Bela Fejer



Bela Fejer

Contact Information

Office Location: SER 310
Phone: 435-797-3627

Educational Background

PhD, Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, 1974
MS, Comissao Nacional de Atividades Expaciais (CNAE), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 1970
BS, Electrical Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil, 1968


CEDAR Prize Lecture, 1997

National Science Foundation

    Publications | Book Chapters

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Fejer, B.G, Blanc, M., Richmond, A.D, (2016). Post-storm middle and low-latitude ionospheric electric field effects. Space Science Reviews/Springer, doi: doi 10.1007/s11214-016-0320-x
  • Maute, A., Fejer, B.G, Forbes, J.M, Zhang, X., Yudin, V., (2016). Equatorial vertical drift modulation by the solar and lunar semidiurnal tides during the 2013 Sudden Stratospheric Warming tides . Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121, 1658-1668. doi: doi:1002/2015JA022056
  • Fejer, B.G, Tracy, B.D, (2013). Lunar Tidal Effects in the Electrodynamics of the Low Latitude Ionosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, doi:
  • Chau, J.L, Goncharenko, L.P, Fejer, B.G, Liu, H., (2012). Equatorial and low latitude ionospheric effects during sudden stratospheric warming events. Space Science Reviews, 168:1, 385-417. doi: doi:10.1007/s11214-011-9797-5
  • Park, J., Luhr, H., Kunze, M., Fejer, B.G, Min, K.W, (2012). Effect of sudden stratospheric warming on lunar tidal modulation of the equatorial electrojet. Jounal of Geophysical Research, 117, doi: doi:10.1029/2011JA017531
  • Stoneback, R.A, Heelis, R.A, Burrell, A.G, Coley, W.R, Fejer, B.G, Pacheco, E., (2011). Observations of the vertical ion drift in the equatorial ionosphere during the solar minimum period of 2009. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, doi: doi:10.1029/A12327
  • Fejer, B.G, Tracy, B.D, Olson, M.E, Chau, J.L, (2011). Enhanced lunar semidiurnal equatorial vertical plasma drifts during sudden stratospheric warmings. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, doi: doi:10.1029/2011GL049788
  • Luhr, H., Rother, M., Hausler, K., Fejer, B.G, Alkin, P., (2011). Direct comparison on non-tidal signatures in the electrojet, vertical plasma drift and equatorial ionization anomaly. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, 75-76, 31-43. doi: doi:10.1016/jastp.2011.07.009
  • Park, P., Luhr, H., Fejer, B.G, Mim, K.W, (2010). Duskside F-region dynamo currents: Its relationship with prereversal enhancement of vertical plasma drift. Annales Geophysicae, 28, 2097-2101.
  • Fejer, B.G, Olson, M.E, Chau, J.L, Stolle, C., Luhr, H., Goncharenko, L.P, K.Y, Nagatsuma, T., (2010). Lunar dependent equatorial ionospheric effects during sudden stratospheric warmings. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, doi: 10.1029/2010JA015273
  • Fejer, B.G, (2010). Low latitude ionospheric electrodynamics. Space Science Reviews, 158, 146-166. doi: 10.10007/s11214-010-9690-7
  • Fejer, B.G, (2010). Low latitude ionospheric electrodynamics. Space Science Reviews, 115, doi: 10.10007/s11214-010-9690-7
  • Fejer, B.G, (2010). Low latitude ionospheric electrodynamics. Space Science Reviews, 115, doi: 10.10007/s11214-010-9690-7
  • Chapagain, N.P, Fejer, B.G, (2009). Climatology of early night equatorial spread F over Jicamarca. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, doi: 10.1029/2008JA013911
