Zhi-Qiang Wang
Professor of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Dr. Wang
graduated in 1982 from Jilin University China majoring in mathematics, and received his
MS degree and PhD degree in mathematics from the Chinese Academy
of Sciences, in 1984 and 1986, respectively. After post-doctoral training in Peking University
and Courant Institute of New York University, and holding visiting positions at
University of Utah
and University of Wisconsin, he joined Utah State University in 1991 as an assistant
professor. He was promoted to associated professor with tenure in 1994 and to
full professor in 1998. He served from 1994-1997 as Director of Graduate
Studies in Mathematics and Statistics at Utah State University. In 1998 he was awarded
Researcher of The Year in the College
of Sciences at Utah State University. He was elected a Fellow of
American Mathematical Society in 2014.
Research Interests
- Nonlinear
Partial Differential Equations
- Variational
and Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis
- Hamiltonian
- Numerical
- On a superlinear elliptic equation , Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar$\acute{e}$ -
Analyse non lin$\acute{e}$aire , { 8}(1991), 43-57.
- On the existence of multiple, single-peaked solutions
of a semilinear Neumann problem , Archive
for Rational Mechanics and Analysis , { 120}(1992), 375-399.
- Existence and multiplicity results for some
superlinear elliptic problems on $R^N$ , (with T. Bartsch) Communications in Partial
Differential Equations , {20} (1995), 1725 -1741.
- On the existence of sign changing solutions for
semilinear Dirichlet problems , (with
T. Bartsch) Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis , { 7}
(1996), 115 - 131.
- Periodic solutions of even Hamiltonian systems on the
torus (1997) , (with Thomas Bartsch) Mathematische
Zeitschrift , 224, 65-76.
- Periodic solutions of even, spatially periodic Hamiltonian
systems (1997) , (with Thomas
Bartsch) Journal of Differential Equations , 135, 103-128.
- On
Neumann problems for semilinear elliptic equations with critical
nonlinearity: existence and symmetry of multi-peaked solutions (1997) , (with Stani Maier and Klaus Schmitt) Communications in
Partial Differential Equations , 22, 1493 - 1527.
- Even
Hamiltonian systems on tori and cotangent spaces of tori (1997) , (with Thomas Bartsch) Nonlinear Analysis, Theory,
Methods and Applications , 30, 4123 - 4134.
- Existence,
nonexistence and symmetry property of local and global minimizers for a
semilinear elliptic problem (1998) , Discrete
and Continuous Dynamical Systems , Special Vol. 2, 288 - 302.
- Multiplicity for symmetric indefinite functionlas:
applications to Hamiltonian and elliptic systems (1998) , (with Patricio Felmer) Topological Methods in Nonlinear
Analysis , 12, 207 - 226.
- Existence and nonexistence of $G$-least energy solutions
for a nonlinear Neumann problem (1999) , Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential
Equations , 8, 109 - 122.
- Existence
of many positive solutions of an elliptic equation with critical exponent
on an annulus (1999) , (with Michel
Willem) Proccedings of American Mathematical Society , 127,
1711 - 1714.
- Nonlinear elliptic equations on expaning symmetric domains
(1999) , (with Florin Catrina) Journal
of Differential Equations , 156, 153 - 181.
- Existence and symmetry of multi-bump solutions for nonlinear
Schr\"odinger equations (1999) ,
Journal of Differential Equations , 159, 102 - 137.
- Positive
solutions for elliptic equations with critical growth in unbounded domains
, (with M. Ramos and M. Willem) Calculus
of variations and differential equations (Haifa, 1998) , 192 - 199,
Chapman \& Hall/CRC Res. Notes Math., 410, Chapman \& Hall/CRC,
Boca Raton, FL, 2000.
- Mountain Pass Theorem in Order Intervals and Multiple Solutions for Semilinear
Elliptic Dirichlet Problems (2000) ,
(with S. Li) Journal d'Analyse Math\'ematiques , 81, 373-396.
