Policy 402: The Faculty Senate and Its Committees
Category: Faculty Policies (Faculty Code)
Sub Category: None
Covered Individuals: University Faculty
Responsible Executive: Provost
Policy Custodian: Chair of Professional Responsibilities and Procedures Committee
Last Revised: 2021/09/01
Previous USU Policy Numbers: 402
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This policy explains the role of the faculty senate and its committees in shared governance and outlines the composition of those committees.
402.2 POLICY
2.1 Authority of the Faculty to Review Faculty Senate Actions
Actions of the Faculty Senate (Senate) shall be subject to the appellate power of the faculty, as provided in Policy 401.8.3, Faculty Status and Related Matters. The agenda and actions of the Senate shall be reported to the faculty as provided in Policy 402.4.2.3, Distribution of Agenda and Minutes.
2.2 Authority of the Senate
The authority of the faculty is delegated to the Senate. The Senate legislates and sets policy for matters within the collective authority of the faculty. See policy 401.8, Authority of the Faculty. The Senate shall have the power to act for and represent the faculty in all matters of educational policy, including requirements for admission, degrees, diplomas, and certificates; and in curricular matters involving relations between colleges, schools, divisions, or departments.
The Senate shall also have the following powers: (1) to receive and consider reports from any council, department, division, administrative officer, library, college, or faculty committee and to take appropriate action; (2) to consider matters of professional interest and faculty welfare and to make recommendations to the president of the university and other administrative officers; and (3) to propose to the president amendments or additions to these policies.
2.2.1 Senate Power of Internal Governance; Referral of Matters to the President
The Senate shall have the power to make rules governing its own procedures and to establish its own order of business. All other matters considered and approved by the Senate shall be forwarded by the Executive Secretary to the president of the university and, in appropriate cases, to the Board of Trustees.
2.2.2 The President, University Administrators, and Board of Trustees
The Senate is an advisory body to the president of the university. While the Senate votes on policy and procedural issues, including but not limited to policy and procedural issues in these policies, these actions and recommendations cannot be implemented without the approval of the president of the university. The Board of Trustees advises the president of the university and approves or disapproves any policy or procedural change. Approval or disapproval of Senate actions, whether by the president of the university or by the Board of Trustees, shall be reported back to the President of the Senate by the president of the university, or a designee, in a timely manner following the Senate action. When Senate actions receive final approval, it is the responsibility of university administrators and administrative bodies to implement the action.
2.2.3 Senator's Handbook
Each senator shall receive a current Senator's Handbook which explains briefly the role and operation of the Senate. The Handbook will include: (1) provisions of this policy pertinent to Senate proceedings, rules, and membership; (2) a simplified statement of the Rules of Order; and(3) rules for calling meetings. The Senate Executive Secretary must ensure that each newly elected Senator receives a Handbook no later than the September meeting of the Senate.
2.3 Membership; Alternates; Term; Vacancies
2.3.1 Membership
The Senate consists of:
- (a) sixty (60) faculty members assigned in proportion to the number of tenured, tenure eligible, and term appointed faculty in the academic colleges, Extension, and the Library. Each unit is to be represented by a minimum of two (2) elected senators. These sixty (60) will be elected by and from faculty members eligible to vote in Senate elections (Policies 401.4.3.4, Limits on Faculty Participation (Term Appointments) and 401.5.3.2, Limits on Faculty Participation (Special Appointments));
- (b) the president and the executive vice president and provost of the university or their designees; eight (8) appointees of the president of the university who shall be a vice president or dean six of whom must hold faculty appointments and must be designated annually preceding elections to the Senate;
- (c) the chairs of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, the Budget and Faculty Welfare Committee, the Professional Responsibilities and Procedures Committee, the Faculty Diversity, Development and Equity Committee, and the Faculty Evaluation Committee if they are not one of the faculty members elected to the Senate; and
- (d) three (3) students, who shall include the Utah State University Student Association (USUSA) President or a designee, the USUSA Academic Senate President or a designee, and the elected graduate student representative or a designee.
All deans should ensure proportional representation of Faculty Senate representatives and alternates from the main campus and statewide campuses for their faculty.
With the exception of faculty holding special or emeritus appointments, any member of the faculty who is not designated as a presidential appointee is eligible for election to the Senate.
The Committee on Committees (CoC) oversees the annual apportionment of senate seats, assigns senators to committees as required, and provides information to appropriate administrators regarding elections for senators, alternates, and committee members. (Policy 402.12.2, Committee on Committees (CoC))
2.3.2 Alternates for Elected Members
Senate members are expected to attend its meetings regularly. In cases of unavoidable absence, including sabbatical leave, professional development leave, assigned teaching, and unpaid leaves of absence, senators will arrange for an elected alternate senator to attend in their place (Policy 402.10.2, Election of Faculty Members to the Senate). The alternate shall have full voting rights.
