Educator, Teacher, Friend

Educator, Teacher, Friend

Kraig Varner
American, b. 1949

Educator, Teacher, Friend, 2004

Bronze, 48" x 93.5"


The bronze sculpture Educator, Teacher, Friend portrays a classroom setting with a teacher instructing two pupils. It memorializes Emma Eccles Jones, the namesake of USU’s College of Education and Human Services, who spent much of her life working as an elementary school teacher and serving as a philanthropist. Over a period of 41 years she and the Emma Eccles Jones Foundation contributed a total of $45 million to USU’s College of Education and Human Services. This support helped the College become a leader in the field of education with the best ranked graduate programs in the state and a ranking of 33rd in the nation. Emma's legacy continues as the College now includes eight academic departments, three stand-alone centers, a research facility, a laboratory school, and the National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management.