  • Fritts, D.C, Abdu, M.A, Batista, B.R, Batista, I.S, Batista, P.P, Buriti, R., Clemesha, B.R, Comberiate, J., Dautermann, T., de Paula, E., Fechine, B.J, Fejer, B.G, Gobbi, D., Haase, J., Kalamabadi, F., Laughman, B., Lima, P.P, Liu, H., Medeiros, A., Pautet, D., Sabbas, F.S, Sobral, J.H, Stamus, P., Takahashi, H., Taylor, M.J, Vadas, S.L, Wrasse, C., (2009). Overview and summary of the spread F experiment (SpreadFex). Annales Geophysicae, 27, 2141-2155.
  • Chau, J.L, Fejer, B.G, Goncharenko, L.P, (2009). Quiet variability of equatorial E  B drifts during a sudden stratospheric warning event. Geophysics Research Letters, 36, doi: 10.1029/2008GL036785
  • Balan, N., Alleyne, H., Otsuka, Y., Lekshmi, D.V, Fejer, B.G, McCrea, I., (2009). Relative effects of electric field and neutral wind on positive ionospheric storms. Earths, Planets and Soace, 61, 431-437.
  • Fritts, D.C, Abdu, M.A, Batista, B.R, Batista, I.S, Batista, P.P, Buriti, R., Clemesha, B.R, Dautermann, T., de Paula, E., Fechine, B.J, Fejer, B.G, Gobbi, D., Hasse, J., Kamalabadi, F., Laughman, B., Lima, P.P, Liu, H., Medeiros, A., Pautet, D., Sabbas, F.S, Sobral, J.H, Satmus, P., Takahashi, H., Taylor, M.J, Vadas, S.L, Wrasse, C., (2009). The spread F experiment (spread FEx): Program overview and first results. Earths, Planets and Space, 61, 411-430.
  • Balan, N., Alleyne, H., Thampi, S.V, Lynn, K., Otsuka, Y., Fejer, B.G, Abdu, M.A, (2008). F3 layer during penetration electric field. Journal of Geophysics Research, 113, doi: 10.1029/2008JA013206
  • Fritts, D.C, Vadas, S.L, Riggin, D.M, Abdu, M.A, Batista, I.S, Takahashi, H., Medeiros, A., Kalamabadi, F., Liu, H., Fejer, B.G, Taylor, M.J, Vargas, F., (2008). Gravity wave and tidal influences on equatorial spread F based on observations during the spread F experiment (spreadFex). Annales Geophysica, 26, 3232-3252.
  • Fejer, B.G, Jensen, J.W, Su, S., (2008). Quiet time equatorial F region vertical plasma drift model derived from ROCSAT-1 observations. Journal of Geophysics Research, 112, doi: 10.1029/2007JA012376
  • Stolle, C., Luhr, H., Fejer, B.G, (2008). Relation between the occurrence rate of ESF and the vertical plasma drift velocity at sunset derived form global observations. Annales Geophysica, 26, 3979-3988.
  • Fejer, B.G, Jensen, J.W, Su, S., (2008). Seasonal and longitudinal dependence of equatorial disturbance vertical plasma drifts. Geophysics Research Letters, 35, doi: 10.1029/2008GL035584
  • Fejer, B.G, Jensen, J.W, Kikuchi, T., Abdu, M.A, Chau, J.L, (2007). Equatorial ionospheric electric fields during the November 2004 magnetic storm. J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi: 10.1029/2007JA012376
  • Jensen, J.W, Fejer, B.G, (2007). Longitudinal dependence of middle and low latitude zonal plasma drifts measured by DE-2. Annales. Geophys., 25, 2551-2559.
  • Keskinen, M.J, Ossakow, S.L, Fejer, B.G, Emmert, J., (2006). Evolution of equatorial ionospheric bubbles during a large auroral electrojet increase in the recovery phase of a magnetic storm. J. Geophys. Res., 111, doi: 10.1029/2005JA011352
  • Retterer, J.M, Decker, D.T, Borer, W.S, Daniell, Jr., R.E, Fejer, B.G, (2005). Assimilative modeling of the equatorial ionosphere for scintillation forecasting: Modeling with vertical drifts. J. Geophys. Res., 110, doi: 10.1029/2002JA009613
  • Fejer, B.G, Souza, J.R, Santos, A.S, Costa Pereira, A.E, (2005). Climatology of F region zonal plasma drifts over Jicamarca. J. Geophys. Res., 110, doi: 10.1029/ 2005JA011324
  • Emmert, J.T, Fejer, B.G, Shepherd, G.G, Solheim, B.H, (2004). Average nighttime F region disturbance neutral winds measured by WINDI UARS: Initial results. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, doi: 10.1029/2004GL02l611