Senators must notify the Executive Secretary of the Senate in writing (Email is acceptable.) whenever alternates will replace them. If a senator fails twice to make a documented effort to arrange for an alternate during an academic year, then that senator’s position will be considered vacant (Policy 402.3.4, Vacancies).
2.3.3 Term
Faculty members elected to the Senate shall serve three-year terms or, as provided in policy 402.3.4, Vacancies, complete the three-year term vacated by a faculty member. Terms shall begin July 1 following elections. Senators may be re-elected once, after which a faculty member is ineligible to stand for election for one (1) year. The term of office for student members of the Senate shall be one (1) year and shall coincide with the term of USUSA and graduate student officers. The term of office for presidential appointees shall be one (1) year and shall begin July 1. A presidential appointee can be reappointed to consecutive terms, up to a maximum of six (6) years, after which the appointee is ineligible for appointment for one (1) year.
2.3.4 Vacancies
A senate seat shall be declared vacant if a senator (1) resigns from Faculty Senate, (2) is no longer a member of the faculty of the academic unit from which they were elected, or (3) misses two regularly scheduled senate meetings during an academic year without making a documented effort to arrange for an alternate and keeping the Executive Secretary of the Faculty Senate informed in writing (Email is acceptable.). The Executive Secretary of the Senate reports all vacancies to the Committee on Committees. The Committee on Committees will then contact the affected dean or vice president, who will appoint an alternate elected senator to fill the seat within thirty (30) days (Policy 402.3.2, Alternates for Elected Members). Colleges whose alternates are not responsive to requests to fill in for senators with planned absences or which do not have sufficient alternates will be required to run a replacement election (Policy 402.3.1, Membership). The Faculty Senate President will address other vacancies on a case-by-case basis. For vacancies among Presidential appointees, the president shall appoint a new senator within thirty (30) days (Policy 402.3.1, Membership).
2.4 Records; Agenda; Minutes; Order of Business
2.4.1 Records
The records of the Senate shall be kept by the Executive Secretary for the use of the members of the faculty, the president of the university, and the Board of Trustees. Records are public unless otherwise specified by action of the Senate in accordance with state law (Policy 402.8, Senate Executive Secretary).
Under the supervision of the President of the Faculty Senate, the Executive Secretary shall ensure that Senate actions approved by the president of the university, or where necessary by the President and the Board of Trustees (Policy 402.2.2, The President, University Administrators, and Board of Trustees), are distributed to faculty on all campuses within an appropriate time frame and included in the Senate records.
2.4.2 Agenda and Minutes Senate agenda
The Executive Committee shall meet at least fourteen (14) days in advance of regularly scheduled Senate meetings to prepare the agenda and make assignments to those who are to report to the Senate. A copy of the Executive Committee meeting agenda must be sent to each executive committee member at least five (5) days before regularly scheduled meetings. Faculty petition to place an item on the agenda
Any twenty-five (25) faculty members may petition the Senate to obtain consideration of any matter within the Senate's authority. The petition shall be presented in writing to any Senate member, who shall then give notice of the petition to the Senate or to its Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall place the matter raised in the petition on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Senate meeting or, at the discretion of the Senate President, on the agenda of a special meeting called in accordance with the provisions of Policy 402.6.2, Special Meetings. Distribution of agenda and minutes
One (1) week prior to each Senate meeting, the Executive Secretary shall make a copy of the agenda of the next meeting and minutes of the prior Senate meeting available to all faculty. Publicizing and publication of recommended changes in policies or procedures
Under the supervision of the President of the Faculty Senate, the Executive Secretary shall ensure that Senate actions recommending a change in this policy or in other university policies or procedures are communicated in a timely manner to all campuses.
2.4.3 Order of Business
Except as otherwise provided by the Senate, its order of business shall be: call to order (quorum), approval of minutes, university business, information items, reports, special orders (only if needed), unfinished business, and new business.
2.5 Parliamentary Procedure
All actions of the Senate shall be in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
2.6 Meetings; Quorum
2.6.1 Scheduled Meetings
Regularly scheduled meetings of the Senate shall be held on the first Monday of the month at 3:00 PM from September through May unless otherwise specified by the Senate.
2.6.2 Special Meetings
Special meetings shall be held at the call of the Senate President or upon petition of any ten (10) senators. The petition must be written, must state the purpose of the special meeting, and must be submitted to the Senate President. Upon receipt of the petition, the Senate President must call a special meeting within twelve (12) working days. Senators shall receive at least five (5) days’ notice of the special meeting and its agenda unless a majority of them waives that notice prior to or at the meeting.
2.6.3 Quorum and Voting
A majority of the members of the Senate shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of Senate business. All actions or recommendations of the Senate shall be by majority vote of the members and alternates present. Voting shall be by secret ballot upon passage of a motion to that effect.
