Jan Sojka


Professor and Department Head

Jan Sojka

Contact Information

Office Location: SER 250A
Phone: 435-797-2857
Email: janjsojka@usu.edu
Additional Information:

Educational Background

BS, Physics, Edinburgh University, 1976
PhD, Auroral Suprathermal Electrons, University College London, University of London, 1976


Utah Professor of the Year, 2002

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

D. Wynne Thorne Research Award, 1999

Utah State University

Publications | Books

  • Sojka, J.J, (2016). Heliophysics: Active Stars, Their Astrospheres, and Impacts on Planetary Environments: Heliophysics: Active Stars, Their Astrospheres, and Impacts on Planetary Environments. Cambridge University Press

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Fang, T., Anderson, D., Fuller-Rowell, T., Akmaev, R., Codrescu, M., Millward, G., Sojka, J.J, Scherliess, L., Eccles, V., Retterer, J., others, , (2014). Comparative studies of theoretical models in the equatorial ionosphere. Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System, (eds J. Huba, R. Schunk and G. Khazanov), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,
  • Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, Thompson, D.C, (2004). USU global ionospheric data assimilation models : Atmospheric and Environmental Remote Sensing Data Processing and Ulilization: An End-to-End System Perspective . Proc. Of SPIE
  • Cade, III, W.B, Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., Kamide, Y., (2003). A wavelet analysis of storm-substorm relationships: Disturbances in Geospace: The Storm-Substorm Relationship. Geophysical Monograph

