Alternative Spring Breaks Were a Great Success

July 20, 2018

Immigration in Tucson, AZ

students with citrus trees

We learned about the many aspects of immigration that play out in borderlands Arizona. Service included sorting donations at Casa Alitas for asylum seekers after they've been processed by ICE, checking water quality of barrels placed in the desert by Humane Borders, and picking citrus fruit with Iskashitaa Refugee Network. We also toured a Border Patrol station, attended a meeting with Tucson Samaritans, and ate ice cream every single day. We plan to go back in 2019!

Environmental Education in the California Redwoods

students and bunks in cabin

Our team became cabin counselors for a week at the YMCA of Silicon Valley's Camp Campbell in the breathtaking Redwoods of California. We spent the week with sixth-graders from different parts of the Bay Area, many of whom had never spent time in the outdoors.

Hunger and Homelessness in San Francisco

happy student group in front of SF Marin Food Bank sign

Alt Breakers served with Project Open Hand and the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, learning from organizations that serve the Bay Area's communities that experience homelessness.

International Service and Sustainability in Antigua, Guatemala

students holding baskets of coffee berries

Our very first international alternative break trip was a resounding success! Our group of 14 helped harvest coffee berries at a co-operative, fair trade farm owned and operated by women and helped at an afterschool program. We'll be going back in March 2020!