Helpful Reference Resources

Looking to learn more about sustainability? You've come to the right place. Here we have compiled our favorite external resources for you to learn a little more about climate change, sustainability, and what you can do to make a difference. We are action oriented here at USU Sustainability!

Exploring Sustainability and Climate Change

open book icon Intro to the Climate Crisis

Everyone has their own talents, and we need all of them to address climate change. If you're specialty isn't climate science, these are the resources you need. We picked a few trustworthy sources with information even non-scientists can understand.

magnifying glass icon General Reference Resources

  • Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE): AASHE has resources from member institutions on how they've implemented sustainability measures in physical operations and the curriculum. USU faculty, staff, and students with a usu email address can access the members-only resources, including Sustainability-related course materials.
  • Drawdown: This website and book describe, analyze, and order the 100 most substantive, existing solutions for climate change.
  • EUSTEPS Sustainability Module: These lessons intend to engage students, regardless of science background, in discussion about human-environmental relationships.
  • Evergreen State: Evergreen hosts list of resources compiled by faculty who have participated in their Curriculum for the bioregion program.
  • Handbook of Sustainability Literacy: University of Brighton provides chapters on sustainability topics ranging from advertising awareness to permaculture to systems thinking.
  • Skeptical Science: Top climate myths are listed with responses at the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels, including citations.
  • Sustainability Improves Student Learning (SISL): hosted by Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
    The SISL website provides a beginner's toolkit and resources for integrating sustainability into the classroom.
  • University of Louisville: The university's website features a compilation of links and resources in different areas of sustainability, including food, economy, social justice, transportation, and waste and recycling.
  • Vanderbilt Teaching Sustainability: Vanderbilt provides background, tips, and resources for including sustainability in the classroom.

calculator icon Impact Calculators

Online calculators can be a fun way to look at the parts of our lives that can be difficult to measure. How much carbon does your lifestyle emit? How many gallons of water does your pet use? How many slaves do you have? How many planets would your lifestyle require if everyone lived it? We have a calculator for you.

globe icon Insightful Visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words (maybe more). Here are some resources to show concepts that are too big to imagine. The Great Pacific Gyre may be the size of Texas or as big as Russia. What does that look like? We have resources.

Taking Action

For Educators

Not just for educators, but these resources are about how Faculty can impact the narrative on teaching and setting expectations on sustainability. 

Interdisciplinary Faculty Efforts at Other Universities

Greening The College Curriculum

For Residence Life

Program Ideas

So many ideas have already been put together for sustainability programs that most the work is done! We've linked some great resources for designing sustainability programs and events for topics ranging from food to energy.

Useful USU Contacts:

If these resources have been helpful, or if you would like to contribute something new, let us know! Send success stories and photos.