Opportunities to Engage with State Legislators

January 31, 2018
Utah State Capital Rotunda

SEA Legislative Committee members and President visit the State Capital

As the State of Utah Legislature meets for its annual session, SEA members are invited to engage with legislators in a variety of ways.

If you live in or around Cache Valley, you can attend Town Hall Meetings with Cache County Legislators every Saturday through March 3 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at the Cache County Building 179 N Main, Logan. Local legislators take the first 30 minutes to update the public on their dealings with the legislature during the previous week. The next 30 minutes is for questions and answers after which the meeting is adjourned. Legislators will stay 30 minutes after the meeting to meet with anyone who wishes to speak with them in person.

This is a great opportunity to visit with our local representation about legislative issues, higher education bills, and any other community/state concern. Get to know your local House of Representatives for the State of Utah here at the House Website.

You can find dates, times and locations on the SEA Calendar. You can also learn more and view live broadcasts on the Cache County Facebook feed.

As part of their responsibilities with SEA, Association President and Legislative Committee members joined UHESA at the Utah State Capitol on Friday January 26, 2018 to discuss the 2018 Legislative session and visit with UHESA about Higher Education priorities. You can always contact our USU SEA legislative committee members to learn more and get involved.