- Singular minimization problems (2000) , (with M. Willem) Journal of Differential Equations ,
161, 307 - 320.
- Morse
theory without (PS) condition at isolated values and strong resonant
problems (2000) , (with N.
Hirano and S. Li) Calculus of Variations and Partial
Differential Equations , 10, 223 - 247.
- On the Morse indices of sign-changing solutions for
nonlinear elliptic problems (2000) ,
(with T. Bartsch and K.C. Chang) Mathematische Zeitschrift ,
233, 366-384.
- Multiple
positive solutions for a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation (2000) , (with T. Bartsch) Zeitschrift f\"{u}r Angewandte
Mathematik und Physik , 51, 366-384.
- Symmetric
solutions for the prescribed scalar curvature problem (2000) , (with F. Catrina) Indinna University Mathematical
Journal , 49, 779-813.
- On the Caffarelli-Kohn -Nirenberg Inequalities (2000)
, (with F. Catrina) Comptes Rendus
des S\'eances de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences. S\'erie I.
Math\'ematique , 330, 437 - 442.
- On the Caffarelli-Kohn -Nirenberg Inequalities (2000)
, (with F. Catrina) Comptes Rendus
des S\'eances de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences. S\'erie I.
Math\'ematique , 330, 437 - 442.
- On the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg Inequalities: sharp
constants, existence (and nonexistence) and symmetry of extremal functions
, (with F. Catrina) Communications
on Pure and Applied Mathematics , Vol. LIV (2001), 229-258.
- Asymptotic uniqueness and exact symmetry of k-bump
solutions for a class of degenerate elliptic problems , (with F. Catrina) DCCD, , Add. Vol. III (2001),
- Positive bound states having prescribed symmetry for
a class of nonlinear elliptic equations in $R^N$ , (with F. Catrina) Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare
- Analyse non lineaire , 18 (2001), 157-178.
- Gluing approximate solutions of minimum type on the Nehari
manifold , (with Yanyan Li) USA-Chile
Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis , in press.
- Nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with steep potential
well , (with Thomas Bartsch and
Alexander Pankov) Communications in Contemporary Mathematics ,
3 (2001), 1 - 21.
- On the existence of soliton solutions to quasilinear
Schr\"odinger equations , (with
M. Poppenburg and K. Schmitt) Calculus of Variations and Partial
Differential Equations, , 14 (2002) 3, 329-344.
- Symmetry Breaking of Extremal Functions for the
Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg Inequalities , (with J. Byeon) Communications in Contemporary
Mathematics , 4 (2002), 457-466.
- Lusternik-Schnirelman theory in partially ordered Hilbert
spaces , (with S. J. Li) Transactions
of American Mathematical Society , 354 (2002), 3207-3227.
- Soliton Solutions for Quasilinear Schr\"odinger
Equations , (with J. Liu) Proceedings
of the American Mathematical Society , 131 (2003), 441-448.
- Soliton Solutions for Quasilinear Schr\"odinger Equations,
II , (with J. Liu and Y. Wang) Journal
of Differential Equations , 187 (2003), 473-493.
- Standing waves with a critical frequency for nonlinear
Schrodinger equations , (with J.
Byeon) Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis , 165
(2002), 295-316.
- Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities with remainder
terms , (with M. Willem) Journal
of Functional Analysis , 203 (2003), 550-568.
- Hardy inequalities with boundary terms , (with M. Zhu) , EJDEs, , Vol 2003 (2003), No 43,
p 1-8.
- Positive solutions to a class of quasilinear
elliptic equations on $R$ , (with A.
Ambrosetti) , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems , 9
(2003), 55-68.
- A local minimax-newton's method for finding critical
points with symmetries, , (with J.
Zhou) , SIAM Journal Journal on Numerical Analysis , 42
(2004), 1745-1759.
- On the H\'enon equation : asymptotic profile and
symmetry of ground states , (with J.
Byeon) , Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar$\acute{e}$ - Analyse
non lin$\acute{e}$aire}, , 23 (2006), 803-828.
