University Advising Resource Library

Foundational Advising Books

In 2022, Joao Bueno-Native American Serving Nontribal Institutions (NASNTI) Grant Director and University Advising applied for a grant to engage professionals in development opportunities to help USU enhance programs that foster students’ sense of belonging and implement services to help students complete degree programs. Through the grant, foundational books for academic advisors from NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising are available through Utah State University's library and at advising locations in Logan and Statewide Campuses.


Logan Campus

Books are located in college advising centers. Books may also be borrowed at University Advising located in the Taggart Student Center (TSC) 302

Statewide Campuses

Statewide Campus regions have the set of foundational books. Contact the Director of Students to access the books.

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