ACT Resources

The ACT test is what we call a college placement exam, because your student’s score on that test helps determine which classes (e.g. math) that they are placed in when they begin college. Scoring higher on certain subjects such as math can help them avoid having to take remedial classes in preparation for the required college-level classes, and ultimately saves them time and money. Speaking of money, the higher their ACT score is, the more likely they are to automatically qualify for academic scholarships which can range between $250 per semester during their first year of college, to 100% of their student tuition & fees for all four years of college.

Planning to Take the ACT

Mulitple Attempts

Taking the ACT multiple times typically result in higher scores. Plan on taking the ACT more than once to receive your best score.

State Funded ACT Test Dates

Your High School will be registering all students for a state sponsered test date in Jan or Feb of their Junior year. After taking the state provided ACT test at their school during junior year, student's test results can be found at this site. Student's school registrar, or counseling office will have that information for you also. Remember, you can retake the ACT test as many times as you need, they’ll just need to make sure their scores are sent to the college(s) they want to attend so that they have their highest scores.

Watch the Dates and Deadlines!

Look ahead to find the right date for taking the ACT again during or after your Junior year. You could take the test early in the summer when your math class is still fresh in your mind or in the fall after preparing over the summer. Most students plan on taking thier last test in Sep, Oct or Nov. Remember that the Sep and Oct test registration deadlines can occur before school starts in the Fall, so pay attention and plan ahead.

Remember to compare the test dates with your college's admission deadlines. Some schools will accept higher scores from ACT tests taken after their registration deadline to qualify for academic scholarships and some will not.

Your focus and time is another thing to consider if you are planning on participating in band, drama, or a fall sport. Think thruough when you will be at your best and plan for success!

Registering for an ACT test Website

Go to for current testing dates and deadlines. This is also where students can find out their ACT Test results (you can also ask your High School's Counseling Department), and register for upcoming test dates.

If you have only taken the ACT as a junior during the state funded test, you will need to create an account at you will receive an ACT ID#. Keep this number and account login info in order to see results, make any changes to where you would like reults to go, and register for additional tests.

You can choose up to 3 colleges that you would like your scores to be sent. Adding any additional schools, or editing where you send scores after the test, will require additional payment and is not covered by the fee waiver.

ACT Fee Waivers

If a student would like to retake the ACT test, after the junior year test date, so they can obtain a higher score, remember to ask your GEAR UP adviser and/or high school counselors for a registration fee waiver. GEAR UP students can use fee waivers up to 4 additional tests throughout high school. Combined with the state provided test during Junior year, that means that GEAR UP students can take the ACT up to 5 times for no cost (Each ACT Registration typically costs $50).

Preparing for the ACT


All students in the state of Utah get free access to Shmoop’s ACT prep materials and timed practice tests. GEAR UP students love to use Shmoop because it is both entertaining and super helpful. For your student to gain free access, they will need to follow the following steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Find your school in the alphabetical list and sign in through the "already have an account through your school" prompt. Your username is your school student email account and for the password enter the magic word: WASATCH (all caps - 2020-2021)

Shmoop Preview

Kick off the school year with Shmoop by taking this quick and easy Shmoop 101 Nano Course (Takes approx 15 minutes!)
In this course, you will learn:

  • What is Shmoop?
  • How to navigate your Shmoop "Home" Page
  • How to use Virtual Classrooms
  • How to find quick links and helpful resources on the Shmoop website

Paper Testing Booklets

Your counselors can provide a paper test booklet to help you practice on paper. This will allow you to practice filling in ACT-type scantrons and timing yourself with pencil and paper. Have someone time you for each section and practice pacing yourself.

Other ACT Resources

Quad Education - Take a FREE full length practice ACT! - Test prep straight from the source!