Frequently Asked Questions
About The Job
What do UCC Field Crew AmeriCorps Members do?
UCC AmeriCorps Members primarily work on natural resource and environmental conservation projects. These include invasive plant species removal, trail construction and maintenance, fence building, habitat restoration, tree planting, fuels reduction, and a variety of other projects based on partner needs. UCC AmeriCorps Members complete critical project work that would otherwise go undone.
Where do UCC Field Crew AmeriCorps Members serve?
Members serve in locations throughout Utah. Occasionally, members may serve in Idaho, Wyoming, or other states in the Intermountain West. This may include National Parks, National Forests, Wilderness areas, Bureau of Land Management Land, and private/state land. We have project work in a multitude of environments, ranging from deserts to rivers to high alpine forests.
What AmeriCorps Field Positions does the UCC usually offer, when do they begin and end, and when are the application deadlines?
UCC offers 3-month Summer or Fall positions, 6-month Summer & Fall positions, and 10-month Spring, Summer and Fall positions.
- Spring season spans February - May.
- Summer season spans end of May - Mid-August.
- Fall season spans from Mid-August to Mid-November.
For specific start dates, review position descriptions. Field crew positions require a full-time commitment for the duration of the term of service. UCC offers Field Logistics Technician (10 month), Crew Leader (10 month) and Crew Member (6 or 3 month) positions. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Positions are open until filled.
UCC also hosts many Individual Placement AmeriCorps Positions. These AmeriCorps Members work with various non-profit organizations throughout Utah.
Do I need training to serve with UCC? What trainings will I receive as an AmeriCorps Field Crew Member with UCC?
To join the UCC as Field Crew Member, you do not need to have any previous training. The UCC provides a two week training at the beginning of each field season (summer and fall). This includes Wilderness First Aid & CPR/AED training, and project specific training on trails, chainsaw, etc.
How long will I be in the field for?
Typical project hitches range from 4 to 9 days. Project hitches may be longer depending on project logisitcs. Crew Members report to the field office on the first day of hitch, load all personal gear and equipment for hitch (rig-up), drive to the project site, camp and work at site for allotted number of days, drive back to the field office at the end of hitch, organize/clean/unload all gear from hitch and prep for next hitch (de-rig). Hitches may be front or backcountry, urban or rural. Hitches are project dependent and are structured around the project type and needs of the project partner.
What does a typical workday look like?
On any given workday, the crew will get up around 6am, have breakfast, pack their bags for the day and have camp cleaned up by 7 am. At 7 am, your crew will will hold a stretch and safety circle to review safety concerns and the hazards for the day. Upon completion of stretch and safety, the crew will begin work (driving to site, hiking to site, or work on site). Crews work 10-hour days and take two 15-minute breaks and one 30-minute lunch. Crews finish up project work around 5pm to allow time for cleaning tools or saws, etc. One crew member will generally cook dinner for the crew each night. Evening may afford members with time for hiking, relaxing, reading, etc. Dishes and camp chores are expected to be completed by all crew members during the hitch. Evening recreation (hiking, wading, running, etc.) must be approved by the Crew Leader. Camp is usually quiet by 9 pm.
What are some opportunities after UCC?
After UCC, many members continue to serve in the Conservation Corps world, as crew leaders, field logistics technicans, and staff positions. Throughout the field season you will be working with many different land management agencies. Working directly with agency personnel can provide contacts for future jobs with the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Department of Natural Resources, BLM, and other state and private land managers.
Living Expenses
Does UCC provide residential housing?
No. During off-time, members are responsible for finding their own housing. UCC does not provide housing. Learn more about off-time housing options at
While on hitch, UCC provides accommodations for camping. Depending on the specific project, camping may be in urban front country or remote backcountry sites.
Does the UCC supply Members with health care insurance?
For Full-time, 1700 hour members only. UCC will reimburse health insurance premiums for 1700 hour members up to $100/month. All UCC AmeriCorps Members in less than a 1700 hour term of service are responsible for paying all health insurance costs.
