Policy 319: Employee Privacy and Confidentiality

Section: Personnel Policies
Sub-Section: General
Policy Number: 319
Subject: Employee Privacy and Confidentiality
Origin Date: January 24, 1997
Revision Date(s): July 1, 1999
Effective Date: July 1, 1999
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319.1 POLICY

It is the University's policy to respect the individual privacy of its employees. However, occasions may arise when, in order to protect the rights of one employee or guest, the actions of another employee must be reviewed. Employees will be requested to cooperate voluntarily with such reviews.

Employees will be afforded an opportunity to explain their actions. If, in the course of a review, an employee perceives that his or her privacy has not been respected, he or she should immediately contact the Office of Human Resources.

It is also the University's intent to ensure the confidentiality of any information obtained about employees and/or students. It is critical that University employees with access to confidential information ensure that this information is not released to anyone who does not have a legitimate need to know or who has not followed the appropriate legal procedures to obtain the information. It is also critical to guard against inadvertent release of information by discussing employee or student affairs in public places.

Any willful, intentional disclosure of proprietary information or intrusion of privacy will be considered sufficient cause for disciplinary action.