ETE Conference Frequently Asked Questions

Reach Out with Specific Questions
If you have any specific questions not answered here, please email

Breakout Session Presenter

The ETE Conference will be held at the Taggart Student Center (TSC) on Logan Campus on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Registration will be located just outside the TSC Ballroom. The opening ceremony, keynote address, and lightning talks will be held in the TSC Ballroom. Lunch, vendors, and poster sessions will be in the Sunburst Lounge. Finally, all breakout sessions will be held in Huntsman Hall.

Presentations for the morning session (A & B) will have 45-min to present. Afternoon sessions (C & D) will have 35-min. Each of the seven Lightning Talks will be approximately 6-min each.

An ETE designated moderator will introduce you at the beginning of your session using the name of your presentation and the presenters for the session. Your moderator will also inform you when you have 5 minutes remaining, 1 minute, and then signaling that time has expired.

Each lead presenter will need to upload their presentation slides directly to the ETE box folder by the deadline so they can be added to their session page. Remember to use the ETE Conference PPT Template for formatting.

  • Start by using the ETE Conference PPT Template for formatting your slides. These sessions should be no longer than 20 minutes.
  • We encourage you to utilize the recording studio in DE 101 on the Logan campus, however, we recognize this won't be possible for everyone. Please feel free to record your session on your own at home or from your office. There are several tools that can record your session including conferencing apps like Kaltura.
  • Please upload your presentation in a .mp4 or .mov video file to the designated Box folder that was sent to you in your session acceptance email, by July 31st.
For additional questions about these sessions please contact Shelley Arnold.

Synchronous sessions will be held in Huntsman Hall, recorded, and posted on the ETE YouTube Channel.

There are many options for parking at the Conference. For options, please review the "Parking" webpage.

Panel Session Guidelines

As the host of a panel session, you are responsible for coordinating the individuals that will be participating on the panel.  It will also be your responsibility to introduce yourself, and lead introductions of your panel members at the beginning of the session. As host you should have questions prepared beforehand to facilitate discussion, and/or have panel members be prepared to address specific topics during the session.

Panel sessions run concurrently with other breakout sessions. Please have all of your panel members arrive at your session location 5-10 minutes before your scheduled time to ensure that presentations transition as smoothly as possible. If you will be using a PowerPoint presentation during your session, please use the ETE Conference PPT Template.

For any additional questions or concerns, please contact Shelley Arnold,

Moderator Guidelines

When moderating a breakout session at the ETE Conference, your primary job is to help the session start and end on time. As you bring the attendees to order when it is time to begin, please take 30 seconds to introduce yourself (name, position at USU, member of the ETE Committee, etc.) and then read the "Moderator Information" located in the room for that session. The "Moderator Information" Packet will be clearly labeled and located on the podiums or computer stands in each room. After reading turn the floor over to the presenter and move to the rear of the room. You'll also need to record the number of attendees at the session and keep an eye on the time. Put your hand up to notify the presenter when there are 5 minutes remaining, and again when there is 1 minute remaining to cue the presenter that they are nearly out of time. When time is up, return to the front of the room to take the floor, thank the presenter, and excuse the attendees to move on to the next session.

For any additional questions or concerns, please contact Missy Kofoed,

Exhibit/Booth Guidelines

The Exhibit Hall for the ETE Conference will be in the Sunburst Lounge (TSC 236). All booths will be located here as it is a high-traffic area for the conference. The conference will run from 8 am – 4:30 pm, and the Exhibit Hall will be open from 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm.
  • Plan to setup your booth no later than 12:00pm, or between 4-5 pm the afternoon before the event. Booths should be cleared by 5:30 pm the day of the event.
  • We anticipate that peak visiting time will occur between 1pm-2pm (during lunch)
ETE will provide:
  • One table (3’ x 8’)
  • Two chairs
  • Access to power for monitors or other electronics (when requested)
You will need to provide:
  • Computer (if applicable)
  • Projector or flat screen monitor (if applicable)
  • Any other handouts, swag, or materials you might need
  • Easel (if applicable)
  • Signage
  • Tablecloth
Please remember to register for the conference if you are hosting a booth, and you are welcome to eat lunch in the TSC Ballroom as well.

For any additional questions or concerns, please contact Jillian Morley, at