20 Years of Utah Conservation Corps

2001 - 2021

In 2001 Utah Conservation Corps began operations with twenty AmeriCorps members, operating from a remote corner of USU’s Outdoor Recreation Center. This year, UCC celebrates 20 years with its 2500th AmeriCorps member. Over the years, UCC’s service has expanded to meet the needs of land management agencies across the state to include habitat restoration, fuels reduction, trail maintenance, historic structure preservation, and natural resource mapping.

AmeriCorps logo

Member digging trail

A National Leader

UCC serves as a national leader for innovation and inclusion. In 2007 a UCC alum spearheaded an “Access to Service” program that engaged young adults with differing physical abilities. As a result of this project, National Forests in Utah developed one of the nation’s most comprehensive listings of accessible recreation resources. In recent years, UCC has been called upon to deploy crews throughout the nation to assist communities affected by disasters. In the last few months, teams have served in both Louisiana and Florida.

Our Mission

While UCC’s focus will always be hands-on work on public lands, the organization’s mission has been to produce a strong cadre of conservation leaders. UCC alums now head organizations of their own, lead conservation work throughout the United States, and take their places as youth, civic, and community leaders.

Who We Are

Team on mountain
team in the field

Celebrate With Us

Join us beginning Earth Day, April 22, as we kick off a 20-week celebration, featuring archival photos, videos, and weekly social media highlights for each of our 20 years of amazing Alums!

Share Your Story

Get Involved

The best ways to celebrate the 20 year anniversary is through involvement opportuinites and learning more about Utah's civilian conservation efforts.

For suggestions on additional resources or edits, please contact David Mallery at david.mallery@usu.edu.

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To stay up today on UCC involvement opportunities, information, and news, subscribe to the UCC newsletter.

Extend the Legacy

When you run across a group of volunteers clearing a hiking trail, you probably wouldn’t realize that they are part of a legacy that jump-started downhill skiing as a recreation/sport in the US. When you cross a bridge on a bike ride with your family, you won’t likely stop to consider that the workers who first built bridges on public lands created a groundswell of public support for our nation’s system of public agencies for outdoor recreation. But these are facts that are not lost on the conservation crews who do the work.

The Utah Conservation Corps is celebrating 20 years of such work. But in many ways, we are building on a legacy that began in the 1930’s. Explore with us the rich legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps as we embark on our 3rd decade!

Civilian Conservation Corps History

cca history