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Gardner, L., Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2014). Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements-Gauss Markov model: Improved specifications with multiple data types. Space Weather, 12:12, 675–688.
  • Yuan, T., Wang, J., Cai, X., Sojka, J.J, Rice, D., Oberheide, J., Criddle, N., (2014). Investigation of the seasonal and local time variations of the high-altitude sporadic Na layer (Nas) formation and the associated midlatitude descending E layer (Es) in lower E region. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 119:7, 5985–5999.
  • Fish, C.S, Swenson, C.M, Cowley, G., Barjatya, A., Neilsen, T., Gunther, J.H, Fullmer, R.R, Baktur, R., Sojka, J.J, (2014). Design, Development, Implementation, and On-orbit Performance of the Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment Mission. Space Science Review, 181:1 - 4, 61 - 120. doi: doi:10.1007/S11214-014-0034-x
  • Yuan, T., Fish, C., Sojka, J.J, Rice, D., Taylor, M., Mitchell, N., (2013). Coordinated investigation of summer time mid-latitude descending E layer (Es) perturbations using Na lidar, ionosonde, and meteor wind radar observations over Logan, Utah (41.7° N, 111.8° W). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118:4, 1734–1746.
  • Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., Thompson, D., Scherliess, L., David, M., (2013). Ionospheric Weather at Mid-Latitudes. Midlatitude Ionospheric Dynamics and Disturbances, 181, 35.
  • Fish, C., Wickwar, V.B, Thurairajah, B., Sojka, J.J, Berkey, F., Bailey, S., Yuan, T., Taylor, M.J, Mitchell, N., Hocking, W., (2013). Multi-year Observations of Mid-latitude Middle Atmospheric Winds, Waves, and Temperature associated with SSW Events over Northern Utah.
  • Eccles, V., Thompson, J., Sojka, J.J, Vo, H., Gonzales, S., (2011). Assessment of Ionospheric Models Package for the Community Coordinates Modeling Center: Climatology. Space Weather, 9, doi: 10.1029/2010SW00596
  • Patra, S., Spencer, E., Horton, W., Sojka, J.J, (2011). Study of Dst/Ring Curretn Recovery Times during Geomagnetic Storm Events using the WINDMI Model. JGR Space Physics, doi: 10.1029/2010JA015824
  • Maslova, I., Kokoszka, P.S, Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2010). Estimation of Sq variation by means of multiresolution and principal component analyses. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72, 625-632.
  • David, M., Sojka, J.J, (2010). Single-day dayside density enhancements over Europe: A survey of a half-century of ionosonde data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, doi: 10.1029/2010JA015711
  • Maslova, I., Kokoszka, P.S, Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2010). Statistical Significance Testing for the Association of Magnetometer Records at High-, Mid- and Low Latitudes During Substorm Days. Planetary and Space science, 58, 437-445.
  • Rice, D.D, Eccles, J.V, Sojka, J.J, Raitt, J.W, Brady, J., Hunsucker, R.D, (2009). A Frequency Agile, Distributed Sensor System (FADSS) to address space weather effects upon ionospherically dependent systems. Radio Science, 44, doi: 10.1029/2008RS004083
  • Rice, D.D, Hunsucker, R.D, Eccles, J.V, Sojka, J.J, Raitt, J.W, Brady, J.J, (2009). Characterizing the lower ionosphere with a space - weather - aware receiver matrix. Radio Science Bulletin, 20-32.
  • Richards, P.G, Nicolls, M.J, Heinselman, C.J, Sojka, J.J, Holt, J.M, Meier, R.R, (2009). Measured and modeled ionospheric densities, temperatures, and winds during the international polar year. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, doi: 10.1029/2009JA014625
  • Sojka, J.J, McPherron, R.L, van Eyken, A.P, Nicolis, M.J, Heinselman, C.J, Kelley, J.D, (2009). Observations of ionospheric heating during the passage of solar coronal hole fast streams. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, doi: 10.1029/2009GL039064
  • Thompson, D.C, Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., (2009). Plasmasphere and upper ionosphere contributions and corrections during the assimilation of GPS slant TEC. Radio Science, 44, doi: 10.1029/2008RS004016
  • Maslova, I., Kokoszka, P.S, Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2009). Removal of nonconstant daily variation by means of wavelet and functional data analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, doi: 10.1029/2008JA013685
  • Heelis, R.A, Sojka, J.J, David, M., Schunk, R., (2009). Storm time density enhancements in the middle-latitude dayside ionosphere . Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, doi: 10.1029/ 2008JA013690
  • Sojka, J.J, Nicolls, M.J, Heinselman, C.J, Kelly, J.D, (2009). The PFISR IPY observations of ionospheric climate and weather. Journal of Atmonspheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 71, 771-785. doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2009.01.001
  • Xu, Z., Zhu, L., Sojka, J.J, Kokoszka, P.S, (2009). Wavelet cross-spectrum analysis of the ring current using magnetic records from multiple low-latitude stations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, doi: 10.1029/2009JA014076
  • Xu, Z., Zhu, L., Schunk, R., Sojka, J.J, Kokoszka, P.P, Jach, A., (2008). An Assessment of Study of the Wavelet-based Index of Magnetic Storm Activity (WISA) and its Comparison to the Dst Index. Journal of Atmonspheric Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 1579-1588.
  • Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Thompson, D.C, David, M., (2008). Assimilation of observations with models to better understand severe ionospheric weather at mid-latitudes . Midlatitude Ionospheric Dynamics and Disturbances, Geophysical Monograph 181, 35-49.
  • Jee, G., Burns, A.G, Wang, W., Solomon, S.C, Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Thompson, D.C, Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2008). Driving the TING model with GAIM electron densities: ionospheric effects on the thermosphere . J. Geophys. Res., 113, doi: 10.1029/ 2007JA012580
  • Kokoszka, P.S, Maslova, I., Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2008). Testing for lack of dependence in functional linear model. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 36, 207-222.
  • Sojka, J.J, Thompson, D.C, Scherliess, L., Schunk, R., Harris, T.J, (2007). Assessing Models for Ionospheric Weather Specifications Over Australia During the 2004 Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth-System (CAWSES) Campaign. J. Geophys. Res., 112, A09306. doi: 10.1029/2006JA012048
