Millcreek's Wellbeing Measured in Study
Millcreek News shared the results of the 2024 survey regarding personal and community wellbeing. Results were then compared with other cities in Utah.
Utah communities are changing rapidly. Keeping a finger on the pulse of residents' wellbeing and attitudes about community issues helps to promote sound planning and decision-making to support overall quality of life in Utah's cities and towns.
The Utah Wellbeing Survey tracks local perspectives on wellbeing around the state from very rural places to larger and rapidly growing cities. Partnerships with Utah cities make it possible to conduct annual online surveys. Over 14,000 surveys from Utahns were collected 2019-2021 and over 11,000 surveys were collected in 2022 and 2023 across 35 cities. The most recent survey effort was in 2024 and over 16,000 surveys were collected across 51 cities and towns. If you are interested in having your city participate in future years, please contact us. We hope to continue the survey in 2026, pending funding for the project.
Within this website you will find detailed reports from past surveys and resources for local leaders to consider as they seek to improve their residents' wellbeing.
Professor of Environment & Society
Phone: 435-797-8635
Current Research Team Members: Nicolas Holden (Data Analyst), Madison Fjeldsted Thompson, Grace Christensen, Sophie Christensen, and Emma Epperson
Previous Research Team Members: Cheyenne Chee, Caleb Clark, Katie Emmett, Julie Estes, Patrick Gee, Jane Henrie, Bailey Holdaway, Maggie Mace, Dr. Hyojun Park, Brooke Richards, Bekah Richie, Caitlyn Rogers, Rachel Sagers, Casey Trout, Kyle Wariner, and Sarah Wilson