Wellness Self-Guided Resources
Alcohol & Drugs
- Alcohol and Substance Abuse
- Drinking at USU
- Standard Drink
- Drug Use and Abuse
- Online Alcohol Education Course
Eating Disorder
- 10 Ways to Love Your Body
- Signs of Eating Disorders
- How to Help a Friend
- Disordered Eating
Food & Meal Planning
Weight Management
Mindful Eating
- Type of food
- How often you eat
- How fast you chew
- When you stop
- Where you eat
- Amount of food
- When you swallow
- When you eat
- Size of the bite you chew
- Time between bites
Eating Experiments
- Watch the food entering your mouth
- Clearing - take a sip of water after each bite to “clear” the palate
- Loaves and Fishes - break food into many smaller pieces
- Food Hopping - hop from one food to another to give new taste each bite
- Find Your Bite Size - experiment with most enjoyable bite size
- Put silverware down after each bite
- Taste Deeply
- Flavor
- Texture
- Aroma
- Temperature
- Aftertaste