  • Jee, G., Burns, A.G, Wang, W., Solomon, S.C, Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Thompson, D.C, Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2007). Duration of an ionospheric data assimilation initialization of a coupled thermosphere-ionosphere model . Space Weather, 5, doi: 10.1029/2006SW000250
  • Smithtro, C.G, Sojka, J.J, Berkey, T., Thompson, D., Schunk, R., (2006). Anomalous F region response to moderate solar flares. Radio Sci., 41, doi: 10.1029/2005RS003350
  • McDonald, S.E, Basu, S., Basu, S., Groves, K.M, Valladares, C.E, Scherliess, L., Thompson, D.C, Schunk, R.W, Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2006). Extreme longitudinal variability of plasma structuring in the equatorial ionosphere on a magnetically quiet equinoctial day. Radio Science, 38, doi: 10.1029/2005RS003366
  • Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2006). Multiple arcs: Evidence for an active ionospheric role in the M-I coupling. Adv. Space Res., 38, 1702-1706.
  • Kokoszka, P., Maslova, I., Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2006). Probability tails of wavelet coefficients of magnetometer records. J. Geophys. Res., 111
  • Sojka, J.J, Smithtro, C., Schunk, R., (2006). Recent developments in ionosphere-thermosphere modeling with an emphasis on solar variability . Adv. Space Res., 37, 369-379.
  • Thompson, D.C, Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., (2006). The Utah State University Gauss-Markov Kalman Filter of the ionosphere: The effect of slant TEC and electron density profile data on model fidelity . J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 68, 947-958.
  • Scherliess, L., Schunk, R., Sojka, J.J, Thompson, D.C, Zhu, L., (2006). Utah State University Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements Gauss-Markov Kalman filter model of the ionosphere: Model description and validation. J. Geophys. Res., 111, doi: 10.1029/2006JA011712
  • Zhu, L., Schunk, R., Gee, J., Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, Thompson, D.C, (2006). Validation study of the Ionospheric Forecast Model (IFM) using the TOPEX TEC measurements . Radio Science, 41, doi: 10.1029/2005RS003336
  • Jach, A., Kokoszka, P., Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., (2006). Wavelet-based index of magnetic storm activity. J. Geophys. Res., 111
  • Smithtro, C.G, Sojka, J.J, (2005). A new global average model of the coupled thermosphere and ionosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 110
  • Zhu, L., Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., (2005). Active ionospheric role in small-scale aurora structuring . J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 67, 687-700.
  • Smithtro, C.G, Sojka, J.J, (2005). Behavior of the ionosphere and thermosphere subject to extreme solar cycle conditions. J. Geophys. Res., 110
  • Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, Thompson, D.C, Zhu, L., (2005). Ionospheric weather forecasting on the horizon . Space Weather, 3:8, doi: 10.1029/2004SW000138
  • Sojka, J.J, David, M., Schunk, R., van Eyken, A.P, (2005). Polar F-layer model-observation comparison: A neutral wind surprise . Annales Geophysicae, 23, 191-199.
  • Schunk, R., Demars, H.G, Sojka, J.J, (2005). Propagating polar wind jets . J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 67, 357-364.
  • Sojka, J.J, David, M., Schunk, R., Foster, J.C, Vo, H.B, (2004). A modeling study of the F-region response to SAPS . J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 66, 415-423.
  • Scherliess, L., Schunk, R., Sojka, J.J, Thompson, D.C, (2004). Development of a physics-based reduced state Kalman filter for the ionosphere . Radio Sci., 39, doi: 10.1029/2002RS002797
  • Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, Thompson, D.C, Anderson, D.N, Codrescu, M., Minter, C., Fuller-Rowell, T.J, Heelis, R.A, Hairston, M., Howe, B., (2004). Global assimilation of ionospheric measurements (GAIM) . Radio Sci., 39, doi: 10.1029/2002RS002794
  • Eccles, J.V, Hunsucker, R.D, Rice, D., Sojka, J.J, (2004). Space weather effects on mid-latitude HF propagation paths: Observations and a data-driven D-region model. Space Weather, 3
  • Sojka, J.J, Rice, D., Eccles, J.V, Berkey, F.T, Kintner, P., Denig, W., (2004). Understanding mid-latitude space weather: Storm impacts observed at BLO on 31 March 2001. Space Weather, 2
  • Sojka, J.J, Thompson, D.C, Schunk, R., Eccles, J.V, Makela, J.J, Kelley, M.C, Gonzalez, S.A, Aponte, N., Bullett, T.W, (2003). Ionospheric data assimilation: recovery of strong mid-latitude density gradients . J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 65, 1087-1097.
  • Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, (2003). Recent approaches to modeling ionospheric weather . Adv. Space Res., 31, 819-828.
  • Sojka, J.J, David, M., Schunk, R., (2002). A mid-latitude space weather hazard driven directly by the magnetosphere . J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 64, 687-695.
  • David, M., Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., Heelis, R., (2002). Relative solar and auroral contribution to the polar F-region: Implications for National Space Weather Program . J. Geophys. Res., 107, 1310. doi: 10.1029/2001JA009167
  • Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., David, M., Innis, J.L, Greet, P.A, Dyson, P.L, (2001). A theoretical model study of F-region response to high latitude neutral wind upwelling events . J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 63, 1571-1584.
  • Sojka, J.J, Thompson, D.C, Schunk, R., Bullett, T.W, Makela, J.J, (2001). Assimilation Ionosphere Model: Development and testing with combined ionospheric campaign Caribbean measurements . Radio Sci., 36, 247-259.
  • Makela, J.J, Kelley, M.C, Sojka, J.J, Pi, X., Mannucci, A.J, (2001). GPS normalization and preliminary modeling results of total electron content during a midlatitude space weather event. Radio Sci., 36, 351-361.
  • Thiemann, H., Sojka, J.J, Eccles, J.V, Rao, P.B, Rama Rao, P.V, Sirdharan, R., Lakhina, G.S, (2001). Indo-German low-latitude project DEOS: Plasma bubbles in the post sunset and nighttime sector. Adv. Space Res., 27, 1065-1069.
  • Schunk, R., Sojka, J.J, (2001). Ionospheric climatology and weather disturbances: A tutorial. Geophysical Monograph, 125, 359-368.
  • Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, (2001). Ionospheric specification and forecast modeling . AIAA-2001-0236, 1-17.
  • Davies, R., JR Dennison, , Sojka, J.J, (1993). Experimental Determination of Backscattered and Secondary Electron Coefficients with Application to Spacecraft Charging Models. Bulletin of the American …

