Waves, Force, Torque: The Science of Safety
Featured speaker Carl Farley, M.S. industrial hygienist
Senior Lecturer, Department of Biology, Public Health, Utah State University
Friday, February 09, 2024
7 p.m. Eccles Science Learning Center,
Emert Auditorium, Room ESLC 130
Hands-on learning activities and refreshments follow the talk in the Eccles Science Learning Center atrium.
Admission is free and all ages are welcome.
Directions and Parking Information
Talk Description
To keep people safe, it’s important to keep science in mind. Carl Farley is an industrial hygienist – a scientist and engineer who specializes in keeping people safe in the workplace. He’ll explain how the scientific principles of waves, force and torque apply to the physics of noise, ergonomics and radiation, and how an understanding of these principles can protect workers from common workplace hazards.