  • Tsurutani, B.R, Mannucci, A., Ijima, B., Saito, A., Yumoto, K., Abdu, M.A, Sobral, J.H, Gonzales, W.D, Guarnieri, F.L, Tsuda, T., Fejer, B.G, Fuller-Rowell, T.J, Kozyra, J.U, Foster, J.C, Coster, A., Masyliumas, V.M, (2004). Global dayside ionospheric uplift and enhancements due to interplanetary shock electric fields. J. Geophys. Res., 109, doi: 10.1029/2003JA010342
  • Garner, T.W, Wolf, R.A, Spiro, R.W, Burke, W.J, Fejer, B.G, Sazykin, S., Roeder, J.L, Hairston, M.R, (2004). Magnetospheric electric fields and plasma sheet injections to low-L shells during the June 4-5, 1991 magnetic storm: Comparison between the Rice Convection Model and observations. J. Geophys. Res., 109, doi: 10.1029/2003JA010208
  • Emmert, J.T, Fejer, B.G, Sipler, D.P, (2003). Climatology and latitudinal gradients of quiet-time thermospheric neutral winds over Millstone Hill from Fabry-Perot interferometer measurements. J. Geophys. Res., 108:A5, 1196. doi: 10.1029/2002JA009765
  • Kikuchi, T., Hashimoto, K., Kitamura, T., Tachihara, H., Fejer, B.G, (2003). Equatorial counter-electrojets during substorms. J. Geophys. Res., 108:A11, 1406. doi: 10.1029/JA009915
  • Fejer, B.G, Emmert, J.T, (2003). Low latitude ionospheric disturbance electric field effects during the recovery phase of the October 19-21, 1998 magnetic storm. J. Geophys. Res., 108:A12, 1454. doi: 10.0129/2003JA010190
  • Keskinen, M.J, Ossakow, S.L, Fejer, B.G, (2003). Three-dimensional nonlinear evolution of equatorial ionospheric spread-F bubbles. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 1855. doi: 10.1029/2003GL017418
  • Emmert, J.T, Fejer, B.G, Shepgerd, G.G, Solheim, B.H, (2002). Altitude dependence of middle and low-latitude thermospheric disturbance winds measured by WINDII. J. Geophys. Res., 107:A12, 1453. doi: 10.1029/2002JA009646
  • Fejer, B.G, Emmert, J.T, Sipler, D.P, (2002). Climatology and storm time dependence of nighttime thermospheric neutral winds over Millstone Hill. J. Geophys. Res., 107:A5, doi: 10.1029/2001JA000300
  • de Paula, E.R, Souza, J.R, Fejer, B.G, Bailey, G.J, Heelis, R.A, (2002). Longitudinal ionospheric effects in the south Atlantic sector during solar maximum. J. Geophys. Res., 107:A7, doi: 10.1029/2001JA000298
  • Fejer, B.G, (2002). Low latitude storm time ionospheric electrodynamics. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 64, 1401-1408.
  • Fesen, C.G, Hysell, D.L, Meriwether, J.M, Mendillo, M., Fejer, B.G, Roble, R.G, Reinish, B.W, Giondi, M.A, (2002). Modeling the low-latitude thermosphere and ionosphere. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 64, 1337-1349.
  • Sazykin, S., Fejer, B.G, Yu, I., Galperin, S.A, Grigoriev, L., Zinin, V., Mendillo, M., (2002). Polarization jet events and excitation of weak SAR arcs. Geophys. Res. Lett., 29:12, doi: 10.1029/2001GL014388
  • Emmert, J.T, Fejer, B.G, Fesen, C.G, Shepherd, G.G, Solheim, B.H, (2001). Climatology of mid- and low-latitude F region disturbance winds measured by WINDII. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 24701.
  • Parkinson, M., Ujmaia, S., Dyson, P., Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., (2001). Electric field measurements at a southern mid-latitude station obtained using an HF digital ionosonde. Advances in Space Research, 27, 1253.
  • Polglase, R., Ujmaia, S., Scherliess, L., Parkinson, M.L, Fejer, B.G, Dyson, P.L, others, , (2001). Electric field measurements at a southern mid-latitude station obtained using an HF digital ionosonde. Kidlington, UK: Pergamon-Esevier Science Ltd,
