
P1 - Ruth Asawa, Untitled (S.304) 

Ruth Asawa
American, 1926-2013

Untitled (S.304)
Naturally oxidized copper and brass wire
Gift of the Kathryn C. Wanlass Foundation

by Taylor Fang

I have a small heart
and two hearts to carry it within
a womb.
I have children
with spiral shells in their bones, children
who see the world slowly—
as if weightless.

At the surface
of my skin: lattice of stars.
And light.
My small heart
looks slowly
through dragonfly wings.
As if licking the honeyed rim
of a white plate,
or dipping bread
into a saucer of milk.

(My shadow and I
have the same
long legs, wide hips, narrow feet,
hair around our shoulders.
My shadow watches me
suspended, open—one lantern
swimming in the clear air,
pulling my toes
through soil.)

Woven mesh of my hair.
Sagebrush baskets
and spider webs in the early morning,
in spiral patterns.
I envelop myself, time
again and again.
Woman. Small heart:
enough for the sky,
the clouds, the earth.
I trap the bright bronze
my small heart sings,
the ripples
that radiate outward.