Professional Journal

  • David, M., Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., Coster, A.J, (2016). Polar cap patches and the tongue of ionization: A survey of GPS TEC maps from 2009 to 2015. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 2422-2428. doi: doi:10/1002/2016GL068136
  • Rice, D.D, Sojka, J.J, (2015). Historical comparisons of IRI and early ionograms. Advances in Space Research, 55, 2003-2011. doi: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2014.05.035
  • David, M., Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., (2015). How uncertainty in the neutral wind limits the accuracy of ionospheric modeling and forecasting. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 120, doi: doi:10.1002/2015JA021544
  • Schunk, R., Scherliess, L., Eccles, V., Gardner, L.C, Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., Pi, X., Mannucci, A., Wilson, B., Komjathy, A., Wang, C., Rosen, G., (2014). Ensemble Modeling with Data Assimilation Models: A New Strategy for Space Weather Specifications, Forecasts, and Science. Space Weather Journal, 12, 123-126. doi: doi:10.1002/2014SW001050214
  • Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., Nicolls, M.J, (2014). Ionospheric Ion Temperature Forecasting in Multiples of 27 Days. Space Weather Journal, 12:3, 148-160. doi: doi:10.1002/2013SW001012
  • Sojka, J.J, Jensen, J.B, David, M., Schunk, R., Woods, T., Eparvier, F., Sulzer, M.P, Gonzalez, S.A, Eccles, J.V, (2014). Ionospheric Model-Observation Comparisons: E Layer at Arecibo Incorporation of SDO-EVE Solar Irradiances. Journal of Geophysical Rsearch - Space Physics, 119, 3844-3856. doi: doi:10.1002/2013JA019528
  • David, M., Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., (2014). Sources of uncertainty in Ionosphere Modeling: The Neutral Wind. Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, 119, doi: doi:10.1002/2014JA020117
  • Zhu, L., Schunk, R., Eccles, V., Scherliess, L., Sojka, J.J, Gardner, L., (2014). Terminator Field-aligned Currents: A new Finding from the Ionospheric Dynamics andElectrodynamics Data Assimilation Model. Journal of Geophysical Rsearch - Space Physics, 119:6, 4752-4757. doi: doi:10.1002/2013JA019518
  • Rice, D.D, Sojka, J.J, Eccles, V., Redmon, R., Hunsucker, R.D, (2014). Characterizing the pre-space age ionosphere over Washington, DC. Radio Science, 49:8, 616-629. doi: doi:10.1002/2014RS005427
  • Sojka, J.J, Rice, D.D, (2014). In memoriam: Robert D. Hunsucker, 1930-2014. Space Weather, 12:3, 127-128. doi: 10.1002/2014SW001038
  • Sojka, J.J, (2013). Ionospheric Induced Scintillation: A Space Weather Enigma. Space Weather Journal, 11, 1-4. doi: doi:10.1002/swe.20041
  • Sojka, J.J, Jensen, J., David, M., Schunk, R., Woods, T., Eparvier, F., (2013). Modeling the Ionospheric E and F1 Regions: Using SDO-EVE Observations as the Solar Irradiance Driver. Journal of Geophysical Rsearch - Space Physics, 118, 5379-5391. doi: doi:10.1002/jgra.50480
  • Yuan, T., Fish, C., Sojka, J.J, Rice, D., Taylor, M.J, Mitchell, N.J, (2013). Coordinated investigation of summer time mid-latitude descending E layer (Es) perturbations using Na lidar, ionosonde and meteor wind radar observations over Logan, UT (41.7°N, 11.8°W). Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 1734-1746. doi: 10.1029/2012JD017845
  • Sojka, J.J, David, M., Schunk, R., Heelis, R.A, (2012). A Modeling Study of the Longitudinal Dependence of Storm-time Mid-latitude Dayside TEC Enhancements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, A02315. doi: doi:10.1029/2011JA017000
  • Shim, J., Kuznetsova, M., Rastatter, L., Bilitza, D., Butala, M., Codrescu, M., Emery, B.A, Foster, B., Fuller-Rowell, T.J, Huba, J., Mannucci, A.J, Pi, X., Ridley, A., Scherliess, L., Schunk, R., Sojka, J.J, Stephens, P., Thompson, D.C, Weimer, D., Zhu, L., Sutton, E., (2012). CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models 2: Electron Density, Neutral Density, NmF2 and hmF2 Using Space Based Observations. Space Weather Journal, 10, S10004. doi: dx.doi.org/10.1029/2012SW000851
