For Instructors

The Writing Fellows Program is always accepting new instructors to work with. For more information or to apply to use the program you may contact Julie Foust at (435) 797-3648 or

When considering if the WF Program is the right fit for your course, please keep the following program requirements in mind:

  • All courses using WFs must have 2-3 writing assignments that the WF will revise.
  • All students in the class must be required to work with WFs, any papers submitted unaccompanied by WF comments should be deemed incomplete.
  • Papers submitted to the WFs late are not acceptable.
  • Instructors will inform WFs of any change in paper dates or assignments at least 10 days in advance.

Guidelines for Working with WFs

  • The focus of WFs is writing. They do not attend the course, and they do not grade papers. They act as readers, coaches, and guides, giving suggestions to help students improve their writing skills.
  • Assignment due dates must be set up clearly so that the students have a week to ten days between turning in a draft and meeting with the WFs and submitting a revised final paper to the professor.
  • WFs need a week to ten days to write comments and to meet with students in a 30 minute conference session.
  • WFs have a 60-hour contract, most of which is spent in writing critiques and meeting with students.
  • The professor should inform WFs of any change in assignment due dates.

Duties of the Professor

  • Meet with the WFs early on to discuss goals, expectations, syllabi, and assignments.
  • Include names, email addresses, and phone numbers of WFs on syllabus for easy reference Include WF due dates for papers in the syllabus.
  • Frequently note the importance of WFs to the class and exhibit enthusiasm for the WF Program.
  • Hold students responsible for their work and having a good draft ready on the due date.

Duties of the Writing Fellows

  • Meet with the WFs early in the semester.
  • Ask questions concerning the class assignments.
  • Schedule a time for the initial meeting of the class with the Writing Fellows.
  • Ensure there is adequate time to read and comment on papers and hold conferences.
  • Discuss the conference sign-up process.
  • Keep detailed notes on conferences to email you or discuss at a follow-up meeting of the first assignment.
  • Attend all scheduled conferences with class members.

If you need a more intensive support than WFs provide, please inquire about the Undergraduate Teaching Fellows Program.