  • Parkinson, M.L, Ujmaia, S.M, Dyson, P.L, Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., (2001). Electric field measurements in under-sampled regions of the mid-latitude ionosphere. Adv. Space Res., 27, 1253.
  • Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., (2001). On the variability of equatorial F-region vertical plasma drifts. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 63, 893.
  • Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., (2001). On the variability of equatorial F-region vertical plasma drifts. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 63:9, 893–897.
  • Scherliess, L., Fejer, B.G, Holt, J.M, Goncharenko, L., Armonry-Mazaudier, C., Buonsanto, M.J, (2001). Radar studies of mid-latitude ionospheric plasma drifts. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 1771.
  • Parkinson, M.L, Polglase, R., Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., Dyson, P.L, Ujmaia, S.M, (2001). Seasonal and magnetic activity variations of ionospheric electric fields above the southern mid-latitude station, Bundoora, Australia. Ann. Geophysicae, 19, 521.
  • Parkinson, M.L, Polglase, R., Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., Dyson, P., Ujmaia, S., (2001). Seasonal and magnetic activity variations of ionospheric electric fields above the southernmid-latitude station, Bundoora, Australia. Annales Geophysicae, 19, 521–532.
  • Stening, R.J, Fejer, B.G, (2001). The lunar tide in the equatorial F region vertical ion drift velocity. J. Geophys. Res., 221
  • Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., Paula, E.d, (1999). Effects of the vertical plasma drift velocity on the generation and evolution of equatorial spread F. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012), 104:A9, 19859–19869.
  • Scherliess, L., Fejer, B.G, (1999). Radar and satellite global equatorial F region vertical drift model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012), 104:A4, 6829–6842.
  • Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., (1998). Mid-and low-latitude prompt-penetration ionospheric zonal plasma drifts. Geophysical research letters, 25:16, 3071–3074.
  • Scherliess, L., Fejer, B.G, (1998). Satellite studies of mid-and low-latitude ionospheric disturbance zonal plasma drifts. Geophysical research letters, 25:9, 1503–1506.
  • Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., (1997). Empirical models of storm time equatorial zonal electric fields. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics (1978–2012), 102:A11, 24047–24056.
  • Fejer, B.G, de Paula, E., Scherliess, L., (1997). Low altitude ionospheric plasma drift models. Advances in Space Research, 20:9, 1790.
  • Scherliess, L., Fejer, B.G, (1997). Storm-time dependence of equatorial disturbance dynamo zonalelectric fields. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102:A11, 24037–24046.
  • Fejer, B.G, de Paula, E.R, Scherliess, L., Batista, I.S, (1996). Incoherent scatter radar, ionosonde, and satellite measurements of equatorial F region vertical plasma drifts in the evening sector. Geophysical research letters, 23:14, 1733–1736.
  • Fejer, B.G, Scherliess, L., (1995). Time dependent response of equatorial ionospheric electric fieldsto magnetospheric disturbances. Geophysical Research Letters, 22:7, 851–854.
  • Buonsanto, M.J, Hagan, M., Salah, J.E, Fejer, B.G, (1993). SOLAR-CYCLE AND SEASONAL-VARIATIONS IN F-REGION ELECTRODYNAMICS AT MILLSTONE HILL. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 98:A9, 15677-15683.

