Sign Up for Winter Ozone Alerts!
The USU Bingham Research Center provides email alerts when ozone exceeding EPA standards is forecast for the Uintah Basin. The purpose of these alerts is to provide the oil and gas industry and others with real-time information about air quality in the Basin so they can take action to reduce emissions of ozone-forming pollutants when it matters most.
Sign up using the form below. When you sign up, we will send you emails:
- Every two weeks from 1 December through 15 March, regardless of whether elevated winter
ozone is likely; - Six days prior to a possible high ozone episode (the six-day forecast will be speculative);
- Two days prior to a possible high ozone episode (the two-day forecast will be less speculative);
- At the end of a high ozone episode;
- If we forecast a high ozone episode, but the episode does not materialize.
You will receive a subscription confirmation email 1-2 business days after you submit this form.

The Utah Petroleum Association has created a list of actions
oil and gas companies can take to reduce emissions: