Janet Quinney Lawson

Janet Quinney Lawson

Kraig Varner
American, b. 1949

Janet Quinney Lawson, 2009

Bronze, 69" x 36" x 16.5"

Gift of Frederick Q. Lawson, NEHMA

Located under the shady green ash trees outside the Natural Resources building, Janet Quinney Lawson is a recent addition to the USU campus. Shortly after Janet Quinney Lawson’s death in 2008, her son commissioned Utah-based artist Kraig Varner to make this statue in her honor. The life-size bronze piece depicts Lawson as lively and energetic. A major benefactor of the College of Natural Resources, she played a key role in developing the S. J. and Jessie E. Quinney Natural Resources Library along with research programs for scholars and students. The University honored Lawson’s efforts with the Distinguished Service Award in 1998 and an honorary Doctorate degree of Natural Resources in 2000. USU continued to recognize Lawson in 2004 by naming a building in her honor. The Janet Quinney Lawson building houses USU’s Utah Climate Center and the Remote Sensing/Geographic Information Systems Laboratory, along with other services.