2.6.4 Consulting with Constituents
The elected senators shall communicate and/or meet regularly with their constituents to answer questions and discuss Senate business.
2.7 Senate President, President-Elect, And Immediate Past President
2.7.1 Duties of the Senate President
The Senate President shall preside over and conduct meetings of the Senate and its Executive Committee and the Faculty Forum and its Executive Committee. The Senate President shall see that Senate actions are accurately recorded and that all actions approved are implemented or forwarded as appropriate.
2.7.2 Duties of the Senate President-Elect
The Senate President-Elect shall perform the functions and duties of the Senate President when the latter is unable to exercise them or when the Senate President-Elect is designated by the Senate President to perform in the Senate President's stead.
2.7.3 Duties of the Immediate Past President
The immediate past president shall serve as a voting member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and Faculty Senate for a period of one (1) year immediately following their term as Senate President. The immediate past Senate President shall also serve as a member of the Senate Handbook Committee (Policy 402.12.10, Senate Handbook Committee (SHC)).
2.7.4 Eligibility and Term
The Senate President-Elect/President shall be elected annually from and by elected Senate members, as provided in Policy 402.10.3, Elections within the Senate, to serve for a three-year, non-renewable term: the first year, as Senate President-Elect; the second year, as Senate President; and the third year, as Immediate Past President.
Any elected senator who is completing or has completed one (1) year of a faculty Senate term is eligible to serve as President-Elect/President, subject to the following exceptions: Senators who are completing their terms are not eligible, unless they have been re-elected to the Senate for an additional term. The election of the Senate President-Elect/President is understood to be an extension of that individual's term in the Senate for the number of years necessary to fulfill a term as Senate President. If an extended term is necessary for the new Senate President, then the individual so chosen will become a supernumerary member of the Senate and the regular schedule of elections to the Senate from that individual's college will be unaffected.
2.8 Senate Executive Secretary
An Executive Secretary of the Senate shall be appointed by the president of the university (Policy 401.10, Senate Elections). The duties of the Executive Secretary are:
- (a) under the direction of the Senate President, to prepare agendas for all meetings of the Senate, the Faculty Forum, and the Executive Committees of each;
- (b) under the direction of the Senate President, to keep minutes of the meetings of the Senate, the Faculty Forum, and the Executive Committees of each;
- (c) to distribute copies of both agenda and minutes;
- (d) to forward actions, policies, and reports of the Senate to the president of the university;
- (e) to gather items and data that the Executive Committee may present at Senate meetings;
- (f) to prepare and present, at the September and March Senate meetings, an accounting of the implementation or non-implementation of motions passed by the Senate;
- (g) to apprise Senate committees of items which the Senate has requested that they study;
- (h) to maintain an archive of the minutes of each meeting of the Senate and its Executive Committee, the Faculty Forum and its Executive Committee, and the Senate committees;
- (i) to keep university faculty informed of the action and the proposed business of the Senate by publicizing the Senate agenda, Senate actions, and the results of Senate elections as provided in Policy 402.4.2.3, Distribution of Agenda and Minutes;
- (j) and to provide yearly each senator with a copy of the Senator's Handbook (Policy 402.2.3, Senator’s Handbook).
2.9 Faculty Forum
2.9.1 Membership of the Faculty Forum; Description
Faculty Forum consists of all elected Senate members and the chairs of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, the Budget and Faculty Welfare Committee, the Professional Responsibilities and Procedures Committee, the Faculty Diversity, Development and Equity Committee, and the Faculty Evaluation Committee. The Faculty Forum meetings are a means of open discussion for elected Senate members and the committee chairs without participation by or from the president of the university, the executive vice president and provost, the presidential appointees, deans and department heads, or the student members of the Senate, unless specifically requested by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum (Policy 402.9.3.2., Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum). During meetings of the Faculty Forum, participants may discuss subjects of current interest, question and debate any policies and procedures, and formulate recommendations for consideration by the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Forum does not exercise the legislative authority of the Faculty Senate.
2.9.2 Meetings; Agenda; Notice
The Faculty Forum shall be scheduled during the academic year by the Officers and Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum (Policy 402.9.3, Officers and Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum). This annual scheduled meeting of the Faculty Forum will be open to all faculty members to attend and speak, with the exception of those excluded by Policy 402.9.1, Membership of the Faculty Forum; Description.
Additional special meetings may be held by the call of the Faculty Forum President, upon the written request of a majority of the Faculty Forum Executive Committee, upon the written petition of ten (10) members of the Faculty Forum, or upon the written petition of twenty-five (25) faculty members. Special meetings of the Faculty Forum will be scheduled, whenever possible, within two (2) weeks after receipt of the petition(s) by the Faculty Forum President. Business at special meetings of the Faculty Forum will be conducted by Faculty Forum members. The Faculty Forum Executive Committee will set the agenda for all Faculty Forum meetings.
