University Affairs

USU Sees Record First-Year College Student Enrollment for Fall 2022

Students hold lanterns and stand in the outline of the letter A on the Quad at Utah State University's Logan campus during the Luminary ceremony on Aug. 26. The university saw record enrollment this year.

Utah State University is seeing record enrollment this fall at its residential campuses in Logan, Price and Blanding among first-year students who recently graduated high school. First-year student enrollment was up 13.3% over last year in Logan and up 14.1% overall across the university’s statewide system.

USU enrollment highlights also included:

  • Concurrent enrollment, students taking USU courses while in high school, was up 17.4% across all of USU’s campuses over fall 2021.
  • New and transfer students who are the first in their families to attend college increased 16.3% over the last year.
  • Graduate student enrollment was slightly down on the Logan campus, but up across most of USU’s statewide campuses.
  • Total enrollment, including both undergraduate and graduate, as well as concurrent enrollment, increased by 1.9% over fall 2021.

USU Executive Vice President Robert Wagner credits several factors for this year’s increased enrollment numbers, including: the Aggies First Scholars program; diversity, equity and inclusion efforts; the draw of a residential campus experience; and USU’s alumni support. Many of these programs specifically support those traditionally underserved in higher education, meeting the needs of changing demographics in Utah.

“USU has always excelled at offering access to a world-class education with innovative opportunities for undergraduate research, community-engaged learning, and real-world experience,” Wagner said. “On top of all that, USU has an expansive alumni network of Aggies that allows our students to leverage prestigious internship opportunities, capitalize on advanced career placement, and connect with fellow Aggies around the globe.”

Katie Jo North, USU’s executive director of new student enrollment, also points to the Utah State Promise, a need-based program which covers the remaining tuition and fees for those students who are eligible for a federal Pell grant. USU recruiters also resumed their full efforts over the last year, both in Utah and across the nation.

“The high school students we met last year were anxious for a real campus life, and Utah State offers a full residential experience,” North said.

That was also apparent in a record number of first-year students taking part in USU’s “Connections,” a short course for first-year and transfer students on Logan, Eastern and Blanding campuses. Connections eases the transition to campus life, and, on the Logan campus, culminates with the USU Luminary, processional from the Spectrum to the Quad where more than 1,000 alumni and community members celebrate with students.


Amanda DeRito
Associate VP of Strategic Communications
University Marketing and Communications



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