Virtual & In Person Drop-in Resume Reviews
The Career Design Center is here to help you get your resume ready for action. Whether you are starting out brand new or just need to have your resume looked over before pressing send, our Career Studio Peers are here to help.
During our hours you will have access to Career Studio Peers dedicated to reviewing your resume and other job application materials. Please note that most drop-ins are approximately 10-15 minutes. Virtual Drop-Ins may have a wait time. If you are in the waiting room longer than 10 minutes, please call the Career Design Center office at (435) 797-7777 for further assistance.
If you would like to have your resume reviewed outside of the posted times, you are welcome to set up an appointment with the Career Studio Peers.
Drop-In Hours
Spring 2024
In Person: University Inn 102
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Tuesday, Thursday: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Virtual (Same Times)
Prepare for your Appointment
Prepare a draft of your resume/cover letter before you drop in.
Need a kick-start? Follow the link below for some quick tips and templates.
Resume Help by College
Drop-in a Zoom Room for an Appointment
Visit us during our virtual office hours to access the Zoom room. Have your materials (current resume, cover letter, etc.) available to share with the Career Studio Peer.
You will be placed in a waiting room while our Career Studio Peer is working with the students ahead of you.