The agenda will include all items raised by the petition(s), together with items deemed pertinent by the Executive Committee. The minutes and agenda for all Faculty Forum meetings shall be distributed in accordance with Policy 402.4.2.3., Distribution of Agenda and Minutes. Notice of the Faculty Forum meeting will be given in the previous Senate meeting and distributed to faculty on all campuses.
2.9.3 Officers and Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum Officers
The Senate President shall preside over and conduct meetings of the Faculty Forum and its Executive Committee. The Senate President-Elect shall serve as the President-Elect of both and shall perform the duties of the Senate President when the latter is unable to exercise them or when the Senate President-Elect is designated by the Senate President to perform in the Senate President's stead. Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum
The Faculty Forum Executive Committee shall consist of the elected faculty members on the Senate Executive Committee (Policy 402.12, Senate Standing Committees).
2.10 Senate Elections
2.10.1 Apportionment of Elected Faculty Positions
Annually, the Senate Committee on Committees shall apportion the number of elective Senate positions to the academic colleges, Extension, and the Library in proportion to the number of tenured and tenure-eligible faculty. The minimum representation from each of these academic units shall be two (2).
2.10.2 Election of Faculty Members to the Senate Scheduled date; notice to deans, the vice president for extension
Elections of faculty representatives to the Senate and sufficient alternate senators to serve when regular senators cannot attend, are held by academic colleges, Extension, and the Library. Elections shall be supervised by the Senate Committee on Committees. Elections shall be conducted during the spring semester of each academic year, in time to be announced at the last regular meeting of the Senate. Additional elections shall be held as necessary to ensure the availability of alternates to fill vacancies in unexpired terms for the duration of those terms. The Senate Committee on Committees shall notify the appropriate deans, vice president for extension, or of the number of senators to be elected annually by their faculty and the date by which the elections must be held. Nominations
After receipt of notice that annual elections shall be held, the appropriate deans and vice president for extension, shall communicate with their faculty members eligible to vote in Senate elections (Policies 401.4.3.4, Limitations on Faculty Participation (Term Appointments) and 401.5.3.2, Limits on Faculty Participation (Special Appointments)) for the purpose of nominating Senate candidates and alternates. There shall be at least two (2) candidates for each vacancy. Voting
Faculty members with tenured or tenure-eligible appointments and faculty members with term appointments may nominate and vote for candidates and alternates in Senate elections. Balloting within each academic college, Extension, and the Library shall be by an appropriate method to ensure timeliness, fairness, and verifiability. Verification and notice of election results
The academic colleges, Extension, and the Library must submit the names of nominees elected to the Senate Committee on Committees on or before the final date set for the conclusion of elections. The Committee on Committees shall verify all election results and then inform the Senate of the names of new members at its last regularly scheduled meeting of the academic year. Election results shall be made public.
2.10.3 Elections within the Senate
Nominations for the office of President-Elect shall occur from the floor during the penultimate regular Senate meeting of the academic year. Elections shall be by secret ballot completed prior to the last meeting of the academic year.
2.11 Senate Committees: Authority, Action and Procedures
2.11.1 Purpose; Reporting
The Senate appoints and discontinues such standing and ad hoc committees as it deems necessary to carry out its duties.
The Senate establishes advisory committees to study and to make reports and recommendations to it on matters under faculty jurisdiction and to carry out the decisions of the Senate relating to its functions and responsibilities. Senate committees receive their authority from the Senate and shall report their work and make their recommendations to the Senate. No Senate committee may alter the reports or the recommendations of another Senate committee.
2.11.2 Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies
Only members of the faculty eligible to vote in Senate elections are eligible for election and appointment to Senate standing committees (Policies 401.4.3.4, Limitations on Faculty Participation (Term Appointments) and 401.5.3.2, Limitations on Faculty Participation (Special Appointments)).
Unless governed by committee procedures otherwise stipulated below in Policy 402.12, Senate Standing Committees, non-Senators of Senate standing committees are elected at the same time and according to the same procedures that elect Senators (Policy 402.10.2, Election of Faculty Members to the Senate). Terms shall be three (3) years, shall begin July 1 following elections, and are renewable once, after which a faculty member is ineligible to stand for election for one (1) year. Terms shall be staggered so that approximately one third (1/3) of them expire annually.
A vacancy shall be declared among the elected committee members if that member resigns, is terminated, goes on extended medical leave, or has four (4) or more unexcused absences from regularly scheduled committee meetings during an academic year. If a vacancy occurs, then a replacement will be appointed. The Senate Committee on Committees will appoint seats vacated by representatives of the Faculty Senate, and the deans and vice president for extension, will appoint seats vacated by representatives of the academic colleges, Extension, and the Library.
