Additional Resources

Plans for Do-It-Yourself Assistive Technology

Child Therapy Chair


Dan works on assembly of the therapeutic chair

ATP's, PT's, and OT's working with children with physical disabilities often need an appropriate seating system to provide support to enable the kiddo to engage with their environment and participate in strengthening exercises. In the past we measured each child and built it, usually out of triwall, to their size to ensure a good fit. The benefits of this new design is the chair is more durable/easier to clean than triwall, and is adjustable. Written and video instructions are available!

Device for Tremors

These are an inexpensive solution to the problem Marlene Skinner had with tremors--it was very hard to get her own meds without spilling them. The designs are published online for anyone to 3D print their own!

Therapeutic Trike

green-trike A therapeutic trike made from PVC and developed by volunteer Mike Stokes can now be made anywhere, following the plans we have posted on the Instructables website. These trikes can cost thousands of dollars if purchased from a manufacturer. They can be made for about $500.