The following rules apply to all exams taken in USU Testing Centers
- Stow all backpacks, purses, books and other materials under your desk. These should not be viewable while you are taking an exam.
- Only items directly associated with the test are allowed on the student's desk or lap. All items are to be removed from the desk, including wallets, purses, cell phones, gloves, sunglasses, and bookmarks.
- During the exam, you are not allowed to get help with test questions by speaking with other people, texting or emailing.
- Copying from someone else's exam is strictly prohibited
- If you need additional scratch paper, you must get it from one of the proctors. No outside scratch paper is allowed. All scratch paper must be returned to the proctor upon check-out unless otherwise specified by the instructor.
- All electronic devices (e.g. cell phones, iPods, watches, etc.) must be shut off and stowed away during the exam.
- You may not use any removable media (e.g. flash drive, portable hard drive etc.) while taking the exam unless specified by the instructor as part of the exam.
- Once the proctor has opened the exam, do not leave it until you have completed and submitted the exam.
- Once the exam has started you are not allowed to go to the restroom.
- No food or drinks are allowed in the testing room except for a water bottle with a secure lid.
- Clothing, including shoes, must be worn during the duration of the tester's visit to the testing center.
Testing Centers may record your session (including screen capture) for security and verification.
Reporting Violations
Consistent with the expectations of the Student Code of Conduct, individuals caught engaging in any of the above-described behaviors will be reported to Student Services as an Academic Integrity Violation and to their instructor for appropriate disciplinary action.
Per the USU student code: SECTION VI-3. Discipline Regarding Academic Integrity Violations an instructor has full autonomy to evaluate a student’s academic performance in a course. If a student commits an academic violation the instructor may sanction the student. Application of this sanction must follow Section VI-4 procedural policy. Such sanctions may include:
- Requiring the student to rewrite a paper/assignment or to retake a test/examination.
- Adjusting the student’s grade - for either an assignment/test or the course.
- Giving the student a failing grade for the course.
Additional disciplinary action beyond instructor sanction shall be determined by the Judicial Officer and the University.
Students or staff can report concerns about websites or services that enable, or appears to enable, academic dishonesty to
Academic Dishonesty
As a student at Utah State University you are bound by the Student Code of Conduct. For purposes of the Testing Center, we consider the following to be academically dishonest:
- Copying from another person's work during an examination.
- Allowing someone to copy from you during an examination.
- Using unauthorized materials during an examination, including additional web sites.
- Taking an examination for another or permitting another to take an exam for you.
- Obtaining or providing an un-administered test or answers to an un-administered test to another person.
- Removing or attempting to remove a test, its answers, or any portion thereof from the Testing Center.
- Taking an exam from an unapproved testing center or location
- Taking the physical form or a picture of scratch paper without written consent from the instructor.