Appointed members of Senate standing committees are chosen from the elected membership of the Senate; the Committee on Committees prepares a slate of nominations during the summer for approval by the Senate at its first meeting of the fall semester. Terms shall be two (2) or three (3) years, as stated below (Policy 402.12) for a particular committee, and shall be renewable once. Terms shall be staggered. Vacancies will be filled upon recommendation to the Senate by the Committee on Committees.
2.11.3 Senate Committee Procedures Committee action; meetings; quorum; majority and minority reports
Senate committees shall not act independently of the Senate. All statements and actions of Senate committees shall be approved by the Senate before they are official, except for routine actions of the Educational Policies Committee which shall be submitted to the Senate as information items (Policy 402.12.6.1., Duties). Committee work shall be accomplished as a body. Committee meetings shall be held as required to meet the duties of the committee. Meetings shall be held at the call of the chair or upon written request, submitted to the chair, by committee members or the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. A majority of committee members shall constitute a quorum for conducting business. Committee actions shall be by majority vote of the quorum present. Minority committee reports may be submitted to the Senate by dissenting committee members. Committee minutes
Minutes shall be taken at all committee meetings and a copy shall be filed with the Senate Executive Secretary as part of the Senate records. The minutes shall include copies of all forms, statements, and reports which are presented to the Senate for action. Chairs
Unless otherwise specified, all standing committees and subcommittees of the Senate shall elect chairs annually, preferably at the last meeting of the academic year.
2.12 Senate Standing Committees
2.12.1 Executive Committee Duties
The Executive Committee shall perform the following duties:
- (a) prepare Senate meeting agendas; propose such standing and special committees of the Senate as may be needed;
- (b) examine the work of the Senate committees to discourage duplication of effort and to ensure that all committee assignments are carried out;
- (c) act as a steering committee to direct problems to the proper committees;
- (d) act as a liaison to harmonize the work of all committees;
- (e) and transact such business as may be referred to it by the Senate.
The Senate Executive Committee shall consist of the following members:
- (a) the Senate President;
- (b) the President-Elect of the Senate;
- (c) the Immediate Past President;
- (d) elected faculty senators, representing each of the academic colleges, Extension, and the Library; the president of the university and executive vice president and provost, who shall serve as ex-officio members; and
- (e) a senator appointed by the president of the university and approved by the Senate.
All members have a vote. Eligibility; election; term
Any elected senator who is completing or has completed one year of a Senate term is eligible to serve on the Executive Committee, subject to the following exceptions: (1) Senators with only one year remaining in their terms; and (2) Senators who are completing their terms, unless they have been re-elected to the Senate for an additional, successive term.
The election of Executive Committee members shall be conducted each spring following the election of new members to the Senate. Elections shall be by separate caucus of faculty senators within each academic college, Extension, and the Library.
Caucuses shall be held within one week following the penultimate meeting of the Senate.
A faculty senator elected to the Executive Committee shall serve for a two-year term, renewable (reelected) once. Joint meeting of new and old Executive Committees
Newly elected Executive Committee members will attend the April meeting of the old Executive Commitee. Meetings; Senate agenda
The Executive Committee shall meet at least fourteen (14) days in advance of regularly scheduled Senate meetings to prepare the agenda and make assignments to those who are to report to the Senate. Reports and recommendations of other Senate committees
The Executive Committee will place reports and recommendations of other Senate committees on the Senate agenda without alteration.
2.12.2 Committee on Committees (CoC) Duties
The responsibility of the Committee on Committees is to: (1) apportion Senate elective positions annually; (2) coordinate and supervise the election of members and alternates to the Senate; (3) prepare eligibility slates and supervise nominations and elections within the Senate; and (4) recommend to the Senate the appointed members of all Senate committees and the members of university committees that include Senate representatives. Membership
The Committee on Committees shall consist of three (3) elected faculty senators serving staggered three-year terms. No later than the last day of the Spring semester and before the terms of the newly elected members begin, the Committee shall elect from among its members a new chair to serve a one-year term beginning July 1. Any member who has at least one (1) year remaining in a committee term or who has been re-elected to an additional, successive term is eligible to serve as chair.
One (1) faculty senator is elected to the committee each year. They shall be elected annually from and by elected Senate members to serve for a three-year, non-renewable term. . Nominations for the new member shall occur from the floor during the penultimate Senate meeting, and elections shall be by secret ballot completed prior to the last meeting of the academic year.
Senators who have completed at least one (1) year of their Senate terms are eligible to serve on the Committee on Committees unless they are at the end of their Senate service and have not been re-elected. If a Senate term extension is necessary to complete the Committee on Committees service, then the individual will become a supernumerary member of the Senate and the regular schedule of elections to the Senate from that individual’s college or unit will be unaffected.
