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Friday, September 11

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The Day After Tomorrow: Art in Response to Turmoil and Hope


Our new reality is profoundly different than it was six months ago. Curated amid pandemic and protests, "The Day After Tomorrow: Art in Response to Turmoil and Hope" explores how artists respond to crisis, offering parallels to our own emotions and experiences this year.

"The Day After Tomorrow" is divided into three themes. "A Better Tomorrow" focuses on transcendence, alternate realities, the divine, afterlife, and bliss. "A Worse Yesterday" comprises works of art that address events that have shaken the world and thrown it into crises such as world wars, nuclear proliferation, AIDS, genocide, racism, and immigration. "Awry Ecosystem" focuses on art by artists concerned with the environment and how humans are changing it.

Also included is a Community Response Space, which will feature rotating exhibitions of work by local artists and where you can share your personal journey through an interactive display.

10:00 am - 7:00 pm | Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art |

African American Art, Social Justice, and Identity: Works by Black Artists from the NEHMA Collection


"African American Art, Social Justice and Identity" addresses Black identity in the United States through works of art by ten African American artists and ephemera from collectives including the Black Panthers, spanning 1887-1989. Sourced from the NEHMA collection, these artworks provide compelling visual form to racism, discrimination, and inequality.

10:00 am - 7:00 pm | Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art |

Women, Surrealism, and Abstraction


During the 20th century, art made by women was often overlooked or dismissed by museums, collectors, and art historians. Featuring work by 46 artists, "Women, Surrealism, and Abstraction" attempts to present a more holistic and complex view of art history—one that highlights artwork by women pushing beyond societal expectations and creative limitations through Surrealism and abstraction. Also featured alongside the art are 16 poems written by women in the Cache Valley literary community.

10:00 am - 7:00 pm | Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art |

Getting It Together: Body, Mind, and Spirit Self-Care in Tough Times


We are living in a remarkable time. The pandemic has shaken people throughout the world, disrupting familiar routines and practices and creating chaos to one degree or another in our lives. Whether you have been working from home or lost employment, found your work environment or family gatherings altered by social distancing, become your children’s/grandchildren’s school-at-home teacher, been overwhelmed by the daily reporting of statistics, or become sick or cared for someone who has become sick, daily life now offers significant added challenges and worries. While we soldier on trying to adjust to the “new now,” it is important that we practice good self-care to manage the impact of the stressors on our bodies, minds, and spirits. This workshop will engage participants in ways to live in the present moment, be open to a variety of perspectives, develop awareness of one’s breath, experience the practice of the “beginner’s mind,” discover ways to find and release tension in the body, and explore their own embodiment as a way to confirm wholeness and well-being. Wear comfortable clothing that allows for ease of movement and be prepared to nurture your whole self!

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Virtual Applied Math Seminar


Understanding & Predicting Organic Pollutant Fate in Aquaculture-Modified Ecosystems Using a Multimedia Chemical Fate Model.

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Online/Virtual |




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