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Exploring the Intersectionality of Race & Gender

Panel Discussion/Presentation

Although 2020 will be known as the year of the global pandemic, it will also be recognized for years to come as the year of a dramatic shift in the discussion of race in America. This equality dialogue also builds on the ongoing discussion of women’s equity propelled by #MeToo movement in 2015. The Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements have placed a spotlight on enduring racial and gender inequalities in the U.S. Both movements were launched by Black women who continue to call attention to the intersections between race and gender in shaping opportunity and justice in America. The purpose of this panel discussion is to explore these issues in the U.S. and Utah. Join us as we examine the lived experiences of women and girls of color and how they navigate politics, the workplace, education, and mental health services. The panel will also examine the roles of power and identity and how they contribute to the experience of marginalization and oppression for many women. Finally, we will turn to how we can all challenge race and gender norms, break stereotypes, empower each other, and learn to celebrate our similarities and differences. In addition, we will discuss how all of us can take action in ways that will respect and benefit everyone.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Online/Virtual |

Science Unwrapped: Brave New World

Panel Discussion/Presentation | Science Unwrapped

Dr. Nick Flann from the Computer Science Department at Utah State University will present a talk about the spread of misinformation through social media. Join us for a virtual presentation at http://aggiecast.usu.edu/. A live Q&A with Dr. Flann will follow.

7:00 am - 8:00 pm |




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