2.12.3 Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee (AFT) Duties
The Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee will: (a) recommend to the Professional Responsibilities and Procedures Committee possible policy revisions arising from within the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee’s jurisdiction; and (b) review, for consideration by the Senate, all matters pertaining to faculty rights, academic freedom, and tenure. Jurisdiction as an administrative hearing body. The Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, as represented by each of its hearing panels, is an administrative hearing body, with jurisdiction in matters related to academic freedom, tenure, promotion, dismissals, and other sanctions; and actions alleged not to be in accordance with the adopted standards, policies, and procedures of the university. In relation to these matters, the committee may hear both complaints initiated by the university against a faculty member and grievance petitions brought by a faculty member. Procedural due process
Hearing panels of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee shall, when hearing grievances, determine whether procedural due process was granted the petitioner as provided in this policy and determine whether the grievance is valid or not valid (Policy 407.5.6.8, Recommendation of the Hearing Panel) The recommendation of the hearing panel shall be binding on the general membership of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. Membership
The Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee consists of the following members:
(a) three (3) faculty members appointed from the elected faculty senators by the Committee on Committees each representing different colleges, and (b) one (1) faculty member elected by and from the faculty in each of the remaining academic colleges, Extension, and the Library. Election and appointment of members; terms
Committee members elected from the faculty shall be elected and will serve terms in accordance with Policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies. Committee members appointed from the Senate shall be selected in accordance with policy 402.12.2.4 and will serve three-year terms (Policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies). Officers
(a) Eligibility; election; term. No later than the last day of the Spring semester (before the terms of the newly elected members begin), the Committee shall elect from among its members a new chair and vice chair, each to serve a one-year term beginning July 1. Any member who has at least one (1) year remaining in a committee term or who has been re-elected to an additional, successive term is eligible to serve as chair or vice chair. Responsibilities of the chair and vice chair
The chair shall set the agenda for and preside at Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee meetings, and appoint hearing panels as required. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall assume these duties. The vice chair shall be responsible for the recording of the minutes. Supplemental appointments
If necessary in order to hear grievances in a timely manner, supplemental members of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee may be appointed by the Committee on Committees from the elected members of the Senate. This appointment process shall be initiated by the chair of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee. The term of these appointees shall expire June 30 following appointment. Hearing panels
Hearing panels shall be appointed as necessary to hear grievances. Four (4) members shall be appointed by the chair of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee from the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee, and the remaining member shall be an administrator who holds a faculty appointment appointed by the president of the university. Faculty members of hearing panels shall be selected by the chair of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee on a rotating basis. All five (5) panel members have a vote. Even if their Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee terms expire, hearing panel members shall serve until the recommendation of the hearing panel has been submitted to the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee and to the president of the university.
2.12.4 Budget and Faculty Welfare Committee (BFW) Duties
The duties of the Budget and Faculty Welfare Committee are to (a) participate in the university budget preparation process; (b) periodically evaluate and report to the Senate on matters relating to faculty salaries, insurance programs, retirement benefits, sabbatical leaves, consulting policies, and other faculty benefits; (c) review the financial and budgetary implications of proposals for changes in academic degrees and programs, and report to the Senate prior action relating to such proposals; (d) report to the Senate significant fiscal and budgetary trends which may affect the academic programs of the university; and (e) provide faculty representatives for the Benefits Advisory Committee (BAC). Membership
The Budget and Faculty Welfare Committee consists of the following members: (a) three (3) faculty members appointed from the elected faculty senators by the Committee on Committees each representing different colleges, and (b) one (1) faculty member elected by and from the faculty in each of the remaining academic colleges, Extension, and the Library. Election and Appointment of Members; Terms
Committee members elected from the faculty shall be elected and will serve terms in accordance with Policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies. Committee members appointed from the Senate shall be selected in accordance with policy 402.12.2 and will serve three-year terms (Policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies). Officers
Eligibility; election; term. No later than the last day of the Spring semester (before the terms of the newly elected members begin), the Committee shall elect from among its members a new chair and vice chair, each to serve a one-year term beginning July 1. Any member who has at least one (1) year remaining in a committee term or who has been re-elected to an additional, successive term is eligible to serve as chair or vice chair.
Responsibilities of the chair and vice chair. The chair shall set the agenda for and preside at Budget and Faculty Welfare Committee meetings. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall assume these duties. The vice chair shall be responsible for the recording of the minutes.