What is the Living Allowance for?
The living allowance is modest and varies based on term of service position and length. It may be used as desired (food, housing, etc.) by the AmeriCorps Member. Cost of food is factored into the living allowance rate.
When will I receive my AmeriCorps Living Allowance check?
UCC members receive a living allowance on a bi-monthly basis. The living allowance is considered taxable income. You will receive a W2 from Utah State University at the end of the year.
UCC members are paid through Utah State University payroll on the 10th and 25th of each month (unless pay falls on a weekend or holiday, in which case, pay will be on the next business day). Your first payment date will vary based on your term start date.
Is food paid for?
No. UCC does not pay for food on or off hitch. Cost of food is factored into the living allowance rate. Many UCC AmeriCorps Members are eligible for food stamps.
When do I receive the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award?
The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award is released after you successfully compelte your term of service with Utah Conservation Corps. The award amount varies in accordance to position length. Read the UCC position description for up-to-date Segal AmeriCorps Education Award amounts.
After release of award funds into your account, the award can be disbursed upon request to your lending institution or Title IV School. Be sure to read about the award on the AmeriCorps website as it will answer most of your questions. There are many institutions that will match your AmeriCorps award or have additional scholarships for AmeriCorps alums. You have seven years to use your award (some exceptions can be made).
Rules and Restrictions
Can AmeriCorps Members take vacations during their term of service?
AmeriCorps Members have made a commitment to the Utah Conservation Corps and AmeriCorps to complete their term of service. This means:
- Serving the entire term from start date to end date.
- Completing the hours requirement for the term of service.
If timing and scheduling allow, time off is reviewed on a case by case basis. It is the responsibility of the AmeriCorps Member to ensure any missed days are made up. Time-off requests need to be submitted to Field Staff during the first week of training, and are not guaranteed to be granted. If hours are not complete and you do not work until your scheduled end date, you will not be eligible to receive the AmeriCorps Education Award.
Are Utah Conservation Corps Programs for Utah residents only?
No. If you are a citizen of the United States and 18 years of age or older, you may apply.
Is there an upper age limit to serve with Utah Conservation Corps?
No. UCC does not have an upper age limit. Anyone over the age of 18 may apply.
Can I apply if I am a student?
Yes, if you are 18 years and older, you may apply.
Please note: It is NOT possible to go to school during an active semester (full or part-time) while serving as a UCC AmeriCorps Field Crew Member. The summer season is a perfect option for students wanting to serve.
Can AmeriCorps Members take university classes during a term of service?
No. Due to the time, place and length of projects, it is advised that UCC members not take university classes during their term of service.
What To Bring
Does the UCC provide a place for me to store personal items while I am on hitch?
The UCC does not provide a place for you to store your belongings while on hitch. You are responsible for storing your belongings in your apartment, vehicle, etc. If you do not choose to rent an apartment, it is HIGHLY recommended that you have a vehicle. UCC provides parking at field offices for vehicles while members are on hitch. UCC is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Keys for vehicles parked at UCC field offices must be stored inside the UCC office (they will be locked in a secure box) in the event vehicles need to be moved while members are on hitch.
Do AmeriCorps Members need to have a car to work for the UCC?
No, but it is HIGHLY recommended.
UCC provides transportation to and from projects. Each crew is assigned a UCC work truck for use during each hitch.
Vehicle or not, it is your responsibility to be at the office on time, with all personal gear prepared, and ready to depart for hitch. Many UCC AmeriCorps Members have done a UCC term of service without a personal vehicle, but please remember, your timeliness and readiness are your responsibility. DO NOT rely on others for rides.
What gear do AmeriCorps Members need?
Personal gear needs may vary based on season. View UCC's comprehensive Gear List at
What clothing do AmeriCorps Members need to bring?
Members need to be prepared for a variety of weather conditions. Warm, quick dry clothing is recommended. Be ready for temperatures to go over 120 degrees F during the day and as low as -20 degrees F at night. Research the average monthly temperatures in Utah, and be ready for anything.