of the team investigating the remnant magnetization of the metallic asteroid. I am happy to interct with any current Honors student in a STEM field.
Morgan Summers (2011) Mathematics Education
I work from home as an instructional designer/project manager for a corporate communication company based in Salt Lake City, but I live in Washington D.C. I’d be happy to do a virtual chat/Q&A about “best practices” for video-conferenced job interviews. I’ve done a few myself, and --having now worked from home for several months--I’ve gained insights on being successful in the videoconference environment. I also have an M.A. in Communication Studies and recent classroom teaching experience in the Alpine School District in Utah and would be interested in talking with any mathematics education majors, particularly about coming into teaching after grad school.
Scott Bentley (2014) Exercise Science
I am a pediatric Doctor of Physical Therapy, treating children ranging from a couple of weeks old up to 20+ years who have conditions varying from sports injuries, overuse injuries, neurologic conditions (like cerebral palsy, spina bifida, or traumatic brain injury), and developmental delays. Since a Physical Therapist interacts with many other professions in coordinating a patient's care, I am happy to interact with any student interested in pursuing the medical, exercise, or sports fields.
Madison Buntrock (2018) Communicative Disorders
I am a currently a Ph.D. student in the Hearing and Speech program at the University of Maryland. I would be interested in engaging with students studying Communicative Disorders, Human Development, or related fields; and/or interested in pursuing graduate school, research, or community engagement opportunities.
Daisha Cummins (2016) Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
As a physician and someone who has served on a medical school admissions committee, I would be happy to engage virtually with any premedical student about medical school in general or the application process in particular.
Brady DeHart (2012) Psychology
I currently serve as Director of Research for the east coast division of HCA Healthcare, where my responsibilities include overseeing faculty and resident research activity, providing training in research design and statistics, and approving all proposals, conference presentations, and manuscript submissions. I am happy to talk to any student interested in a research careers, both academic and in the private sector.
Austin Dopp (2017) Family, Consumer, and Human Development
I will be a fourth-year medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin starting July of 2020 and am looking to become a hospitalist in the future. I am happy to work with any pre-med students who are looking from advice from a current med student.
Adam Galovan (2008) Family, Consumer, and Human Development
I am an Assistant Professor of Family Science at the University of Alberta, Department of Human Ecology. I am interested in engaging with any Honors students in related fields. I study couple and family relationships with a specific focus on relationship well-being. My primary research objective as a family scientist is to understand how couples negotiate their relationships across many different roles, dimensions, and contexts in such a way as to live healthy, productive, and virtuous lives.
James Gardner (2014) Exercise Science/Pre-Med
I am a Resident Physician in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. I have a background in movement science and am interested in physical rehabilitation, public health research, preventive medicine, and exercise. I'd be happy to chat with any Honors student interested in a medical career, especially those from non-life-science majors.
Bryson Grondel (2017) Psychology
I will be a first-year medical student at A.T. Still University in Kirksville, MO beginning July, 2020. I chose to pursue a career in osteopathic medicine because I strongly identify with the belief that there is a strong connection between mind, body, and spirit that plays a role in overall health and well-being. Long-term, I plan to apply for an internal medicine residency and then go on to become a cardiologist or GI specialist, but I also have strong interests in healthy policy and improving the current state of medicine in the US. I would be interested in connecting with any Honors students interested in a career in psychology or the medical field- including pre-med and pre-PA students. As a former athlete, I would also love to connect with former or current student-athletes that are planning to pursue graduate level education in these fields.
Melanie Faustino Hansen (2015) Psychology
As a marriage and family therapist, I provide mental health therapeutic services to adults, teens, individuals, couples, and families in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. I have experience working in a local community health center as well as private practice. I am interested in interacting with Honors students pursuing a career in mental health fields.
Alicia McCoy (2007) Psychology
I have spent my professional career in the non-profit sector, with eight years of administrative experience and three years of finance experience for a large non-profit in the Washington, D.C. area. I am happy to chat with any Honors student in the humanities with a desire to work in the non-profit sector.
Katy Macias (2011) Communicative Disorders
My background is in communicative disorders, and I currently work in outpatient rehab at Primary Children's Hospital, where I specialize in AAC, feeding, and cognition. I would be happy to chat with any Honors student, especially any future speech-language pathologists.
Landon Hemsley (2011) Management of Information Systems
I have experience in web development, data analysis, media and mass communications, and I can write in English, C#, Spanish, PHP, Portuguese, Perl, SQL, and Java. I build applications that help solve real-world problems. I also have an MBA, so I speak the languages of both the business executive and computer programmer, and I am able to navigate complex, corporate/governmental organizations. I am happy to interact with any Honors student interested in coding and developing online tools for public use.
This Honors Alum also listed under the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Michael Hoggard (2016) Economics
I am a former public health researcher with an emphasis in refugee affairs and international development. Currently a third-year medical student at Dartmouth, I have served as a member of their medical school admissions committee. I am happy to advise any premedical students on their preparation for medical school and the application process. I am also happy to chat with any student interested in global health or international development both on the economics side and the medical side.
Grant Holyoak (2016) Economics
I became a U.S. State Department Foreign Service Officer in April 2019, after working for the U.S. Federal Government in several capacities, including at the Department of Health & Human Services Office of the Inspector General and at the U.S. Government Accountability Office. I am interested in interacting with students who are considering careers in the Federal government. I was also a Truman Finalist while at USU and can provide guidance and advice about applying for prestigious national scholarships.
This Honors Alum is also listed under the College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Hayden Hubbard (2019) Economics
As a recent Honors graduate, I am currently attending graduate school--from home. I am happy to chat with any current Honors student.
Victoria Rasmussen (2016) International Business/Marketing
My background is in international business and marketing. I Interned at Goldman Sachs and the US Senate, held a World Trade Center Utah Fellowship, and served as Cvent Project Coordinator. I am currently located in the UK (seven hours ahead of Utah), but would be happy to engage with any motivated business student, particularly those with international interests.
Jacklyn Sullivan (2018) Economics
I am working in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as an economist for the Ethiopian Government's Agricultural Transformation Agency through the ODI Fellowship Scheme. I did my Master's in development economics in England and am happy to chat to anyone with any questions about graduate school. I am also interested in engaging with any Honors student studying development economics, international development, private sector development in developing countries, or economics in general. I would also like to chat with anyone interested in the Truman, Rhodes, Marshall, or Fulbright programs.
Jesse Fleri (2018) Conservation and Restoration Ecology
I am finishing a Master's degree in Forestry at the University of British Columbia and will start a Ph.D. at the University of Wyoming in Ecology in the Fall. Much of my research has focused on community ecology, conservation prioritization, and ecosystem restoration. I'd be happy to chat with current Honors students in the Quinney College of Natural Resources.