
13 - J.P. Spicer-Escalante, Dawn and Matt Hansen

4 June

“We have spent a fair amount of our time each day in our backyard to reflect, meditate, and connect with nature during this time. So having a photo shoot there was a good representation of where we have been safe during these times."

“Hemos pasado una buena cantidad de nuestro tiempo cada día en nuestro jardín trasero para reflexionar, meditar y conectarnos con la naturaleza durante este tiempo. Entonces, hacer una sesión de fotos ahí es una buena representación de dónde nos hemos sentido a salvo durante estos tiempos.”

“Throughout this crisis, I felt privileged to have a warm, safe home and things like running water, access to healthy food, electricity, and the internet. […] I have been reminded to have gratitude and appreciation in all aspects of life by this ‘great pause.’ My heart has been touched by the many lives lost, and the pain and suffering those experience with the COVID illness and those whose lives will be majorly changed due to the COVID after affects - physically, financially, mentally, and emotionally.”

“A lo largo de esta crisis, me he sentido privilegiada de tener un hogar cálido y seguro y cosas como agua corriente, acceso a alimentos saludables, electricidad e internet. […] Me ha recordado sobre tener gratitud y aprecio en todos los aspectos de la vida debido a esta ‘gran pausa.’ Me han tocado el corazón las muchas vidas perdidas, y el dolor y el sufrimiento que experimentan con la enfermedad COVID y aquellos cuyas vidas cambiarán mayormente debido a los efectos del COVID después, física, financiera, mental y emocionalmente.”