Engineering - ME

College of Engineering

About This Degree

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is listed in the top 100 college departments according to U.S. News & World Report, and it brings in approximately $2 million in research funding annually. Students graduate with nearly 100% job placement and have among the highest starting salaries of all degree programs.

The ME is designed for working engineers or students with a BS degree in electrical or computer engineering who would like to increase their technical depth in engineering.

ME/MBA Program:

USU offers a unique two-year program designed for engineers who would like to add to their technical knowledge as well as develop the business skills needed to keep pace in the global technical world of the 21st century. Students earn both the ME and an MBA through this two-year program.


Computer Engineering:

Students in this specialization focus on software and computer hardware engineering.

Electrical Engineering:

Students take courses in several different areas within electrical engineering, including control systems, electromagnetic and microwaves, space systems, and signals and communication.


At a Glance

College: College of Engineering

Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

USU Locations:

  • Logan campus

Program Requirements

Career And Outcomes

Career Opportunities

Typically, most ME students are already employed as professional engineers. Earning an ME can allow students to advance in their fields. Depending on which area they choose to specialize in, the following options are available:

Electrical Engineering Specialization

Since nearly everyone uses electricity and electrical devices, graduates in electrical engineering can work in almost any kind of industry. Electrical engineers develop anything from rockets, cell phones, computers, antennas, signal towers, robotics, and more. The following are examples of areas in which electrical engineers can work:

  • Scientific research and development firms
  • Electrical component manufacturing companies
  • Power generation, distribution, and transmission
  • Manufacturers of navigation controls, medical equipment, and measurement devices
  • Architectural firms

Computer Engineering Specialization

Graduates in computer engineering can work for any company or organization that requires software or hardware engineers. Given the current reliance on computer technology in the workplace, this means that many companies require computer engineers. Computer engineers can work in the following areas:

  • Software publishing
  • Computer systems designs
  • Management companies
  • Telecommunications companies
  • Quality control
  • Development
  • Large and small businesses
  • Governmental offices
  • Educational institutions

Job Outlook



Tricia Brandenburg

Office: ENLAB 149 A
Phone: (435) 797-2840

Don Cripps

Professor of Practice
Office: ENLAB 180
Phone: (435) 797-8171

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USU Locations



Admission Requirements

Non-ECE undergraduate majors may be accepted provisionally into the Masters graduate program if they meet the required qualifications set by the ECE graduate committee and complete the following pre-requisites with a B or better grade:

  • ECE 3410 – Microelectronics I
  • ECE 3620 – Circuits and Signals
  • ECE 3640 – Signals and Systems 
  • ECE 3710 – Microcomputing Hardware and Software
  • ECE 3870 – Electromagnetics I  Electrical Engineering Majors
  • CS 3100 – Operating Systems and Currency Computer Engineering Majors

Depending on the specialization of the undergraduate degree, certain courses may be waived if the course or the equivalent was taken. Courses may also be waived by passing an exam at the discretion of the course instructor.

Students may take these prerequisites concurrently with graduate coursework depending on the amount of prerequisites they need. These situations are handled on a case-to-case basis.

Application Requirements:

  • Complete the online application
  • Pay the $55 application fee
  • The GRE requirement is being temporarily suspended until further notice
  • Have a 3.0 or higher GPA on your last 60 semester or 90 quarter credits
  • Provide transcripts of all college/university credits
  • Provide three contacts for letters of recommendation

International students have additional admissions requirements.


The department has the following deadlines:

  • Fall semester – January 1
  • Spring semester – July 1

For the ME/MBA program:

  • Fall semester –  May 1

Program Requirements

All ME students are required to fulfill a professional experience. For this, they can do either of the following:

  • Complete a three-credit internship
  • Complete one of the department’s four-credit, substantial lab-intensive courses

Plan Options

Students receive the ME by pursuing the following plan option:

  • The Plan C does not involve a thesis or a defense meeting and is comprised of coursework only.

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