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March 27 - April 2, 2022

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Major Declaration Week


Welcome to Major Declaration Week! Powered by the Career Design Center and Exploratory Advising, we are excited to offer you several opportunities to explore major options and learn how to declare a major. Check out the events happening daily from 12pm-1pm on March 29th - April 1st! Just in time for fall class registration!

Tuesday: Focus2sday: What Am I Interested In? TSC 335

Wednesday: Career Focus Areas: What Direction Should I Go? TSC Sunburst Lounge

Thursday: Peer Advisory Panel: What Should I Know About Majors? TSC Sunburst Lounge

Friday: Major Declaration: How Do I Declare A Major? TSC 302, Exploratory Advising Office

Food will be provided at each event!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | TSC, Sunburst Lounge |

Contribute NOW! Prepare to Submit and Present for ETE Conference


This event is designed to help graduate students (and first-time applicants) submit a teaching and learning proposal for the August ETE Conference. This sparkshop will help participants better understand what to expect when submitting proposals and presenting at the Conference. What is learned at this Sparkshop will also be useful when submitting proposals to other SoTL events.

10:00 am - 10:45 am | Online/Virtual |

Major Declaration Week


Welcome to Major Declaration Week! Powered by the Career Design Center and Exploratory Advising, we are excited to offer you several opportunities to explore major options and learn how to declare a major. Check out the events happening daily from 12pm-1pm on March 29th - April 1st! Just in time for fall class registration!

Tuesday: Focus2sday: What Am I Interested In? TSC 335

Wednesday: Career Focus Areas: What Direction Should I Go? TSC Sunburst Lounge

Thursday: Peer Advisory Panel: What Should I Know About Majors? TSC Sunburst Lounge

Friday: Major Declaration: How Do I Declare A Major? TSC 302, Exploratory Advising Office

Food will be provided at each event!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | TSC, Sunburst Lounge |

Major Declaration Week


Welcome to Major Declaration Week! Powered by the Career Design Center and Exploratory Advising, we are excited to offer you several opportunities to explore major options and learn how to declare a major. Check out the events happening daily from 12pm-1pm on March 29th - April 1st! Just in time for fall class registration!

Tuesday: Focus2sday: What Am I Interested In? TSC 335

Wednesday: Career Focus Areas: What Direction Should I Go? TSC Sunburst Lounge

Thursday: Peer Advisory Panel: What Should I Know About Majors? TSC Sunburst Lounge

Friday: Major Declaration: How Do I Declare A Major? TSC 302, Exploratory Advising Office

Food will be provided at each event!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | TSC, Sunburst Lounge |

International Banquet

Cultural | Common Hour

International Banquet is an event that intends to bring international and domestic USU students together, and provide them an opportunity to present/share their cultures.

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm | TSC, Evan N. Stevenson Ballroom |

Major Declaration Week


Welcome to Major Declaration Week! Powered by the Career Design Center and Exploratory Advising, we are excited to offer you several opportunities to explore major options and learn how to declare a major. Check out the events happening daily from 12pm-1pm on March 29th - April 1st! Just in time for fall class registration!

Tuesday: Focus2sday: What Am I Interested In? TSC 335

Wednesday: Career Focus Areas: What Direction Should I Go? TSC Sunburst Lounge

Thursday: Peer Advisory Panel: What Should I Know About Majors? TSC Sunburst Lounge

Friday: Major Declaration: How Do I Declare A Major? TSC 302, Exploratory Advising Office

Food will be provided at each event!

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | TSC, Sunburst Lounge |

Let's Talk About Sex (Sexual Health Workshop Series)


Students often feel uncomfortable talking about sex or confidently setting boundaries. This 3-part series will increase students’ knowledge about sexual health and sexuality, and empower them to be more specific and proactive when setting their boundaries in romantic and/or sexual relationships. Join the Office of Equity's Undergraduate Peer Educators for any or all of these student-led workshops, depending on your interest and availability: Part 1, April 2nd, 2-3pm: Demystifying Sex Sex-education basics like reproductive system anatomy, consent conversations, and gender identity & expression. Part 2, April 9th, 2-3pm: "Sextras" Information on hygiene, birth control, and STIs. ~Novelty condom giveaway~ Learn important health facts and get a glow in the dark or flavored condom! Part 3, April 16th, 2-3pm: Non-heteronormative Sex-Ed Safe sex isn't just for "straight" sex. Chat about how you define sexual boundaries and virginity, and learn about safe sex and consent conversations in a safe space for LGBTQIA+ students. Join us Saturdays in April in the Big Blue Room from 2-3pm, and Let's Talk About Sex!

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Taggart Student Center |



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