Only authorized users will be able to run travel reports. If you are not authorized and feel that you should be, please contact Elizabeth Monaco.
Report Description
Pending Approvals The Pending Approvals report can be used to view pending approvals by an Initiator's Home Department.
Travel Approvals The Travel Approvals report can be used to find all pending approvals by an Approver's A#.
TA with no TR The TA with no TR report can be used to find all TA's that haven't had a TR. Query by Initiator, Traveler, Department or College.
Document Search The Document Search can be used to find any Travel Authorization, Travel Reimbursement, or Travel Advance.
Traveler Listing The Traveler Listing can be used to find any Travel Authorization, Travel Reimbursement, or Travel Advance based on a time frame and traveler ID.
Department Listing The Department Listing can be used to find any Travel Authorization, Travel Reimbursement, or Travel Advance based on a time frame and the home department of the traveler.
Approval Queues The Approval Queues report displays travel approval queues for a specific college.
International By College The International by College report can be used to search for trips within a date range based on Itinerary.
Traveler Location Search Find where travelers are located between a specified time frame.
Travel Proxy Report Proxy Report will give you the details of the A# you enter. Both who the A# is proxy for and who is proxy for that A#.
Export Use the Export report to export travel details into excel for the travel you have prepared.