2.12.5 Professional Responsibilities and Procedures Committee (PRPC) Duties
The Professional Responsibilities and Procedures Committee shall advise the Faculty Senate regarding composition, interpretation, and revision of Section 400 in University Policies and Procedures. Recommended revisions shall be submitted to the Senate for its consideration. The procedures for code amendments are specified in Section 202 of the USU Policy Manual. Membership
The membership of this committee will consist of seven (7) Faculty Senators appointed by the Committee on Committees. Appointment of Members; Terms
Committee members appointed from the Senate shall be selected in accordance with policy 402.12.2 and will serve staggered three-year terms (Policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies). Officers
Eligibility; election; term. No later than the last day of the Spring semester (before the terms of the newly elected members begin), the Committee shall elect from among its members a new chair and vice chair, each to serve a one-year term beginning July 1. Any member who has at least one (1) year remaining in a committee term or who has been re-elected to an additional, successive term is eligible to serve as chair or vice chair. Responsibilities of the chair and vice chair
The chair shall set the agenda for and preside at Professional Responsibilities and Procedures Committee meetings. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall assume these duties. The vice chair shall be responsible for the recording of the minutes.
2.12.6 Educational Policies Committee (EPC) Duties
The major function of this committee shall be to serve as the Senate committee on educational policy, including program discontinuance for academic reasons (Policy 406.2, Program Discontinuance for Academic Reasons). In addition to conducting studies and making recommendations as specifically instructed by the Senate, the committee itself may initiate such activities. Routine actions taken under established policy, such as approval for specific course changes, additions, or deletions, shall be submitted to the Senate as information items. All policy recommendations and major actions shall be referred to the Senate for approval or disapproval. Specific duties of the Educational Policies Committee shall include consideration of standards and requirements for university designated honors such as cum laude, magna cum laude, and summa cum laude. Membership
The Educational Policies Committee consists of:
- (a) the executive vice president and provost or designee;
- (b) one (1) faculty representative from each academic college, and the Library;
- (c) one (1) faculty representative from the Graduate Council;
- (d) the chairs of the EPC Curriculum Subcommittee, General Education Subcommittee, Academic Standards Subcommittee;
- (e) two (2) student officers from the elected USUSA student government; and
- (f) one (1) elected graduate student representative.
The faculty representatives are elected to the committee in accordance with policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies. Note of explanation: Extension has no independent curriculum. There is no need for a representative from Extension to sit on this committee. Term of members
The term of office for faculty members on the Educational Policies Committee shall be three (3) years in accordance with policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies. The term of office for student members shall be one (1) year. Chair
The executive vice president and provost or their designated representative shall serve as chair of the Educational Policies Committee. The Committee will elect a vice chair from its members to serve in the absence of the chair. The chair or their designee will report to the Senate on the committee's actions. Curriculum Subcommittee
The Curriculum Subcommittee will formulate recommendations on curricular matters, such as course changes, and forward the same to the Educational Policies Committee. This subcommittee shall consist of the chairs of the curriculum committee of each academic college, three (3) faculty members appointed from the elected membership of the Educational Policies Committee, one (1) faculty representative each from Extension, and the Library, and two (2) students, one (1) from the USUSA and one (1) elected graduate student representative. Additional non-voting members may be appointed by the chair in order to assist with committee operations and may include staff from the Office of the Provost, Registrar’s Office, Academic and Instructional Services, and others as needed. The terms of Educational Policies Committee members on the subcommittee will correspond to their terms on the Educational Policies Committee. The term of office for student members shall be one (1) year. The subcommittee shall elect a chair annually, preferably at the last meeting of the academic year. General Education Subcommittee
The General Education Subcommittee formulates and reviews policy with respect to general education. The subcommittee shall consist of three (3) faculty members and one (1) student appointed by the Educational Policies Committee. Their terms will correspond to their Educational Policies Committee terms. Additional members may be appointed to the subcommittee for two-year terms by the Educational Policies Committee to lend academic expertise to the areas of emphasis in the general education program of the university. Recommendations developed by the General Education Subcommittee will be submitted to the Educational Policies Committee. The subcommittee shall elect a chair annually, preferably at the last meeting of the academic year. Academic Standards Subcommittee
The Academic Standards Subcommittee (a) recommends policy on all matters pertaining to academic evaluation of students, including admission, retention, grade assignment, and graduation; (b) recommends discipline policy regarding student academic dishonesty; and (c) approves the process for discipline regarding alleged academic violations by students and for grievance hearings in cases of alleged student academic dishonesty. The subcommittee shall consist of four (4) faculty members and one (1) student appointed by the Educational Policies Committee. Their terms will correspond to their Educational Policies Committee terms. Additional members may be appointed to the subcommittee for two-year terms by the Educational Policies Committee to lend expertise.
Recommendations from this subcommittee will be submitted to the Educational Policies Committee. The subcommittee shall elect a chair annually, preferably at the last meeting of the academic year.