  • Gardner, L., Sojka, J.J, Heelis, R., Schunk, R., (2012). Changes in Thermospheric Temperature Induced by High-Speed Solar Wind Streams. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117:A12, A12304. doi: doi:org/10.1029/2012JA017929
  • Gromenko, O., Kokoszka, P.S, Zhu, L., Sojka, J.J, (2012). Estimation and Testing for Spatially Indexed Curves with Application to Ionospheric and Magnetic Field Trends. Annals of Applied Statistics, 6:2, 669-696.
  • Andriyas, T., Spencer, E., Raj, A., Sojka, J.J, Mays, L., (2012). Forecasting the Dst Index During CIR Events Using Synthesized Solar Wind Parameters. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, A03204. doi: doi:10.1029/2011JA017018
  • Rice, D., Sojka, J.J, Eccles, J.V, Schunk, R., (2012). Typoon Melor and Ionospheric Weather in the Asian Sector: A Case Study. Radio Science, 47, RS0L05. doi: doi:10.1029/2011RS004917
  • Sojka, J.J, Nicolls, M., van Eyken, T., Heinselman, C., Bilitza, D., (2011). 24/7 Solar Minimum Polar Cap and Auroral Ion Temperature Observations. Adv. Space Res., 48, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2011.03.005
  • Acebal, A.O, Sojka, J.J, (2011). A Flare sensitive 3 h solar flux radio index for space weather applications. Space Weather, 9, doi: 10.1029/2910SW00585
  • Shim, J.S, Kuznetosova, M., Rastatter, I., Hesse, M., Bilitza, D., Butala, M., Codrescu, M., Emery, B., Foster, B., Fuller-Rowell, T., Huba, J., Mannucci, A.J, Pi, X., Ridley, A., Scherliess, L., Schunk, R., Stephens, P., Thompson, D.C, Zhu, L., Anderson, D., Chau, J.L, Sojka, J.J, Rideout, B., (2011). CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models: NmF2, hmF2, and Vertical Drift Using Ground-based Observations. Space Weather, 9, S12003. doi: doi:10.1029/2011SW000727
  • Rice, D.D, Sojka, J.J, Eccles, J.V, Raitt, J.W, Brady, J.J, Hunsucker, R.D, (2011). First Results of Mapping Sporadic E with a Passive Observing Network. Space Weather, 9:12, S12001. doi: dx.doi.org/10.1029/2011SW000678
  • Eccles, V., Rice, D.D, Sojka, J.J, Valladares, C.E, Bullett, T., Chau, J.L, (2011). Lunar atmospheric tidal effects in the plasma drifts observed by the low-latitude ionospheric sensor network. J. Geophys. Res.116, doi: 10.1029/2010JA016282
  • Heelis, R.A, Sojka, J.J, (2011). Response of the topside ionosphere to high-speed wind streams. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, A11314. doi: doi:10.1029/2011JA016739
  • David, M., Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., (2011). The Effect of Downward Electron Heat Flow and Electron Cooling Processes in the High-latitude Ionosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 2399-2409.
  • Woods, T.N, Eparvier, F.G, Hock, R., Jones, A.R, Woodraska, D., Judge, D., Didkovsky, L., Lean, J., Mariska, J., Warren, H., McMullin, D., Chamberlin, P., Berthiaume, G., Bailey, S., Fuller-Rowell, T., Sojka, J.J, Tobiska, W.K, Viereck, R., (2010). Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) on the Solar Dyamics Observatory (SDO): Overview of Sicence Objectives, Instrument Design, Data Products, and Model Developments. Solar Physics, 275:1-2, 115-143. doi: doi:10.1007/s11207-009-9487-6
  • Sojka, J.J, Eccles, J.V, Schunk, R., McDonald, S., Thonnard, S., Dymond, K., McCoy, R.P, (2004). Ionospheric Assimilation Techniques for ARGOS Low-Resolution Airglow and Aurora Spectrograph (LORAAS) Tomographically Reconstructed Equatorial Electron Density Profiles. Radio Science, 39, RS1S07. doi: doi: 10.1029/2002RS002811
  • Zhu, L., Schunk, R., Sojka, J.J, David, M., (2000). Model Study of Ionospheric Dynamics During a Substorm. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 15807-15822.
  • Sojka, J.J, Zhu, L., David, M., Schunk, R., (2000). Modeling the Evolution of Meso-scale Ionospheric Irregularities at High Latitudes. Geophysical Research Letters, 27, 3595-3598.

