Questions and Answers - Evans Biography Awards Writers' Workshop for Auto/Biography

If your question is not answered below, please email the Mountain West Center at They will respond as quickly as possible during working hours.

raised hands

What date is the workshop being held?
The workshop is being held on Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  

Where is the workshop being held?
The workshop is being held at the regional campus of Utah State University - Salt Lake Center (920 W Levoy Drive, Taylorsville, Utah).

Where can I park?
Free parking is available at the Utah State University - Salt Lake Center campus located at 920 W Levoy Drive, Taylorsville, Utah. 

What is the cost of the workshop?
The cost is $60, payable at the time of registration through PayPal. Cost covers food and workshop materials.

Do I need to have a PayPal account to register?
You do not need to have a PayPal account to register. You will pay through PayPal with either a debit or credit card, or you can use your PayPal account if you have one.

Will food be provided as part of the workshop?
There will be a light continental breakfast available from 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. during registration. Box lunches will be provided during the keynote address.

How many of the workshop sessions can I attend? 
You will choose one of the two workshop sessions in the morning and one of the two workshop sessions in the afternoon. The luncheon keynote session will be attended by all participants.

Will the workshop sessions be hands-on learning?
Each of the presenters for the morning and afternoon workshops will be providing a hands-on learning experience for all participants during their session.

Is the workshop for beginning or more experienced writers?
This workshop is open to writers of all levels. Novice biographers, seasoned family historians, as well as experienced writers will find useful tools for taking their individual work to the next level.

Who is organizing the workshop?
The workshop is being organized by the Mountain West Center for Regional Studies at Utah State University in conjunction with the Evans Biography Awards. The Evans Biography Awards are bienneal awards given to the the best works in auto/biography, memoir, or family history with significant connection to the Intermountain West published during the two preceeding years. This workshop will be held in alternating years with the Evans Biography Awards cycle and is part of the Utah Humanities Book Festival.

Will there be books available for purchase at the workshop?
Weller Book Works will host a book sale where you can purchase selected winning titles from the Evans Biography Awards as well as books by the workshop presenters.

How do I register for the workshop and what is the deadline for registration?
Registration is a two step process found on this website. Complete the registration form and hit 'Submit', then complete your payment through the PayPal link. The deadline to register is Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Space is limited, so register early.

What if I have additional questions?
You can email the Mountain West Center at or call the center at 435-797-0299. We will respond a.s.a.p. during business hours.