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Thursday, April 8

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Free Meal Kits

Student Activities

The Service Center is excited to provide free meal kits every week this semester. Learn a new skill and try some new food!
Here's what you do:

1. Reserve a free meal kit by registering for this event at http://https://usu.givepulse.com/.
2. Come to the Service Center (TSC 332) to pick up your meal kit on either February 3 or 4 between 10 am-5 pm. If you can't make it during that time, or can't send a friend, contact Kara (servicevp.ususa@usu.edu) to make other arrangements.
3. Take your meal kit home and find the cooking demo in the link.
4. Watch the demo, then prepare your own meal!
5. If you'd like, snap a photo of your culinary creation and post it with the hashtag #AggiesBeCookin

10:00 am - 5:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |

Treat Yourself Thursday (Student Empowerment Week)

Student Activities

Setting simple goals is a great way to feel in control of life and get motivated! Check out the Business Council booth near the entrance of Huntsman Hall and jot down a goal on the ‘Huntsman Goal Scroll’ (or text in your goal to 208.360.9135) to join your fellow students in treating yourself with a dose of motivation! Also, take a minute to see the amazing goals that are being set by your peers here at Huntsman Hall. The future is yours!

10:00 am - 2:00 pm | Huntsman Hall |



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