Faculty Resources
Faculty who mentor UTFs receive assistance with day-to-day classroom management and teaching tasks. UTFs support faculty by providing timely feedback about how well students understand assignments and early warnings about distressed and disruptive students. Each year all UTFs and faculty mentors have the opportunity to participate in two collaborative sessions to help them prepare for challenging situations and encounters with students.
Beginning of Semester Checklist for UTFs and Mentors
UTF Funding & Requests
UTF positions are funded by the Provosts Office at $750 per semester (for a maximum 100 hours of work) and some colleges/units supplement this pay. Funding and the process for requesting a UTF varies by college/unit. Contact your unit liaison for information about funding and how to request a UTF. Students must keep track of their hours using AggieTime.
UTF Experience
At the end of any semester in which they mentor a UTF for the first time, faculty must complete a UTF Experience Evaluation. Faculty are also encouraged to reflect on their UTF experience in their Digital Measures profile.
UTFs and faculty mentors must complete the UTF Experience Evaluation by the last day of class each semester. This can be found on the Canvas page.
Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Fellow
Each year one UTF from each of the eight colleges, the Honors Program, and University Libraries is selected as the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Fellow for his/her respective unit. The application, nomination, and selection process varies by unit. Faculty are encouraged to nominate an outstanding UTF and should contact their associate dean or unit liaison for instructions. Students selected as the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Fellow for their unit are recognized at a luncheon at the end of each spring semester, and their faculty mentors are encouraged to attend.