Upcoming Events


Native American Cultural Immersion


Ten non-Native Americans among staff and Faculty from our campus will participate in a six-hour guided tour of Monument Valley's most important cultural and archeological sites. The event's objective is to learn about the culture, traditions, and beliefs of the Diné (Navajo People) and how that may affect the relationship with Native American students and the everyday teaching and mentoring practices.
Our tour will be provided by Monument Valley Safari and guided by Don Mose Jr. We will leave Blanding at 7:00 in the morning and return from Monument Valley at 2:30 pm. The tour includes a stop at Golding's Lodge Restaurant for lunch.
Those interested in participating visit the NASNTI website at < https://statewide.usu.edu/blanding/nasnti/ > for directions.

7:00 am - 4:30 pm |



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