Professional Journal

  • Xiong, C., Stolle, C., Luhr, H., Park, J., Fejer, B.G, Kervalishvili, G., (2016). Scale analysis of equatorial plasma irregularities derived from Swarm constellation. Earth Planet Space, Japan Geoscience Union, 68:121, doi: doi:10.1186/s40623-016-0502-5
  • Fagundes, P.R, Cardoso, F.A, Fejer, B.G, Venkatesh, K., Ribeiro, B.A, Pillat, V.G, (2016). Positive and negative GPS-TEC ionospheric storm effects during the extreme space weather event of March 2015 over the Brazilian sector. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121, doi: doi:1002/2015JA022214
  • Xiong, C., Luhr, H., Fejer, B.G, (2016). The response of equatorial electrojet, vertical plasma drift and thermospheric zonal wind to enhanced solar wind input. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121, doi: doi:1002/2015JA022133
  • Smith, J.M, Rodrigues, F.S, Fejer, B.G, Milla, M.A, (2016). Coherent and incoherent scatter radar study of the climatology and day-to-day variability of mean F-region vertical drifts and equatorial spread F. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 121, 1466-1482. doi: doi:1002/2015JA021934
  • Hui, D., Fejer, B.G, (2015). Lower ionospheric daytime equatorial plasma drifts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120, doi: doi:1002/2015JA021838
  • Xiong, C., Luhr, H., Fejer, B.G, (2015). Global features of the disturbance winds during storm time deduced from CHAMP observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120, 5137-5150. doi: doi:1002/2015JA021302
  • dePaula, E.R, Jonah, O.F, Moraes, A.O, Kherani, E.A, Fejer, B.G, Abdu, M.A, Muella, M.T, Batista, I.S, Dutra, S.L, Paes, R.R, (2015). Low-latitude scintillation weakening during sudden stratospheric warming events. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 120, 10. doi: doi:1002/2014A020731
  • Fejer, B.G, Hui, D., Chau, J.L, Kudeki, E., (2014). Altitudinal depedence of evening equatorial F region vertical plasma drifts . Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 119, 5877-5890. doi: doi:10.1002/2014JA019949
  • Chkarabarty, D., Fejer, B.G, Gurubaran, S., Pant, T.K, Abdu, M.A, Sekar, S., (2014). On the pre-midnight ascent of F-layer in the June solstice during the deep solar minimum in 2008 over the Indian sectorum . Journal of Atmospheric Solar Terrestrial Physics, 121, 177-187. doi:
  • Fejer, B.G, Tracy, B.D, Pfaff, R.F, (2013). Low latitude zonal plasma drifts measured by the C/NOFS satellite. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 38913897. doi: doi:10.1002/jgra.50382
  • Abdu, M.A, Souza, J.R, Batista, I.S, Fejer, B.G, Sobral, J.H, (2013). Sporadic E layer disturbance and disruption by prompt penetration electric fields during magentic storms. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 2639-2647. doi: doi:10.1002/jgra.50271
  • Olsen, M.E, Fejer, B.G, Stolle, C., Luhr, H., Chau, J.L, (2013). Equatorial io nospheric electrodynnamic perturbations during Southern Hemisphere stratospheric warming events. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 118, 1190-1195. doi: doi:10.1002/jgra.50142
  • Park, J., Luhr, H., Kunze, M., Fejer, B.G, Min, K.W, (2012). Effect of Sudden Stratospheric Warming on Lunar Tidal Modulation of the Equatorial Electrojet. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, A03306. doi: doi:10.1029/2011JA017351

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


PHYS 5340 - Methods of Theoretical Physics I, Fall 2023
PHYS 1100 - Great Ideas in Physics, Spring 2023
PHYS 1100 - Great Ideas in Physics, Spring 2022
PHYS 5340 - Methods of Theoretical Physics I, Fall 2021
PHYS 1100 - Great Ideas in Physics, Spring 2021
PHYS 1100 - Great Ideas in Physics, Fall 2020
PHYS 1100 - Great Ideas in Physics, Spring 2020
PHYS 5340 - Methods of Theoretical Physics I, Fall 2019
PHYS 1100 - Great Ideas in Physics, Spring 2019
PHYS 3750 - Foundations of Wave Phenomena, Fall 2018
PHYS 6330 - Plasma Physics I, Spring 2018
PHYS 5340 - Methods of Theoretical Physics I, Fall 2017
PHYS 5500 - Intermediate Topics in Physics (Topic), Spring 2017
PHX3750 - Foundations of Wave Phenomena, Fall 2016
PHYS 3750 - Foundations of Wave Phenomena, Fall 2016
PHX4600 - Electromagnetism II, Spring 2016
PHYS 4600 - Electromagnetism II, Spring 2016
PHYS 5340 - Methods of Theoretical Physics I, Fall 2015
PHYS 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Spring 2015
PHYS 5500 - Intermediate Topics in Physics (Topic), Spring 2015
PHYS 3600 - Electromagnetism I, Fall 2014
PHYS 5500 - Intermediate Topics in Physics (Topic), Fall 2014
PHYS 4600 - Electromagnetism II, Spring 2014
PHYS 5500 - Intermediate Topics in Physics (Topic), Spring 2014
PHYS 5340 - Methods of Theoretical Physics I, Fall 2013
PHYS 4600 - Electromagnetism II, Spring 2013
PHYS 3600 - Electromagnetism I, Fall 2012
PHYS 7970 - Dissertation Research, Summer 2012
PHYS 4600 - Electromagnetism II, Spring 2012
PHYS 5340 - Methods of Theoretical Physics I, Fall 2011
PHYS 7970 - Dissertation Research, Fall 2010
PHYS 5340 - Methods of Theoretical Physics I, Fall 2010

Graduate Students Mentored

Luis Navarro, Physics, October 2016
Dibrup Hui, Physics, January 2012 - July 2015
Brian Tracy, Physics, May 2012 - July 2013
Michael Olsen, Physics, May 2009 - August 2012
John Jensen, Physics, August 2004 - October 2007
John Emmert, 2001