Review the binding legislation for the USUSA.
Meeting Minutes
Review meeting minutes from Academic Senate and Executive Council.
Officer Position Descriptions
Review the position descriptions for members of the USUSA Academic Senate and Executive Council.
USUSA Constitution
Review the current version of the USUSA Constitution.
USUSA legislation is organized by council, type, and year. The two USUSA councils, Academic Senate (AS) and Executive Council (EC), write bills and resolutions. To see what the councils are working on this week, review the meeting minutes.
If either of the USUSA councils have jurisdiction over an area, the official legislation is referred to as a bill. Resolutions are any legislation that require the approval of the University President, Board of Trustees, or Board of Regents.
Each piece of legislation is assigned a Document ID. For example: an EC bill written in 2015 is labeled as ECB 2015-01. Legislation prior to the current academic year is abbreviated. For example: an EC bill written in 2010 is labeled as ECB 10-01.
This website was created by the Utah State University Student Association to promote understanding of USUSA Student Government activity. The USUSA Administrative Assistant updates this site weekly. For more information, please contact the Student Involvement and Leadership Center at (435) 797-2919 or visit their office in the Taggart Student Center room 326.