Global Engagement Scholar Transcript Designation

Transcript Designation Description

Utah State University offers its students the opportunity to ground their academic work in topics of global concern. Global Engagement Scholars are students who have learned to think deeply and to engage thoughtfully, both in and outside of the classroom, with the international issues that shape their disciplines. The resulting transcript designation of Global Engagement Scholar communicates to future employers and/or graduate programs the student’s commitment to international communication and understanding.

Transcript Designation Requirements

To earn the Global Engagement Scholar transcript designation, students must meet the following requirements:


Foreign Language Competence

Students must complete two years of coursework (or equivalent competency testing) in a foreign language.

Internationally Focused Coursework

Students must complete at least 15 credits of approved coursework with an international focus. Please review the approved list of courses. Students may also justify why a course that is not already approved should be approved in their application.

Study Abroad

Students must participate in a USU affiliated/approved study abroad program, in which at least 6 credits are earned (year, semester, or short-term program). All credits earned on study abroad will count toward the required 15 credits of internationally focused coursework and potentially all 15 credits could be earned abroad.

Pre- and Post-Experience Reflection

All Global Engagement Scholars must successfully complete both a pre-departure orientation in preparation for the international experience (term before study abroad program) and a returnee social (after study abroad program) that includes reflection on the meaning of the international experience. Options for these reflective discussions include pre-departure orientations and returnee socials sponsored by the Office of Global Engagement, the Institute of Government and Politics, the University Honors Program, or the sponsoring college or department. Global Engagement Scholars may be trained to lead these reflective conversations as part of their reflection presentations.

Reflection Presentation

After attending a returnee social post-program, Global Engagement Scholars must make a public presentation describing a specific international issue that informed their study abroad and articulating how that issue has extended and shaped their academic study here at USU. International Education Week is held annually during the week before Thanksgiving break. During this week, there will be a Global Engagement Scholar Symposium. Students are highly encouraged to conduct their reflection presentations at the symposium when possible.

Transcript Designation Application

Students can apply for this designation after they have completed the foreign language competence, pre-departure orientation, study abroad, and internationally focused coursework requirements. The post-experience reflection presentation shall take place after acceptance. There will be at least one mandatory meeting with the Senior Study Abroad Advisor in the Office of Global Engagement, either individually or as a group with other Global Engagement Scholars. There may be additional optional meetings and you are welcome to schedule appointments with the Senior Study Abroad Advisor

Application deadline to participate each academic year: August 1. Applications will be reviewed and students will be notified of their application status.

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Students who complete all requirements and become Global Engagement Scholars will receive the transcript designation on their transcript. Each student who becomes a Global Engagement Scholar will have the option to purchase a special Global Engagement Scholar stole to wear at graduation.