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other


  • Sojka, J.J, Baker, D.N, (2007). No small feat (NSF): Student-led spacecraft. Space News

Magazine/Trade Publications

  • Sojka, J.J, Schunk, R., van Eyken, T., Kelly, J., Heinselman, C., McCready, M., (2007). Ionospheric challenges of the International Polar Year . EOS News, American Geophysical Union

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


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PHYS 3870 - Intermediate Physics Laboratory, Fall 2020
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PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2019
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2019
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2019
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2019
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2019
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Fall 2018
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PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2018
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2018
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2018
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2018
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2018
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2018
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Spring 2018
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2018
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2018
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2018
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2018
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2018
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2018
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2018
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2017
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Spring 2017
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2017
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Fall 2016
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2016
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Spring 2016
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2016
PHYS 5500 - Intermediate Topics in Physics (Topic), Fall 2015
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Fall 2015
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2015
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Spring 2015
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2015
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Fall 2014
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2014
PHYS 2200 - Elements of Mechanics, Spring 2014
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Spring 2014
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2014
PHYS 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Fall 2013
PHYS 5500 - Intermediate Topics in Physics (Topic), Fall 2013
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Fall 2013
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2013
PHYS 3900 - Projects in Physics, Fall 2013
PHYS 2200 - Elements of Mechanics, Spring 2013
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Spring 2013
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2013
PHYS 5500 - Intermediate Topics in Physics (Topic), Fall 2012
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Fall 2012
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2012
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2012
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2012
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2012
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2012
PHYS 3500 - Topics in Physics (Topic), Fall 2012
PHYS 2200 - Elements of Mechanics, Spring 2012
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Spring 2012
PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I, Spring 2012
PHYS 3500 - Topics in Physics (Topic), Spring 2012
PHYS 5500 - Intermediate Topics in Physics (Topic), Fall 2011
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Fall 2011
PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II, Fall 2011
PHYS 2400 - Introductory Topics in Physics (Topic), Summer 2011
PHYS 2200 - ELEM OF MECHANICS, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - GEN PHYSICS-SCI I (QI), Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - LABORATORY, Spring 2011
PHYS 5800 - PHYX COLLOQUIUM, Spring 2011
PHYS 3900 - PROJECTS IN PHYSICS, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - RECITATION, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - RECITATION, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - RECITATION, Spring 2011
PHYS 2200 - RECITATION, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - RECITATION, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - RECITATION, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - RECITATION, Spring 2011
PHYS 2210 - RECITATION, Spring 2011
PHYS 7970 - Dissertation Research, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 2220 - General Physics--Science and Engineering II, Fall 2010
PHYS 5800 - Physics Colloquium, Fall 2010
PHYS 3900 - Projects in Physics, Fall 2010
PHYS 6970 - Thesis Research, Fall 2010

Graduate Students Mentored

David Smith, Physics, August 2014
Chad Fish, Physics, August 2010
Jennifer Meehan, Physics, August 2015 - August 2017