Career Series Courses

Check out these 7 week, 1 credit, online courses! Each is designed to meet YOU where you are at in your career development process.

Class Options

USU 1400 Explore Majors and Careers
The purpose of this class is to provide students with the tools to explore major and career options in order to design a life they love. Through the 7 weeks, students will spend time developing a strong self-awareness, understand how that plays into major/career options, and then work on making a decision. The activities, content, experiences, and resources in this course serve as a basis for life planning and the process of important career and life decisions.

USU 2400 Networking and Preparing for Internships
The purpose of this class is to provide students with techniques and tools necessary to gain experiential opportunities relevant to their career goals. Students will build confidence in their ability to identify and participate in meaningful experiential opportunities such as internships, volunteerism, practicum, fieldwork, etc.

USU 3400 Launch Your Career
The purpose of this class is to provide students with tools to launch their career. Students will apply career search strategies customized for potential employers while developing and articulating competencies employers are seeking. Students will prepare a career portfolio of effective documents, develop their LinkedIn profile, and network through fairs, employer information sessions, and mock interviews.

USU 2250 Introductory Internship
This introductory internship course allows students to combine on-the-job career learning with related academic course work to complement the total educational experience. Students will be able to document projects completed and skills gained, thus demonstrating capabilities beyond the classroom.

USU 4250 Advanced Internships
This advanced internship course allows students to combine on-the-job career learning with related academic course work to complement the total educational experience. Students document projects completed and skills gained, thus demonstrating capabilities beyond the classroom.

Registering for a Career Course

2. Click on Registration & Classes

Click on Registration & Classes

3. Click on College Scheduler

Click on College Scheduler

5. Select Campus (Online)

Select Campus (Online)

6. Click on Save and Continue

Click on Save and Continue

7. Click on Add Course

Click on Add Course

8. Click on Select Subject...

Click on Select Subject...

9. Type "USU"

10. Click on Select Course...

Click on Select Course...

11. Type "1400"

Type "1400"

12. Click on Add Course

Click on Add Course

13. Click on Done

Click on Done

14. Click on Registration Cart

Click on  Registration Cart