Teaching Documentation Workshop

The Teaching Portfolio book coverSponsored by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President, the Teaching Documentation Workshop is designed for second through fifth year tenure-track faculty members, and is based off of Peter Seldin's "The Teaching Portfolio". The purpose of the workshop is to provide mentoring and support in documenting teaching and pedagogy to assist with the promotion and tenure process. Whether you have started your teaching portfolio for your promotion and tenure dossier, or you are wondering how to get started, this workshop can be a fantastic tool. Participation is by invitation only from the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President.

Please contact Paul J. Barr at (435) 797-0718 or paul.barr@usu.edu, Jenna Padelsky at (435) 797-1840 or jenna.padelsky@usu.eduwith any questions.