- An Efficient and Stable Method for Computing Multiple
Saddle Points with Symmetries, ,
(with J. Zhou) , SIAM
Journal Journal on Numerical Analysis , 43(2005), 891-907.
- Symmetry of extremal functions for the
Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities, , (with C.-S. Lin) , Proceedings of the American
Mathematical Society , 132 (2004), 1685-1691.
- Multi-bump, nodal solutions having a prescribed
number of nodal domains. I. , (with
Z. L. Liu) , Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare - Analyse non
lineaire , 22 (2005), 597-608.
- Multi-bump, nodal solutions having a prescribed
number of nodal domains. II. , (with
Z. L. Liu) , Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare - Analyse non
lineaire , 22 (2005), 609-631.
- Nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations with vanishing
and decaying potentials , (with A.
Ambrosetti) , Differential Integral Equations , 216 (2005),
- On electro-kinetic fluids: one dimensional
configurations , (with C. Liu and R.
Ryham) , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems , B6
(2006), 357--371.
- Nodal type bound states of Schr\"odinger
equations via invariant set and minimax methods , (with Z. L. Liu and F. van Heerden) , Journal of
Differential Equations , 214 (2005), 358-390.
- Spherical semiclassical states of a critical frequency
for Schr\"odinger equations with decaying potentials , (with J. Byeon) , Journal of European Mathematical
Society , 8(2006), 217-228.
- Multiple solutions of a superlinear elliptic equation
, (with P. H. Rabinowitz and J. Su) ,
Rend. Lincei di Matematica , 18(2007), 97-108.
- Weighted Sobolev embedding with unbounded and
decaying radial potentials , (with J.
Su and M. Willem) , Journal of Differential Equations ,
238(2007), 201-209.
- Multiple bound states of nonlinear Schr\"odinger
systems , (with Z. Liu) , Communications
in Mathematical Physics , 282 (2008), 721-731.
- A twist condition and periodic solutions of
Hamiltonian systems , (with Z. Liu
and J. Su) , Advances in Mathematics , 218 (2008), 1895-1913.
- Standing waves for %NLS nonlinear Schr\"odinger
equations with singular potentials ,
(with J. Byeon) , Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar$\acute{e}$ -
Analyse non lin$\acute{e}$aire} , 26 (2009), 943-958.
- Solutions of elliptic problems with nonlinearities of
linear growth , (with Z. Liu and J.
Su) , Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations ,
35 (2009), 463-480.
- Ground states and bound states of a nonlinear
Schr\"odinger system , (with Z.
Liu) , Advanced Nonlinear Studies , 10 (2010), 175-193.
- A Liouville theorem, a-priori bounds, and
bifurcating branches of positive solutions for a nonlinear
Schr\"odinger system , (with T.
Bartsch and N. Dancer) , Calculus of Variations and Partial
Differential Equations , 37 (2010), 345--361.
- Multiple solitary waves of nonlinear
Schr\"odinger systems , (with R.
Tian) , Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis , 37
(2011), 203-223.
- On
the multiple existence of semi-positive solutions for a nonlinear
Schrödinger system , (with
Y. Sato) , Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar$\acute{e}$ - Analyse
non lin$\acute{e}$aire} , 30 (2013), 1-22.
- Segregated and synchronized vector solutions for
nonlinear Schrödinger systems , (with
S. Peng) , Archive for Rational
Mechanics and Analysis , 208 (2013), 305-339.
- Partial
symmetry of vector solutions for elliptic systems , (with M. Willem) , Journal d'Analyse Math\'ematiques ,
122 (2014), 69-85.
- American
Mathematical Society
- Director
of Graduate Study in Math
& Stat,
Utah State University, 1994
- 1997
Zhi-Qiang Wang
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Utah State
Logan, UT
Office Phone:435 797-3529
Fax: 435 797-1822
E-Mail: zhi-qiang.wang@usu.edu
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