Utah State University has partnered with Proctorio to provide virtual proctoring options for courses with online exams. Proctorio is a remote proctoring service software that works within your web browser to monitor test takers for suspicious behaviors.
Proctorio Benefits
- Students access virtual proctoring remotely in Canvas (no need to go to testing center).
- Audio/Video algorithms detect open book/notes/browser activity, other people in the room, and unusual behaviors (e.g. looking off screen repeatedly).
- Instructors control the level of security
- Suspicious behavior is automatically reported in Canvas.
Proctorio System Requirements
- Chrome Browser
- Chrome Proctorio Extension
- Web Camera
- Microphone
To Begin Using Proctorio
- Open the Google Chrome Browser.
- Open the Canvas course where you want to use Proctorio.
- Add "Secure Exam Proctor" to the course navigation.
- Select "Settings" then "Navigation".
- Drag "Secure Exam Proctor" from the list of available options to the navigation items. Note:

4. Click on Secure Exam Proctor link on the left-hand navigation. Then, click on the link to install the Proctorio Chrome Extension and follow the prompts to complete the installation. You will get a message that the extension has been added to Chrome when it is done. (If the “Secure Exam Proctor” link on the left-hand navigation disappears it means that the Proctorio extension is installed on your Chrome browser and you can move onto the next step.)
5. Create or edit the Quiz that you would like to use with Proctorio. (It must be a “Classic Quiz” in Canvas to use Proctorio.) Click the checkbox for “Enable Proctorio Secure Exam Proctor” to enable Proctorio. A new tab will be at the top of the quiz settings titled "Proctorio Settings."
6. Click on the Proctorio Settings tab and select the desired options. The buttons appearing in black are the options that are selected. Here are some considerations for a couple of the options:
- “Force Full Screen” has choices of “Severe,” “Moderate,” or “Lenient.” If you choose “Severe” students will be kicked out of the exam if they accidentally hit the F11 key (to exit full-screen mode) when trying to backspace. “Moderate” is the preferred setting.
- We recommend that you not use the “Prevent Re-entry” option as that will prevent students from re-entering an un-submitted exam if they got kicked out due to internet issues.
- We also recommend that you do not use the "Intellegent Room Scan" option without informing students before the exam and providing alternative options if students choose to 'opt-out'.
Once any student starts taking the quiz, you can no longer change the Proctorio settings, so double check what you have selected to ensure your preferred settings.
7. After you have saved the exam you will see a notice on the quiz details page prompting you to import the guides and the practice quiz. Click on “Import Guides and Practice Quiz” and wait a few minutes for them to import. The practice quiz is an opportunity for students to ensure that Proctorio is working on their computer before they begin the quiz or exam. You should set the settings the same for the practice exam as you have for the quiz or exam. Direct students to the Practice Quiz before they take the quiz or exam.
Using Proctorio for Exams outside of Canvas
To use Proctorio to record exams in other systems:
- Create an exam in Canvas with a text block containing instructions and links to the external exam.
- Add Proctorio to the quiz you created.
- Select all of the Recording Options.These settings will ensure that the test taker does not have any unauthorized physical material and nobody helps them with the exam. Record Screen and Record Web Traffic settings allow you to monitor which applications and websites the test takers visit during the exam.
- Select the following lock down options: Only One Screen, Close Open Tabs, Disable Clipboard, Block Downloads, Clear Cache.
- These settings will allow test takers to minimize and resize their browsers so that they can use external applications. Disable New Tabs is not selected so that users will be able to open new web pages during the exam. They will, however, be required to close any existing tabs (eg. YouTube videos of your lectures). This ensures that any web pages the test taker views during the exam will be recorded in the Web Traffic Log.
- Verification Options: We recommend using the verification settings that accompany each recording option (Verify Video and Verify Audio). This will make sure that all recording hardware is working properly and the information will be recorded without fault. We recommend that you enable Verify Identity. if the student is taking the exam remotely.
- Proctorio will monitor students as they complete the external quiz.
- After students have completed the exam, they return to Canvas and "Submit" the quiz.
What Information Does Proctorio Collect From Students?
Unlike other online proctoring services, Proctorio does not employ the use of biometrics or external human based proctors to monitor the student while they take the exam. Proctorio will record the students' identity via webcam and, depending upon the exam settings controlled by individual instructors, monitor your exam attempt in various ways. A multitude of privacy provisions have been established to ensure student privacy and FERPA compliance.
- Proctorio has no file access of any kind. Proctorio cannot and will not access any of your personal files or documents.
- During an exam Proctorio may take screenshots of your desktop, detect the number of computer monitors connected to your computer, or record your web traffic. This information will only be recorded if the professor has enabled it within the exam settings. The information is stored with zero-knowledge encryption, which means the data is encrypted both in transit and at rest.
- Once an exam is completed, Proctorio no longer has access to this information.
- It is impossible for anyone at Proctorio or any of its affiliates to view exam recordings. They are only accessible to authorized users at your university and through USU's Canvas system.
- Proctorio never stores academic information from any of its users.
- Further information regarding Proctorio's Data Security can be found at https://proctorio.com/about/data-security.
Paper Exams With Proctorio
To have a paper exam proctored with Proctorio:
- Create an exam in Canvas with a question that asks for a file upload (this will be where students turn in their paper exam).
- You can have students print your exam (some students may not have access to a printer) or you can put your exam questions in Canvas and ask students to answer the questions on a paper at home.
- Add Proctorio to the quiz you created.
- When students take the quiz, Proctorio will monitor them as they take it.
- After students have completed the exam, they can scan and upload the exam. If the student doesn not have a scanner, they can use the CamScanner App.
Proctoring Alternatives
For students seeking alternatives to virtual proctoring, USU provides all students the availability of alternative, in-person proctoring options at our on-campus and statewide testing centers, or through certified proctored available worldwide. Students who are concerned about virtual proctoring solutions are welcome to opt-out and choose one of these alternative options.
CamScanner App
- Install the CamScanner App. You don’t need to make an account and the free version is sufficient.
- Once installed, open up the CamScanner App and click on the camera icon
- Choose batch mode to scan multiple pages into one document:
- On iPhones, select “Batch”; On Android phones, select the multiple page icon
- Scan each page of your document using the camera icon
- Click on the scanned document (on the bottom right) to preview your document
- Check to ensure the scan is legible and the pages have been cropped correctly then click the check mark (on the bottom right)
- Rename your document and include your first and last name and course information
- Email document to your instructor by clicking “Share” or “Email”
Live Remote Proctoring
The USU Academic Testing Center does not offer live remote proctoring, however we are happy to answer any questions about set up if instructors wish to proctor their own student.
- Email: testingcenter@usu.edu
- Phone: 435-797-3617
Proctorio Support
- If you need assistance contact Proctorio support, support@proctorio.com or 1- 866-948-2039.
- USUs Response to Virtual Proctoring Concerns