American Mathematical Society

Utah State Student Chapter

About Us

The mission of the American Mathematical Society Graduate Student Chapter at Utah State University is to serve mathematics graduate students at USU by providing opportunities for academic and professional development and to foster a sense of community within the department. The Chapter organizes professional and social activities related to mathematics, the mathematics profession and graduate student life. Most Chapter activities are also suitable for undergraduate students, and undergraduates are encouraged to participate.

Upcoming Events

  • September 24th @ 4pm: Math Bee in ANSC 314.
    • Come compete with some friendly math puzzles!
    • Pizza and drinks will be served. 
    • Undergraduates and Graduate Students are welcome.

GRADUATE STUDENT CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY The AMS Chapter organizes professional and social activities related to mathematics, the mathematics profession and Student life at USU. FIRST EVENT: MATHEMATICS BEE TUESDAY, SEPT. 24, 2024 4-5 PM IN ANSC 314 ALL STUDENTS ARE WELCOME! PIZZA WILL BE SERVED! FOR INFORMATION ON FURTHER EVENTS, PLEASE VISIT Contact information President: Adam Robertson College of Science UtahStateUniversity