2.12.7 Faculty Evaluation Committee (FEC)
The Faculty Evaluation Committee shall (a) assess methods for evaluating faculty performance; (b) recommend improvements in methods of evaluation; and (c) decide university awards for Eldon J. Gardner Teacher of the Year, Undergraduate Faculty Mentor of the Year, and Faculty University Service Award. Membership
The committee shall consist of three (3) faculty members appointed from the elected faculty senators by the Committee on Committees, each representing different colleges, one (1) faculty representative from each of the remaining academic colleges, Extension, and the Library, two (2) student officers from the USUSA, and one (1) elected graduate student representative. The faculty representatives are elected to the committee in accordance with Policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies. The committee will elect a chair annually, preferably at the last meeting of the academic year.
2.12.8 Faculty Diversity, Development, and Equity Committee (FDDE) Duties
The duties of the Faculty Diversity, Development, and Equity Committee are to: (a) collect data and identify and promote best practices for faculty development, mentoring, and work environment to facilitate the success of diverse faculty at all career levels; (b) provide feedback and advocate processes for faculty recruitment, promotion, and retention that promote diversity, fair pay standards, and work/life balance for the faculty; (c) report on the status of faculty development, mentoring, diversity, and equity; and (d) make recommendations for implementation of proposals related to faculty diversity, development, and equity. Membership
The Diversity, Development, and Equity Committee consists of the following members: (a) three (3) faculty members appointed from the elected faculty senators by the Committee on Committees each representing different colleges, and (b) one (1) faculty member elected by and from the faculty in each of the remaining academic colleges, Extension, and the Library. Election and Appointment of Members; Terms.
Committee members elected from the faculty shall be elected and will serve terms in accordance with Policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies. Committee members appointed from the Senate shall be selected in accordance with policy 402.12.2 and will serve three-year terms (Policy 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Vacancies). Officers
Eligibility; election; term. No later than the last day of the Spring semester (before the terms of the newly elected members begin), the Committee shall elect from among its members a new chair and vice chair, each to serve a one-year term beginning July 1. Any member who has at least one (1) year remaining in a committee term or who has been re-elected to an additional, successive term is eligible to serve as chair or vice chair. Responsibilities of the chair and vice chair
The chair shall set the agenda for and preside at Diversity, Development, and Equity Committee meetings. In the absence of the chair, the vice chair shall assume these duties. The vice chair shall be responsible for the recording of the minutes.
2.12.9 Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum (ECFF)
The Executive Committee of the Faculty Forum shall have the duty of composing the agenda for the annual meeting and any special meetings of the Faculty Forum. The membership of this committee shall consist of the elected members of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee excluding administrators (Policy 402.12.1.2, a-d, Membership).
2.12.10 Senate Handbook Committee (SHC)
The Senate Handbook Committee composes and/or revises annually the Senate Handbook (Policy 402.2.3, Senator’s Handbook). This committee consists of the Faculty Senate President, President-Elect of the Senate, and the Immediate Past President of the Senate. Additional members may be appointed by the Committee on Committees.
2.13 University Councils And Committees With Faculty Representatives
The Senate Committee on Committees recommends to the Senate faculty members to be appointed to the following university councils, boards, and committees: Athletic Council, Graduate Council, University Research Council, Council on Teacher Education, University Libraries Advisory Council, Honors Program Advisory Board, Calendar Committee, Bookstore Committee, Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee, Parking/Transportation Advisory Committee, Student Conduct Hearing Board, University Assessment Coordinating Council, Commencement Steering Committee, and Facilities Naming Committee. The faculty representative need not be a Senate member unless their role on the council or committee is to represent the Senate specifically as well as the faculty generally. See also Policies 402.10.3, Elections within the Senate, 402.11.2, Membership; Elections; Terms; Voting, and 402.12.2.4, Committee on Committees (CoC)). In the spirit of shared governance, at the Statewide Campuses and USU Eastern, the vice president for statewide campuses will establish procedures whereby faculty members on those campuses can be actively engaged and represented in key local decisions parallel to the councils and committees described in this paragraph.
3.1 Responsible Office/Party
- Policy 401: Composition and Authority of the Faculty.
- Policy 406: Program Discontinuance, Financial Exigency, and Financial Crisis.
- Policy 407: Academic Due Process, Sanctions, and Hearing Procedures
Information below is not included as part of the contents of the official Policy. It is provided only as a convenience for readers/users and may be changed at any time by persons authorized by the President, subject to review by the USU Policy Committee.
Related Forms and Tools
- Faculty Senate Committee Explanation Table
- Faculty Senate website: https://www.usu.edu/fsenate/
- Executive Secretary: Michele Hillard
Original issue date: 1997/07/01
Last review date: 2021/09/01
Next scheduled review date: TBD
Previous revision dates: 2001/11/16, 2002/04/29, 2007/01/12, 2007/04/30, 2009/03/06, 2010/08/13, 2011/07/08, 2012/01/06, 2014/02/28, 2014/05/02, 2015/05/01, 2015/07/17, 2015/10/30, 2016/03/04, 2016/05/06, 2016/06/24, 2017/03/22